Buying 50$ worth of RS GP. 09/20/2012 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies PM Me. Must have alot of feedback etc.
Is WoW worth buying? 04/14/2012 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies Hi guys I was wonderign what the pros and cons were of WoW.
I'm deciding whether to buy it or not :p
Which bot is worth buying? 12/01/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 11 Replies Hello guys... recently ivbeen thinking about buying a bot for lvling warriors/ninja..
i dont know if 5bot is still working or the new bot which has been recently launched is better.. as i had quit co
i just need your suggestion about which bot is better...
Are sockets worth buying? 01/29/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 29 Replies I have made a socket in 7 met scrolls before. People say u usually make a socket within 200 meteors. In the market, a socket is usually 100kk. With 100k, i can buy 66 met scrolls (1.5kk each) which means 660 meteors... and if the statistics are right, i can make at least 1 socket and maybe more.
I am level 115 right now, doing moonbox all day, I only have 20KK right now, buying meteor scrolls when i see them below 1.6kk...
I'll post the update when i have the 66 meteor scrolls (the price...
is guildwars worth buying? 11/24/2005 - Guild Wars - 3 Replies Is guildwars worth buying, or should i get world of warcraft?