Lagerhaus/Storage Problem 08/06/2011 - Rappelz - 3 Replies Huhu,
ich hab das Problem das wenn ich über 2kkk ins Lagerhaus lege das der Server crasht...
Jetzt wollt ich fragen ob das nur bei mir so ist und ob man das fixen kann ? Wenn ja wo ? Welche Datenbank oder welche .lua ?
MfG 91ervans
autosell/storage/respawn problem 04/02/2010 - Ragnarok Online - 2 Replies Guys, I have started to try out OpenKore for botting in IRO Valkyrie Server.
Here's my current problem:
Bot reaches 48% weight limit,
Bot goes to specified NPC to sell or store item,
After selling or storing items, the bot does not return to its "lockmap".
Ecsro storage bug/problem 12/24/2009 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies Hello. First of all im sorry for my average english skills..TO the point...(Play on fembia)I have a problem or to say a bug when i try to place something into storage i get dc.
But works when i take out of it.. I dont knwo hwat is the problem because another account works fine... If anyone have any suggestions please reply.
Thank you
Agbot storage problem 07/08/2008 - Silkroad Online - 1 Replies Hi. I am having a problem with agbot. When i arive at the storage it opens the storage window but then just stands there frozen. If i put an item in the first slot of my inventory then it will store that item but it will not store any other items in my inventory and it will not move from the storage npc. I thought it might have been that i had an item in my storage that was not storeable but iv removed any scrolls etc that can not be stored and im still getting the same problem. Iv had a search...
AgBot Bot Storage problem 06/17/2008 - Silkroad Online - 2 Replies When walk script go to donwhang storage its give error "Script Error" what the problem ??