Hi, its me Gurgen or gerble93, I am currently selling a Runescape account, please continue to read for more information, if you have any questions please feel free to send me a private message, or post here!
Account Info:
This account is a Runescape account; Combat Level: 30 Attack: 1 Strength: 56 Defense: 1 Prayer: 1 Magic: 1 Hitpoints: 45 Summon: 1
Willing to accept:
This time is paypal only. I will give you the account after you give me the money!
I am a mod, with 1 good sell, this means i can be trust worthy.
Selling level 128 runescape account for a 1 def pure 06/27/2009 - Runescape Trading - 3 Replies Heyy guys i've decided i want to start a pure but i dont have time for it atm so i decided to swap my old main which i never use for one.
The stats are :
99 attack
99 strength
69k till 96 defence
99 hitpoints
70 prayer
58 summoning
85 range
87mage The only requirements the pure needs is it has to
Selling Runescape pure lvl 65 for lvl 100+ archer!!! 02/14/2008 - Runescape Trading - 3 Replies Hi all, I selling my Runescape pure for a CO 100+ archer!! The stats: 77Str 2Def 60Attack 66HP 58Mage Done Lost city Monkey madness and Desert Treasure!
My Msn: Votez @ H o t m a i l . c o m :)
Picture of Account
Selling Runescape Pure + 10m For C02 02/14/2008 - Runescape Trading - 2 Replies I have a level 80... with 77 str 60 attack 45 def 82 magic 52 prayer 71 range ect ect...
Wont sell the account unless for like a level 130.... As id like to keep my rare pure....
Although the money is going for almost anything
( NO I DONT MEAN ILL GIVE YOU 10M FOR a Level 15 C02 Account)