WTT 50 cleric 50 rogue 34 mage account and 50 warrior 50 mage account defiant 11/06/2011 - Rift Trading - 4 Replies first account
Defiant 50 Bahmi Warrior with full t3 *RAID gear* Relic 2handed Axe "The Soul Reaper" 2 GM professions Hammerknell READY.. both dps and tank gear. Spirit Horse from River of Souls and 10 other mounts. Defiant Mage with a mixture of t3 and t2. 3 GM professions. The account has a good deal of cash on it and items on twinks. thats account 1 and this is account 2 all come with guise of death..
second account
rare right click illusion cleric has 3 sets of gear with tank set 12.4k...