First of all I never got fired, I resigned. How ignorant does a person have to be to post stuff and not know the facts, Ms.Tina. You’re the one who needs to be ignored in this community after your absurd and and disrespectful comments throughout this entire community.
Here is evidence backing my statement
Originally Posted by xiaxue
Nope, it's up lol. Please ignore the guy who got fired.. clearly he not stable.
Originally Posted by Nah.
Anybody who makes Tina and Nurikol (mainly Tina) staff in their server will always have drama.
Free gears for their friends by the way. (I know from experience).
Also mark my words how they will turn against this server in the future. You just got to wait until their friend opens a cash grab server again. I'll watch from a distance and see how things unfold lol. Quote me when they start sharing screen shots and talking s--t about this server
Lol some people never learn, they are users and only for the donations then shut down the server like Diverge. Thank you for your feedback.
Originally Posted by jlspade
This is really sad this dude must have no life. I cant beleive days after he is still pming people all over social media non stop. But thats ok these types of people look up to me. He is just pissed i did not agree with every move he said and got but hurt and quit over it. Probably should not of made this post cause now he is going to write up a 10 page essay about Mr.Duyo sir aka pa freaking justin lmao.
Thanks for the free bumbs though.
Nobody got hurt, just someone like me who is stubborn and doesn’t listen to What others tell me about someone, I wait for clarification before assumptions. You are also a pathological liar, and need someone else to defend you for the simple fact you know you are wrong, neither of you are posting evidence backing your statements. If you think I am looking up to a person who uses people for beneficiary and then after they give all they got back stab them, you are obviously the crazy one.
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Just before they ask for evidence of Nurkiol hiding from the discord under another name from this community as staff. Please check this screenshot
Originally Posted by Meowt
Antoni when are you actuallu gonna stfu? You got rekt g imagine invensting 400 Euros on a server in 2k19 and get fucked by the end
Whenever I choose too, money is nothing to me, that’s far from the point I am making its more so to choose wisely on who you trust, and give your loyalty too. But thanks for your feedback also troll.
Originally Posted by paketon
so this server is down??
Sooner then later it will be, once Justin decides he’s not making profit from this community as he desires, like spyrow said about Diverge.