Hello these days I saw a shaiya server that has some costum mobs, does anyone know what software they use to convert the 3D models into 3DC ? and also how they added a new animation file ?
thank you.
[3D-Models] Metin2 3D-Models Shop Keyto-Shop.com 02/21/2018 - Metin2 Trading - 62 Replies https://images.weserv.nl/?url=keyto-shop.com%2Fima ges%2F50off.png
i offer you here my 3D-Models Service
On Keyto-Shop.com you get more information about it.
Models on the map/Models auf der Karte 08/19/2016 - Metin2 Private Server - 0 Replies Hey,
you know where can I find these or similar models as shown in the video below ?
Sie wissen, wo kann ich unter diesen oder ähnliche Modelle , wie es im Video finden?
Regards and thanks for your help.
Grüße und vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.
[HOW TO] Mob proto.xml Mob Names - Mob Proto.txt Help me 03/25/2015 - Metin2 Private Server - 2 Replies Hi Metin2 Dev
Mob proto.xml How to Mob Names.txt - Mob Proto.txt Converts ?
Help Me :(
How Mob Names.txt - Mob Proto.txt ? help me :(
<Mob vnum="34012" name="¾Æ±â ÆÒ´õ" locale_name="¾Æ±â ÆÒ´õ" type="1" rank="5" battle_type="0" level="1" size="0" gold_min="0" gold_max="0" exp="10" max_hp="120" regen_cycle="3" regen_percent="1" def="4" ai_flag="0" setRaceFlag="0" setImmuneFlag="43" st="0" dx="0" ht="0" iq="0" damage_min="0" damage_max="0" attack_speed="100" move_speed="100"...
WoW Models in Flyff Models "umwandeln"? 08/16/2011 - Flyff Private Server - 2 Replies Hey Leute habe eine Frage und zwar, ob ich die WoW Models irgendwie in Flyff Models umwandeln kann, und sie so im Beast einsetzen kann?
Würde das gehn und wenn ja, wie?