I know that those commands have already been posted in the other threads. However, since I think that it is more useful to put the commands into an own thread than letting others search for hours, I thought, it would be better to create an own thread for it.
First of all, you have to type in all the following commands into the game server (CaptainHerlockServer):
The template for all buffs is: #add_state( ID , VALUE, TIME, "NAME")
#add_state(1001, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //MAX HP
#add_state(1002, 30, 9000000, "ur char") //MAX MP
#add_state(1003, 600, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Reg.
#add_state(1004, 600, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Rec.
#add_state(1005, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Reg.
#add_state(1006, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Rec.
#add_state(1007, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //P. Atk.
#add_state(1008, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Atk
#add_state(1009, 250, 9000000, "ur char") //P. Def
#add_state(1010, 450, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Def
#add_state(1011, 90, 9000000, "ur char") //Atk Spd
#add_state(1012, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Cast Spd
#add_state(1013, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //Mov Spd
#add_state(1014, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Accuracy
#add_state(1015, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //Evasion
#add_state(1016, 250, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Acc
#add_state(1017, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Res
#add_state(1018, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Crit Ratio
#add_state(1019, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Crit Power
#add_state(1507, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Luck
#add_state(2601, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Threat Increase
#add_state(4016, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Regen
#add_state(4042, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Kentaurus POT
#add_state(4065, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Recovery
#add_state(4088, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //30 MP regen
#add_state(4518, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Agility Increase
#add_state(4541, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Skeleton Desguise
#add_state(5013, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decrease M. Res
#add_state(6513, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Harmony of Life
#add_state(7017, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Ornito for Ridding
#add_state(9911, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Pieces of Vitality
#add_state(4003, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Stamina Saver
#add_state(2605, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Immun to FEAR
#add_state(6016, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Hide
#add_state(164407, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Aura of Halisha
#add_state(13442, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Increase CriRatio/Threat
#add_state(14402, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Mental Support Buff
#add_state(145609, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Unity of Siren
#add_state(145733, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Int
#add_state(145740, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Dex
#add_state(145741, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Fortune Clover
#add_state(145742, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Agility
#add_state(145720, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Gigantic
#add_state(145521, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Ifrit Lv150 Buff skill
#add_state(146001, 500, 9000000, "ur char") //HP recovery
#add_state(146007, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Vampiric Rage
#add_state(164805, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Might of Underworld
#add_state(12022, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Mdef
#add_state(13035, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Unable attack
#add_state(145210, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Flame Blow - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145409, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Painfull Auria - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145501, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Mov Speed
#add_state(145502, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //decreases Accuracy
#add_state(145504, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //decreases Patk / Pdef
#add_state(145507, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145509, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145510, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145511, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145512, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145513, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145514, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145515, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145516, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145517, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145518, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145519, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Mov. Spd
#add_state(146002, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Damage %
#add_state(201001, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Instant Kill, unable to revive
#add_state(201032, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Sleep
#add_state(201033, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Stun
#add_state(201035, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Fear
#add_state(201025, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Wrath
#add_state(1002, 30, 9000000, "ur char") //MAX MP
#add_state(1003, 600, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Reg.
#add_state(1004, 600, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Rec.
#add_state(1005, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Reg.
#add_state(1006, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Rec.
#add_state(1007, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //P. Atk.
#add_state(1008, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Atk
#add_state(1009, 250, 9000000, "ur char") //P. Def
#add_state(1010, 450, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Def
#add_state(1011, 90, 9000000, "ur char") //Atk Spd
#add_state(1012, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Cast Spd
#add_state(1013, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //Mov Spd
#add_state(1014, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Accuracy
#add_state(1015, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //Evasion
#add_state(1016, 250, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Acc
#add_state(1017, 150, 9000000, "ur char") //M. Res
#add_state(1018, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Crit Ratio
#add_state(1019, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Crit Power
#add_state(1507, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Luck
#add_state(2601, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Threat Increase
#add_state(4016, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //MP Regen
#add_state(4042, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Kentaurus POT
#add_state(4065, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //HP Recovery
