[Selling] Lvl 110, Master Rank S4 + S6, 1 golden gun available + golden genji bought 11/09/2017 - Overwatch Trading - 3 Replies SOLD
-PC account
-3522 MASTER final S6 rank
-Lvl 110 OW account
-FREE name change still available
-Competitive points: 3460 = 1 FREE golden gun purchase
-Golden Genji gun already purchased
Personal Master Acc|choose 2 Golden Guns|Ana Golden Gun|Oni Genji| Top 500 Acc 09/12/2017 - Overwatch Trading - 0 Replies Hi,
I am selling my personal account since i stopped playing ow.
Account includes:
-Rank 3656SR/SH
-Top 500 Season 3
-Golden Weapon Ana
-6000 Competitive Points = 2 golden weapons of your choice
-decent amount of skins,event skins (summer,halloween) + oni genji skin
Overwatch Diamond Account. Golden Mccree gun + 3000 ranked points (free golden gun) 12/14/2016 - Overwatch Trading - 2 Replies Hi Guys, I'm selling my Overwatch Account because my school is getting serious and i need money. He got for like every character Legendary skins and around 1.8k credits. Highest rank was 3169, season 3 was bullshit. 3090 highest in season 3, now around 2.7k. If you are interested type ur skype name as comment, i will add you.