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Favorite Rust Cheats I've Used For 2022/Review
Discussion on Favorite Rust Cheats I've Used For 2022/Review within the Rust forum part of the Popular Games category.
11/25/2022, 00:27
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Favorite Rust Cheats I've Used For 2022/Review
Quantum Cheats, without a doubt my favorite Rust cheat. Has so many crazy features that can be used to play perfectly legit or rage cheat like crazy. Has things you rarely see in other cheats and feels super fluid. I've had a few problems with it such as crashing in certain parts of the map consistently, and the cheat seems unable to run on your system if you use any Ring1 cheats. Besides that 100/10 worth the cost.
WR Gamers cheat, this cheat is very much for legit play and is by far the most stable cheat I've used for Rust. Never had any real problems with the cheat just wish it had a few feature additions or reworks. For example it has no psilent, and visibility checks with the aimbot can be pretty terrible. If you wanna play legit id put this cheat in the top two maybe number one.
Evil Cheats, I mostly like this cheat back before they vastly lowered the price but for rage cheating its by far my favorite. You use to be able to play legit with it but ever sense the price drop it gets detected on the regular. If you want an amazing cheat for very cheap to go fuck around look no further then Evil Cheats.
Rust Rp Pro. I don't exactly know the name of this cheat but I will link the resellers discord, its a very unique Rust cheat. The bypass is very unusual and it can be a real pain to setup but for playing legit I don't think its ever really been detected. He has it listed as Rust RP Pro but he lists all cheats he sells under fake names so if someone wants to leave a comment with its real name ill update this post with its real name. It has very few features and the psilent can be pretty awful but you would have to genuinely try to be banned or caught with this cheat. It still gives you a nice edge up on everyone while being as safe as you can from being banned. Razen#5816 is the resellers discord.
Last Cheats Rust. Last Cheats Rust, Lc is a technically an unreleased Rust cheat that has a bunch of features and is very solid. Sometimes things with the cheat can be a little weird. I've noticed psilent do some bizarre things when shooting. I've also restarted my system and launched Rust to find LC Rust had somehow loaded up on its own, I'm not sure how that's possible but it did. This is definitely a cheat to look for in the future as it has a lot of potential. LC is also well known in the cheating community.
Mem-Solutions. Mem-Solutions is a cheat I have a serious love hate relationship with. I love the cheat because its aimbot is absolutely disgusting. You can kill every person on the map through walls on full rage settings. I cant think of any Rust aimbot that could beat Mem Solutions, the number of various exploits and features it has for its aimbot are crazy. I hate the cheat because it is incredibly unstable from my personal experience, its tends to crash Rust and bluescreen you're PC nearly every hour. Injecting the cheat also tends to take a long time. Mem-Solutions use to be a far more popular cheat but then a large amount of drama surfaced around the developer that I wont get into. Personally I will always come back to this cheat every few months but could never rely upon it as my sole Rust cheat.
cheats I've used but didn't include, NaxoProject, Lucky Cheat, Rust Carbon, Disarray, Ring1 Rust, Exspira Rust, Ruby Rust, CR3 Rust, Oribtal Rust, ECO cheats.
11/25/2022, 02:02
elite*gold: 1421
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Originally Posted by Clarkina
1. Quantum Cheats, without a doubt my favorite Rust cheat. Has so many crazy features that can be used to play perfectly legit or rage cheat like crazy. Has things you rarely see in other cheats and feels super fluid. I've had a few problems with it such as crashing in certain parts of the map consistently, and the cheat seems unable to run on your system if you use any Ring1 cheats. Besides that 100/10 worth the cost.
2. WZ Gamers cheat, this cheat is very much for legit play and is by far the most stable cheat I've used for Rust. Never had any real problems with the cheat just wish it had a few feature additions or reworks. For example it has no psilent, and visibility checks with the aimbot can be pretty terrible. If you wanna play legit id put this cheat in the top two maybe number one.
3. Evil Cheats, I mostly like this cheat back before they vastly lowered the price but for rage cheating its by far my favorite. You use to be able to play legit with it but ever sense the price drop it gets detected on the regular. If you want an amazing cheat for very cheap to go fuck around look no further then Evil Cheats.
4. I don't exactly know the name of this cheat but I will link the resellers discord, its a very unique Rust cheat. The bypass is very unusual and it can be a real pain to setup but for playing legit I don't think its ever really been detected. He has it listed as Rust RP Pro but he lists all cheats he sells under fake names so if someone wants to leave a comment with its real name ill update this post with its real name. It has very few features and the psilent can be pretty awful but you would have to genuinely try to be banned or caught with this cheat. It still gives you a new edge up on everyone while be as safe as you can be from being banned. Razen#5816 is the resellers discord.
