WTS Shaiya 4ever items 11/23/2016 - Shaiya Trading - 2 Replies Ohgerton top w/ ele1 5s links
Ohgerton muffler/ walker - Linked with 5s and duals
Ohgerton leggings - Linked with 5s and 6s fortune
Mithril Helm - Linked with Craft/Shrewd helm Lapis/duals
Legendary Immortal Pain w/ ele1 5s links
Legendary Psophos w/ ele 1 Craft Shrewd 5s and 6s links
Goddess Immortal Pain w/ ele1 semi clean
Legendary Psophos Karma w/ ele 1 5s linked
[WTS]League Of Shaiya/Shaiya Sanctuary/Cryptic Shaiya items,accs. 07/15/2016 - Shaiya Trading - 0 Replies Cryptic Shaiya: Max ranked acc, isn't geared, has some gold etc but no gears. Price = 15$/€
League Of Shaiya: Maxed Fighter Set,weaps,cape + accesories / Maxed Archer set,weaps,cape. Got Letters aswell and GM RR's. = 15$
Shaiya Sanctuary: 3 Maxed donation F/D Sets(4 2hand weaps, 8 blunts, 2 shields + accesories), 30day bfr's, Gold, Max ranked account (You offer me for sanctuary stuff n tell me what u need)
If you are interested feel free to send me a pm here.
WTB Shaiya 4ever items paying shiaya OS ops 05/19/2016 - Shaiya Trading - 0 Replies WTB Shaiya 4ever accaunts / items all where have in 4ever
me paying ops in Shaiya OS
skype : defa-um1
(WTB shaiya 4ever items paying ops in shaiya os)
[Trading] Invasion Shaiya MAXED ITEMS for Shaiya exile (or other serves) account/items !! 03/20/2015 - Shaiya Trading - 8 Replies As the title says
What i have on shaiya invasion:
Gladiator Set ( best set Fig/Def in game ) full linked with best lapis
x1 Gladiator Top ( another element ) full linked with best lapis