random XXX 02/17/2009 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies servus zusammen.
gibt es ne möglichkeit bei ner /random verlosung auf nem liveserver dem glück einwenig auf die sprünge zu helfen? würd mich über hilfreiche antworten freun
It is not random! 12/08/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 19 Replies I feel very sorry for those who still think lottery, sockets, mets, dbs from monsters are random. It is not! Does somebody learn math at school? Ok, ill explain my theory, that you could understand the pattern of possibilities.
Lets say we have a blue, red, and two green balls in a box. You must draw one. What is the possibility you draw a red one? it is 25% , or 1/4 . Becouse a red ball is one of four. How much chances we have to draw a green ball? The chances are 50% = 2/4 = 1/2
Random 10/12/2008 - Guild Wars - 16 Replies Hi, bin neu im Scripten...
Will bei meinen kleinen Bot ein Recconect-Feature einbauen.
Nun hab ich aber das Problem:
Ich kriegs nicht hin das sich mein Bot nach einer Random Zeit ausloggt. Er loggt sich immer gleich aus..
Random. 04/03/2008 - MapleStory - 3 Replies Well, I'm stuck at 99 post and I want 100. I have nothing else to post on though! So I'm gonna post something random of course! Sooooo, if anyone wants to add me on Msn, I'll post my E-mail at the bottom of this thread today. Abuse it and I'll illmediantly remove it. Anyways. Hows everyone likeing Elitepvpers. I love it if y'all havn't noticed. That's just me though. I'm weird like that! anyways. I really don't know what to write about right now so......THIS IS MY 100 POST I THINK!!!!