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Minion leveler bot

Discussion on Minion leveler bot within the Rift forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Minion leveler bot

Is anyone interested in a bot that sends your minions out on 1 minute adventures so you can level them up...if so ill release it and work on making it function for 5 and 15min adventures.
wowwzzer010 is offline  
Old 02/25/2015, 08:21   #2
elite*gold: 0
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i know its been a while...... but if you're still watching this thread i'd be interested so by all means release it if you've got it
Nicey is offline  
Old 02/26/2015, 04:16   #3
elite*gold: LOCKED
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I'm interested too
login2me is offline  
Old 03/05/2015, 18:40   #4
elite*gold: LOCKED
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I'm interested!
feedoffmyentrails is offline  
Old 09/14/2015, 16:07   #5
elite*gold: 0
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I don't actually use minions in Rift so I don't really know what all people would want this bot to do. I made the following 'simple' minion leveller that will do the same activity for every minion in your list.

List out the features you'd like to have in the bot and maybe I'll add them.


Odlid Tubpu

1. Install Autoit. Save the following to a file.

2. Fire Up Rift. Hit "V" to bring up your minion page. Change the sort order to be 'Stamina'

3. Run that file you saved from Autoit.

4. The Autoit console asks you to manually run one minion upgrade by hitting the Adventure, then selecting a minion, then hitting the "Send Now" button. You do not need to wait for it to finish the adventure...just click on the 'Hurry' button then click on the 'Cancel' when it asks you to spend RL $$ to speed up the minion levelling.

5. The bot doesn't know when you are done levelling - that is when all your minions are out of stamina. Just go outside (that place where there is sunshine) and have some fun for a while. When you come back your minions will have levelled or whatever you sent them on.

6. Press 'ESC' to stop the program from running

Programming notes:

1. As requested in a post above this does 1 minute quests (i.e. levelling quests). If you want to do 5 minute or 15 minute or 8h or whatever quests then you'll need to adjust a clearly marked parameter in the code.

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>

Local $pos[2]
Local $i, $j
Local $timer
Local $minionLevelCount
Global $g_AdventureCardLoc[2]
Global $g_MinionLoc[2]
Global $g_SendButtonLoc[2]
Global $g_AdventureClaimLoc[2]
Global $g_AdventureTime=60000 ; minion adventure time in milliseconds.  Change to 300000 for 5mins, 900000 for 15mins, 2880000 for 8hour, etc.



While 1
	; set minion reward card
	; select minion
	;Send the minion
	; now wait until the adventure is done
	; click the reward!

	; write out to the Autoit console the results
	ConsoleWrite(_NowTime(5)&" Minion Level "&$minionLevelCount&@LF)



Func Setup()
	Local $mousePos

	$mousePos=GetMouseClickPosition('Adventure Card')
	$g_AdventureCardLoc[0] = $mousePos[0]
	$g_AdventureCardLoc[1] = $mousePos[1]

	$mousePos=GetMouseClickPosition('Minion Card')
	$g_MinionLoc[0] = $mousePos[0]
	$g_MinionLoc[1] = $mousePos[1]

	$mousePos=GetMouseClickPosition('Send Now Button')
	$g_SendButtonLoc[0] = $mousePos[0]
	$g_SendButtonLoc[1] = $mousePos[1]

	$mousePos=GetMouseClickPosition('Hurry Button, wait a second, then click Cancel')
	$g_AdventureClaimLoc[0] = $mousePos[0]
	$g_AdventureClaimLoc[1] = $mousePos[1]
	; click the reward!

Func GetMouseClickPosition($clickPrompt)
	; handle for _isPressed
	Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll")
	Local $clicked
	Local $mousePos
	ConsoleWrite(_NowTime(5)&" ******************** Left Click "&$clickPrompt&" ***************"&$minionLevelCount&@LF)
	$clicked = False
	While Not $clicked
		If _IsPressed("01", $hDLL) Then
			; you clicked on the screen, get the position on the screen where the click was
			; now wait until the click is completed
			While _IsPressed("01", $hDLL) > 1
	Return $mousePos

Func Terminate()
Odlid Tubpu is offline  

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