Originally Posted by kath95
Hey EB.
Im start again the SF at GE4. im use NerusBot.
- want to know whick map the best for glitters and which options? im collect now 10k pearls/ night :/ i don't know how.. my speed is good.
-How can i collect more and more "HONEYCAKE" from chest box i have max 50 honeycake from 30 chest.
-Its possible to get a special desing with easy way?
I want to buy an account at GEx servers. max 50€ im wait the offers.
Thanks for the replies, sorry for my english and not kill me if im write something wrong.. im again a new persen here
There isn't the "best" map for botting for glitters. You have to look by yourself which map has the lowest amount of players and use the bot there.
I also wouldn't bot for glitters to gain pearls it's much better to bot on the raidmap (little raidmap ~60-100k pearls, which depends on your ship and how much damage you deal).
If you want to get more stuff from chest you need talents in your skilltree.
If you want to get an special design in a easy way, buy it. But I would recommend you to wait for a good event, for example the "Pirate Lords Event".
However, if your ship isn't that good (less than 10k damage with hollows) then buy a good one for 50€.