I think there was already something similar but...
Please share your ideas with others and one day we will have a better Rohan
In advance, I would like to apologise for the wrong spelling, wording or other mistakes that I already did or will make in the following text.
To start with, I think the game is dead at this point. I love the theme, the concept, and many other aspects, but it just missed the turn and did not evolve like other games. (I would suggest main reason for this is greed of publishers.)
Unfortunately, I have no experience or skill to create, rework or setup a server. I got just that obsessive idea of a better Rohan. (According to my believing) Well, I just thought I would share it, and if I'm lucky, someone with the required skills would be inspired by it...
My main problem with current Rohan is their stat system (more the fact that some stats are useless or less effective than others), skill system (some are just unused at all), but main problem is the grinding/farming/paying wall that there is.
I can not speak for everyone, but I firmly believe that everyone plays for the PvP aspect and not because they like to turn on the HK and occasionally check the screen.
I am not sure how to formulate following that it is understandable but…
The general idea is to base the game on an arena matches party against a party. The winning team / party wins some points in the ranking. The top 3 teams will receive costumes for one month at the end of the month. (or any other cosmetic effect that would show who is the KING)
To eliminate the unassay time spent on leveling / farming items required for participation, I think a character should be created with maximum level from the beginning. The character should also have the opportunity to have few base gear sets needed for participating in arena battles.
To make sure that the pve aspect is not completely removed, I suggest creating a variety of none regular gear (legendary gear). These items would be more suitable to specific play styles / builds or others, but should never deliver higher core values than those specified when creating the character.
I would suggest making mobs drop crafting ingredients. These ingredients can then be used to make pieces of equipment and these are forged into gear... I think this process should take a while. To make it a little more fun, I would recommend making sure if a player dies he loses some equipment (half of the items that are in his bag)
So much more, but it's getting too long and I have not even reached half of what I'd like to bring down. So I just skip to my next concern “the stat system”.
In first place I would drastically simplify the system to the basics.
So there should be X main stats:
Power- magic/melee/ ranged damage as one stat
Defense- physical and magical defense. Should work like damage drop. (7500 Def= 75% damage drop)
Health and health regeneration- well health is ok but regeneration should be per sec and should regenerate % of your max health (1000 health and you regenerate 1 health per sec)
Mana and mana regeneration- same as health just the regeneration rates should be adjusted. Due to instant max level of a character I would as well suggest to adjust skill cost properly.
Elemental defense- will fill the role of magic defense
Attack speed- should be an static stat which is defined by weapon used (changed with rare buffs or other skills but not items)
RNG Stats (Crit, block, evasion and other)- should be removed/ replaced could be skills or effects on items (Ex. Next skill will be a crit, all damage taken for next X sec will futile/ be evaded, block all harmful effects and damage used against you)
This is certainly is not everything but I think it is already more than should be...
Well as no one is willing to I will just continue…
I think there is as well a massive problem in the Main Stats placement in the stat pyramid.
They are used as a base in combination with items and then buffed with melee/magic/ranged %
I would propose to rearrange the structure a bit (I guess it would require lot of changes in items, buffs, points gained per level)
There is as well the fact bothering me that racial starting main stats have no actual effect on game as the gain from leveling up is way to high. So I would suggest to reduce the amount gained to 20-50…
So the general idea is to use weapons and armor as core for secondary stats. Main stats would then provide a % boost to those. As well I think it would be effective to implant it in such a way that every class could benefit from every main stat.
For Example:
Intellect- Increase your max mana by %
Straight- Increase your max health by %
Toughness- Increase your defense by %
Wisdom- reduce cooldowns by %
Agility- Increase your movement speed by %
Willpower- Increase your elemental resistance by %
in buff/passives every class would have that they own stat/s that should be counted as main and provide biggest bonuses. (guardian- STR provides per point % to power/ priest every point of Int increases healing done by %...)