[Selling] S4 ACCOUNT DUAL MASTERY GOOD ENCHANTS 12/10/2017 - S4 League Trading - 4 Replies Hey everyone i'm selling my S4 account, some ss here https://imgur.com/a/nwQvc.
Enchants are good there is some top 4melee/Pants 4td/Shoes 3speed etc etc i can send more screenshot. The price is around 60€ negotiable, add me on discord Dr3w#2537 or give me your skype in comment i'll add you.
[Selling] Cheap S4 account /Good enchants & Dual 10/28/2017 - S4 League Trading - 2 Replies Hallo i'm selling my account
Full fp, a lot of set, weapon with good enchants & dual
Add me on skype: [email protected] we'll talk about price, i'll send you ss of the acc etc.
[Selling] S4 Lvl 80 Acc + S4DB Acc + Email Acc / 3 Esper Sets, good Enchants etc. 02/19/2017 - S4 League Trading - 0 Replies S4 Account
Hallo ich möchte meinen S4 Account verkaufen, da ich schon eine weile nicht mehr gespielt habe.
Level: 80
Combi Level: 33
Pen: 120k ca.
Regimail: ja von Alaplaya und Aeriagames
Alter: 2012