Honorable Mention: Last Cheats Rust, Lc is a technically unreleased Rust cheat that has a bunch of features and is very solid. Sometimes things with the cheat can be a little weird. I've noticed psilent do some bizarre things when shooting. I've also restarted my system and launched Rust to find LC Rust had somehow loaded up on its own which I'm not quite sure how that's possible. This is definitely a cheat to look for in the future as it has a lot of potential. LC is also well known in the cheating community.
cheats I've used but didn't include, NaxoProject, Lucky Cheat, Rust Carbon, Disarray, Mem Solutions, Ring1 Rust, There is three others but I dont remember the exact names.
This is a good write up. Cheers for posting
11/25/2022, 03:50
elite*gold: 83
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evilcheats really good for getting banned 2 mins into wipe!
11/25/2022, 04:10
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I legit cheated with Evilcheats for 11 months, I put over 2600 hours into that account. It took 11 months and 2600 hours for me to get banned using Evilcheats. Now that was before the price drop and there entire bypass getting detected/fixed, but I have to at least include them because of how long I used them for and how much fun I had with them. It is also still a great cheat for raging because its cheap and you don't care if you get banned at that point. I know there going on some rough times right now, but getting detected often is guaranteed when you're price is that cheap. If you are concerned about the cheat getting detected you're gonna have to use a more expensive cheat. Expensive cheats get detected less often because they are more exclusive and less people rage cheat with them. Most I ever payed for a Rust cheat was a $600 private cheat, and it has not been detected by EAC for 2-3 years. The mid range for Rust cheat costs is around 60-80 a month, more expensive is around 115-160 a month, private is usually an expensive invite fee and then after the initial invite fee 120-180 a month. Mid range cheats usually get detected every 5-8 months, lately its been a bit more often. Private cheats can vary alot depending on the features and bypass there using but usually good private cheats are detected like once a year.
12/03/2022, 04:05
elite*gold: 0
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Where can I find the WZGamers cheat you listed as #2?
12/03/2022, 14:05
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by DaBabysJuul
Where can I find the WZGamers cheat you listed as #2?
Its linked in the List of legit providers posts

but I would check with the devs first before buying it because I know it recently got detected along with a large number of other Rust cheats.
12/04/2022, 11:41
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Clarkina
Its linked in the List of legit providers posts  
but I would check with the devs first before buying it because I know it recently got detected along with a large number of other Rust cheats.
Thank you, and thank you for the constant updating of the list! Makes everything 100000x easier. Will get in contact and give it a check out.
Does anyone know if the Carbon cheat on DepremiereShop's store is legit/undetected?
Also, if anyone is looking for a good cheat to use for legit cheating, I have been using GCAimX for the past 2 months and only got banned today because I logged in without using the spoofer that comes with the cheat, as the cheat was updating (as most cheats are because of the recent QoL update.)
Anyways, the only issues with this cheat (in my opnion) are the visibility check for ESP can be a bit iffy, as sometimes it shows someone as being visible when they're not, such as through walls (on certain occassions) or hills (more often). There's also no admin mode, and the devs prioritize working on their MW2/WZ2 cheats, as well as Apex and a few other games over Rust, so customer service is a bit ehh.
EDIT: CUSTOMER SUPPORT IS ABSOLUTELY DOGSHIT. They respond 20+ hours, sometimes even days, after you make a ticket and 99% of the time tell you to ask in telegram or discord, in which you will be ignored by all mods, and sometimes someone in chat will be curtious enough to answer you.
Settings I've Used for Legit Play:
FOV 15-20
Recoil Yaw: 50
Recoil Pitch: 50
Smooth: 8-10
Humanized Smooth: 8-10
Aimbot Distance: 150-200
Aimbone: Random
Prediction: Movement & Bullet Drop
Player ESP Distance: 150-200
Item ESP: Toggle AirDrop, WorldDrop, NPC, Corpse, Traps (& Crates, Ores, Vehicles, etc. if needed)
Item ESP Distance: 100-120
12/04/2022, 13:02
elite*gold: 0
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I can vouch for Rust Carbon Ive used it. I didn't use it long enough to be willing to write a review but from what I remember it was a solid cheat. I don't believe it's detected but you can check depshops status page I know they resell it.
12/04/2022, 13:13
elite*gold: 387
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Didn't know that QC was still active
Going to take a look
12/04/2022, 15:49
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Quantum got detected on like the 28th of November, people were getting delayed bans. Its currently in testing, there is a lot of resellers for it if you want a link to one I've personally bought from let me know.
