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Alt Assist Macro

Discussion on Alt Assist Macro within the Rappelz forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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Alt Assist Macro

Does not work on official rappelz.
This is the full version that ive created. There is no longer a premium version, im making it completely free!

ive added quite a few features here.
first to note is this was made on an English client. so the awaken button will not work on non eng clients.

first were gonna take a look at the buttons.
middle mouse weel shows and hides altassist client
the buttons control every client hat you have selected
all at the same time!
first youll see at the bottom left of alt assist the buttons T,1,2,3,4,5,6. each of these is used to assing a window. t=templar, 1=window 1, 2=window 2 and so on..
C= clear all saved windows.
II= pause. pauses autonuke1/2 autobuff and full auto loops.
now the top row buttons.
for these buttons, you can change the icons to make it
easier to understand if you are primarily trying to
control an alt character in the background.
the icons dont change the functionality.
the exception to this is using pet attack icon on slot 1. if that is used

alright moving on.
next well take a look at select and start game.
select game, you want to locate the launcher in your
rappelz folder. then when you press start game just let it update for the firs
it update for the first run.
easy enough

skill up is another simple one. when you run skill up
the script will auto click the ^ on every skill or on
job level. whichever one you select. im already skilled up
up in this video so if you want to see a demonstration the
then you can checkout one of my other videos showing that
very easy to use. it stops when no other ^ is found.

next well take a look at awaken.
in this menu you can search for multiple stats at the same time
same time. the script will find multiple of the same stat and add them together to get a total!
in this box you want to set a minimum value. anything equal to or above that value will be found. make sure to have the checkbox next to enchant in the enchant window ticked on and window 1 assigned.

next were going to take a look at auto nuke and autobuff. again for this to work you need to have the window assigned. every window that is assigned will use its corresponding sequence in settings window. the input box that appears over auto nuke and other buttons are for setting the hotkey for that button so you dont have to click the button on the interface. in the window that pops up next to alt assist you will have your sequences and delays that you can customize for every window that you select. you can change the sequences for autonuke1/2/and auto buff here. you can also set a loop count at the bottom for both just incase you need to fire it a couple extra times incase a skill just isn't firing. when setting up sequences your are telling alt assist what button or button combination is normally pressed in order to fire that skill or buff. below will show you how you can set up sequences to correlate with your skill bar. make sure to hit save sequences when your done!

^ for Ctrl ^1|^2|3
! for Alt !1|2|!3
+ for Shift +1|2|+3
for example: pressing 1,2,3 buttons and the button in alt4 slot it would be structured like this: 1|2|3|!4

and on the delays page you will see an option to set the static delay or the more recommended (for ban evasion purposes) random delays. you can set a min and max. this is the dely between keypresses for both autonuke AND autobuff. once your sequences delays and you have a hotkey set, you are ready to start using autonuke1/2 and auto buff just make sre to set a hotkey for enable hotkeys aswell and hit save. the script will reload. set your windows using the 1-6 buttons at the bottom of alt assist then hit your hotkey to enable hotkeys. when your ready hit your hotkey or click the autonuke button on the interface to fire away on 1 client or all.
a side tip, even if all sequences have been setup for each window, only the windows youve selected will trigger.
also if you set loop count on auto nuke to 1, you can hold down the hotkey youve set for autonuke and it will rapid fire using the delay tat youve set in setings. (the 1through = button on top row of alt assist also do this rapid fire if held down but without the delay and that also effects all setup clients.

now lets take a look at auto heal. this is a work in progress. its full working but i plan to add ever class and every pet with a heal in the game for customizability. when you first click auto heal you're gonna see a message box that says to click the center of player health bar. you are going to click the spot on your health bar where you don't want your health going any lower than that. then you'll be asked to do so for 2 dif pets. if you dont have 2 pets just click the same location as the one pet you do have. currently only ol is a selectable class and wp and ep are only selectable pets. dont worry though if your class isn't on this massive list so far. just select ol. it wont make a difference. you dont have the ol heals on your bar they wont fire so nothing changes. same goes for pets. if the heals for the selected pet or class aren't available on your skill bar, no heals will happen.
when autoheal is active it will stay active until you turn off the script or reload.

next we take a look at full auto. this script uses the sequences in the settings window. just select what functions you want to enable then set the buff timer to buff ever so often if enabled and the random sleepmin max between autonuke keypresses. just follow the prompts and hit start and you can run 6 characters on full auto with different attacks buffs. heal will only work on client currently active.

next is gear up. open your inventory then enchant window. make sure the checkbox next to enchant is ticked and make sure to set the client your using as client 1. this only works on 1 client at a time. doesn't work in background. make sure you have r7 fortune defs/e-rep/ and gear drops you'd see from veiled island mobs or toa tols toe mobs. trash armor basically. once all that is in inventory the only thing you need visible in inventory is the r7 fortune defs and the trash gear. click gear up and follow the tooltips. right click at top left corner of inventory and bottom right of inventory. do the same again for primary enchantment slot and secondary enchantment slot BUT make the box a little bigger the the slots.
click yes on the pop up. then it begins.

next there's holy ground. it has its own hotkey to set in settings. make sure hotkeys are activated and holy ground is on skill slot 3. what this does is auto cast holy ground 1 time at mouse location when you hit the hotkey. it casts 1 time per keypress or spams if key is held down.

lastly there's the character button. totally optional but its convenient to use. you can save the username and password to each of your alts. whenever you click the character button you'll see a new window appear with 8 character slots. when you click one of the character buttons you'll be prompted to enter a username and password. you can enter only of of either if you prefer. after you hit ok the buttons name will change to match your username that you entered. now when you are on the login screen you can click your characters username then when you click the input field for username and password on the client, the username and password will be automatically placed in those fields. you have to click the input field not just anywhere on the client. makes for quick logins when you've got a lot of alts/buffslaves.

I really only made this script to expand my knowledge of coding so if you have any issues please let me know, id be happy to fix them. if the icons matter to you on the top bar keys on alt assist and you dont have a skill icon you would like to have on there, message me and ill add it for you.

to be added soon:
auto enchanting for weapons. (i was gonna do this when i made the armor one but i got side tracked with so many ideas for additions to this.)
optional expansion to auto healing to be able to target an individual in a group aswell or the full party including yourself. (this will take a little more effort because 7 additional player targets for healing, not to mention there pets. 7 pet classes woud need 21 additional healing targets to this. whew.)

**auto heal isnt developed fully. currently only supports ol heals and wp/ep heals

works on private servers. doesnt work on official
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Old 12/07/2024, 02:33   #2
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having issues with lag from running multiple clients? take a look at the attached image and and make the changes shown, hit apply, close any clients you have open, then reload and all clients regardless of which one is up front should be running at the same speed.( i totally didnt do that before i made the video hence the lag in videos lol. def does not run like that anymore.)
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Old 12/12/2024, 04:45   #3
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n m
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Old 02/08/2025, 09:49   #4
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Impressive work you have done here thank you very much ! I have started to learn very basic coding and managed to do some macro on autoit to farm, auto combine/enchant etc... but this is a whole next level ! I was wondering especially how you handle the character recognition for auto awakening ? This is for me the most tricky thing. If you could PM some insight it would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks 😉
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Old 02/08/2025, 18:06   #5
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I may release the source code soon so people can do there own stuff with it but the awakening system was rough for me. i spent a lot of time on it and fine tuned it. the entire code was written with AHK v1
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