Thank you for noticing my advert for the server: [UK/EU] Rusticles|5X|ActiveAdmins|Clans|Kits. I would very much appreciate if you were to take your time and to read it all. I decided to create this server for the sole point that I love Rust and would very much enjoy if you were to come and join me on my server.
The peak times of the server is around 17:00 (GMT +1) since this is when most of the Rust community comes online. I will always try my best to give you the best experience you can have when playing Rust and if you have any problems then please don't be afraid to contact me (Pixel).
There are two ways in which you can connect to our server and they are:
1. Searching the name on the modded list which is... [UK/EU] Rusticles|5X|ActiveAdmins|Clans|Kits
2. Or by pressing f1 when you join the game and typing in the direct connect which is Client.connect (Without the )
Thank you for reading this advert hope to see you there!