12/06/2022, 05:16
elite*gold: 0
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how would you rate exspira
12/06/2022, 08:52
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I've had quite a few people message me on discord about Exspira Rust, I wont be posting a review until two things happen, I've used the cheat for longer, and I get there permission. For public cheats I will write reviews at will but I will only review private cheats with the developers permission.
12/06/2022, 15:55
elite*gold: 76
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Originally Posted by DaBabysJuul
Thank you, and thank you for the constant updating of the list! Makes everything 100000x easier. Will get in contact and give it a check out.
Does anyone know if the Carbon cheat on DepremiereShop's store is legit/undetected?
Also, if anyone is looking for a good cheat to use for legit cheating, I have been using GCAimX for the past 2 months and only got banned today because I logged in without using the spoofer that comes with the cheat, as the cheat was updating (as most cheats are because of the recent QoL update.)
Anyways, the only issues with this cheat (in my opnion) are the visibility check for ESP can be a bit iffy, as sometimes it shows someone as being visible when they're not, such as through walls (on certain occassions) or hills (more often). There's also no admin mode, and the devs prioritize working on their MW2/WZ2 cheats, as well as Apex and a few other games over Rust, so customer service is a bit ehh.
Other than that, the cheat is 11/10, especially with security.
Settings I've Used for Legit Play:
FOV 15-20
Recoil Yaw: 50
Recoil Pitch: 50
Smooth: 8-10
Humanized Smooth: 8-10
Aimbot Distance: 150-200
Aimbone: Random
Prediction: Movement & Bullet Drop
Player ESP Distance: 150-200
Item ESP: Toggle AirDrop, WorldDrop, NPC, Corpse, Traps (& Crates, Ores, Vehicles, etc. if needed)
Item ESP Distance: 100-120
These people are resellers and not developers, but pose as they are. As a second note, I assume you're using their eac/be spoofer (ours) and as we are unable to continue our cooperation with them their eac/be spoofer will be coming to an end and need to be replaced eventually.
12/12/2022, 13:22
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Originally Posted by Clarkina
I legit cheated with Evilcheats for 11 months, I put over 2600 hours into that account. It took 11 months and 2600 hours for me to get banned using Evilcheats. Now that was before the price drop and there entire bypass getting detected/fixed, but I have to at least include them because of how long I used them for and how much fun I had with them. It is also still a great cheat for raging because its cheap and you don't care if you get banned at that point. I know there going on some rough times right now, but getting detected often is guaranteed when you're price is that cheap. If you are concerned about the cheat getting detected you're gonna have to use a more expensive cheat. Expensive cheats get detected less often because they are more exclusive and less people rage cheat with them. Most I ever payed for a Rust cheat was a $600 private cheat, and it has not been detected by EAC for 2-3 years. The mid range for Rust cheat costs is around 60-80 a month, more expensive is around 115-160 a month, private is usually an expensive invite fee and then after the initial invite fee 120-180 a month. Mid range cheats usually get detected every 5-8 months, lately its been a bit more often. Private cheats can vary alot depending on the features and bypass there using but usually good private cheats are detected like once a year.
The cost of a cheat does not necessarily affect its likelihood of being detected. While a more expensive cheat may have fewer users, this does not guarantee its safety. History has shown that the price of a cheat does not necessarily correlate with its detection rate. It is important to carefully consider the risks and potential consequences before using any type of cheat.
12/12/2022, 13:44
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by !nvictus-Load
The cost of a cheat does not necessarily affect its likelihood of being detected. While a more expensive cheat may have fewer users, this does not guarantee its safety. History has shown that the price of a cheat does not necessarily correlate with its detection rate. It is important to carefully consider the risks and potential consequences before using any type of cheat.
The reason the price of the cheat doesn't always correlate is sellers often times lie about the cheat they are selling. 95% of new cheats I see being sold as private cheats are just people reselling cheap cheats under a new name for 5x times the price. Regardless the price does correlate because an amazing cheat being sold for $5 a month is always gonna be detected more then an amazing cheat being sold for $120 a month because of the size of the user base. The fewer users a cheat has, the lower chance of the cheat being detected or noticed. Price is often used as a deterrent to lower the number of people using a cheat while still earning the same amount of money. Other deterrents to lower user numbers is things such as ID verification, or application processes. Only allowing monthly purchases also helps chase away people who buy a day key and then rage cheat with it. If user numbers didn't matter then slotted/private cheats wouldn't be such a big deal.
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