WTT X7 Ops in shaiya US For some items Donation in Shaiya heroes 02/20/2013 - Shaiya Trading - 0 Replies As tittle says i only have 7 ops =.- because when got scammed got scammed most of my ops so yeah Looking for Shaiya heroes Stuff Donation skype-itsjery
Hiddenkal, Lost my donation points... 09/07/2012 - Kal Online - 10 Replies Yo, yesterday i bought about 1400 donation points on one character and 180 on another cause i already had 3400 points on my main account. Well yea lets get to it.
When i got my points on both account i sent them to my main character, when i log into my main hes like stuck, he can move but he has no skills and all the players are freezed.
Then today when i came home, i tryed log in the bug was gone... but the 1580 points were gone, ADMIN/GM please help me.. any one knows how to do?
Donation Points [hack-help] 08/21/2012 - General Gaming Discussion - 4 Replies i play on a private server, u can get donation points by voting on various toplist, so i is there a way to vote like 100 times with wpe or sth else? :)