[Search] Seafight bugs/bot 09/19/2012 - Seafight - 10 Replies Hey , i'm searching for seafight bugs ( canon generater.....etc)
I'm seaching it for free ! And i'm seaching SF proxy too !
I can also give for who want :
-Kraken don't shoot you
-Free Skills changement
-Automatic pirates generater on your ship ( always have 300 pirates on your ship )
-Raise Many milions in bazaar and only pay juste few gold
Ex : Raise 15 milions gold and paye juste 15 gold
[Search] Seafight Bot 08/11/2012 - Seafight - 0 Replies I am seaching a bot can do Gold,Glitters,Bonus Maps and catch keys
[Search] Seafight Cannon Generator 07/11/2012 - Seafight - 4 Replies Hello,
After being hacked, I lost all my elite stuff like cannons and bullets.
That's why I'm looking for a good guy that could generate cannons for my account :handsdown:
Seafight Crystal and Pearl Bug 05/28/2012 - Seafight - 2 Replies I put this title because I know all the people will be enter. So when the trusted members from here told. Not make public bug. Some people from here make public ( just stupid people). Now all the account was use this bug is banned right now. My account is still banned from 20 min. Now BP know how this bug work and will be fixed and all will be banned. Why not understand NOT MAKE PUBLIC BUG STUPID PEOPLE. I know somebody that use this bug since 3 months and dont tell how works. Now because...