As title Says little tut about the mission bug
Methode 1:
1. Download Netlimiter and a VPN Programm (I Use HideAllIP)
2. Do your missions ingame but don't claim the reward
3. Start Netlimiter, the VPN of your choice,TaskManager and then S4
4. Join a server
5. Go to netlimiter and limit the download speed (DL) of your VPN to 5 b/s
6. Open Mission Window click redeem (the requesting window should appear)
7. kill S4 With TaskManager realy fast (i recommand making s4 in window mode for that)
Have Fun
Credits that [Omar] dude
I Wont give any support since it is very simple
Methode 2:
Don't know if ^This still works but you can try it i'm to lazy atmQuote:
older verison of mission req address s4client.exe+B73160 hf testing around, its possible to make an easy script for it without NetlimiterGoodluck peeps
P.S. my english sucks