#add_state(4088, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //30 MP regen
#add_state(4518, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Agility Increase
#add_state(4541, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Skeleton Desguise
#add_state(5013, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decrease M. Res
#add_state(6513, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Harmony of Life
#add_state(7017, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Ornito for Ridding
#add_state(9911, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Pieces of Vitality
#add_state(4003, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Stamina Saver
#add_state(2605, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Immun to FEAR
#add_state(6016, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Hide
#add_state(164407, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Aura of Halisha
#add_state(13442, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Increase CriRatio/Threat
#add_state(14402, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Mental Support Buff
#add_state(145609, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Unity of Siren
#add_state(145733, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Int
#add_state(145740, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Dex
#add_state(145741, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Fortune Clover
#add_state(145742, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Encouragement - Agility
#add_state(145720, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Gigantic
#add_state(145521, 100, 9000000, "ur char") //Ifrit Lv150 Buff skill
#add_state(146001, 500, 9000000, "ur char") //HP recovery
#add_state(146007, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Vampiric Rage
#add_state(164805, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Might of Underworld
#add_state(12022, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Mdef
#add_state(13035, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Unable attack
#add_state(145210, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Flame Blow - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145409, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Painfull Auria - Strong Debuff
#add_state(145501, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Mov Speed
#add_state(145502, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //decreases Accuracy
#add_state(145504, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //decreases Patk / Pdef
#add_state(145507, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145509, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Strong Debuff
#add_state(145510, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145511, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145512, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145513, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145514, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145515, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145516, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff
#add_state(145517, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145518, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Accuracy
#add_state(145519, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Debuff Mov. Spd
#add_state(146002, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Decreases Damage %
#add_state(201001, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Instant Kill, unable to revive
#add_state(201032, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Sleep
#add_state(201033, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Stun
#add_state(201035, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Fear
#add_state(201025, 50, 9000000, "ur char") //Wrath
set game.exp_rate 10
set game.item_drop_rate 200000
set game.drop_rate 10
set game.gold_drop_rate 200000
set game.item_drop_rate 200000
set game.drop_rate 10
set game.gold_drop_rate 200000
GET Item: The template to get items is: #insert_item(ID, VALUE, ENCHANT, LVL, FLAG, "char_name")
right #insert_item synthax found: (thanks to Strean)
1 = Pets
2 = Equipment
3 = Skill Cards
Item IDs:
Warrior CS Helmet (160): 302733
Magician CS Helmet (160): 302741
Breeder CS Helmet (160): 302745
Hunter CS Helmet (160): 302737
Warrior CS Helmet (155): 302717
Magician CS Helmet (155): 302725
Breeder CS Helmet (155): 302729
Hunter CS Helmet (155): 302721
Warrior CS Helmet (150): 302701
Magician CS Helmet (150): 302709
Breeder CS Helmet (150): 302713
Hunter CS Helmet (150): 302705
Two-handed Staff (150): 111701
Two-handed Staff (150, Ancient): 111721
Two-handed Staff (155): 111702
Two-handed Staff (155, Ancient): 111722
Two-handed Staff (160):111703
Two-handed Staff (160, Ancient):111723
Two-handed Axe (150): 105701
Two-handed Axe (150, Ancient):105721
Two-handed Axe (155): 105702
Two-handed Axe (155, Ancient): 105722
Two-handed Axe (160): 105703
Two-handed Axe (160, Ancient): 105723
Warrior ARMOR (150): 271721
Warrior ARMOR (155): 271722
Warrior ARMOR (160): 271723
Magician ARMOR (150): 273721
Magician ARMOR (155): 273722
Magician ARMOR (160): 273723
Lucifer Wings: 3630083
T-Protect: 960019
Large Quilted Bag: 490009
R6 Cloak: 306701
Creature Taming Card:5040032
Fallen Angel Wings Decoration:3630079
Lucky BOX with WD Card: 3620023
Swimsuit Shoes: 3630061
Swimsuit Armor: 3630062
Event BOX: 3600046
USA Cloak: 2010895
Lucky Potion: 2902165
Growth Potion: 950073
E-Repair: 950021
E-Protect: 950020
Creature Name Change: 920004
Creature Res. Spellbook: 608406
R6 Cloak: 306409
Japan Cloak: 2010731
Solis Aurum Cloak: 2010941
Witch HAT: 950048
White Lydian: 540100
3620023 donation gold box
3620024 donation silver box
3620025 donation copper box
3620026 donation gray box
3630021 donation 4th wings
3630022 donation 3rd wings
3630023 donation 2nd wings
3630024 donation 1st wings
Malaysia Cloak 2010879
China Cloak 3630079
Poland Cloak 2010933
Netherlands Cloak 2010929
France Cloak 2010917
Ireland Cloak 2010921
Singapore Cloak 2010883
Turkey Cloak 2010887
Solus Aurum Commemorative Cloak 2010941
UK Cloak 2010891
Italy Cloak 2010925
Spain Cloak 2010937
Halloween Mantle 950045 1
Cloak Of Honor 2589013 1
Skinny Cloak 2902101 1
Christmas Cloak 306204 1
Russian Cloaok For Rank 1 2010744 1
Guardian Cape 306202 2
Protector Cape 306203 2
Woven Cape 306201 2
Russian Cloaok For Rank 2 2010748 2
Cloak Of Unity 306301 3
Cloak Of Dignity 306302 3
Cloak of Fighting Spirit 306304 3
Archaic Cloak 306303 3
Cloak Of Unity 306305 3
Russian Cloaok For Rank 3 2010752 3
Mantle Of Angels 306412 4
Mantle Of Hope 306413 4
Mantle Of Bravery 306414 4
Wind Mantle 306401 4
Russian Cloaok For Rank 4 2010756 4
Ancient Mantle 306501 5
Heroes Mantle 306502 5
Force Of Deva 306507 5
Force Of Gaia 306503 5
Force Of Asura 306511 5
Guard Mantle 306601 6
Mantel Of Blue Dragon 306602 6
Monarch Cape 306603 6
Divine Wings 306607 6
Winfs Of Darkness 306611 6
Astray Dragon 306701 7
Fallen Angel Wings 3630079
-- CashShop Helmets --
302701 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Warrior
302705 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Archer
302709 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Priest
302713 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Summoner
-- Cubes --
700102 Rank 2 Atk Cube
700103 Rank 3 Atk Cube
700104 Rank 4 Atk Cube
700105 Rank 5 Atk Cube
700106 Rank 6 Atk Cube
700112 Rank 7 Atk Cube
700151 Rank 2 Ancient Atk Cube
700152 Rank 3 Ancient Atk Cube
700153 Rank 4 Ancient Atk Cube
700154 Rank 5 Ancient Atk Cube
700155 Rank 6 Ancient Atk Cube
700156 Rank 7 Ancient Atk Cube
700202 Rank 2 Def Cube
700203 Rank 3 Def Cube
700204 Rank 4 Def Cube
700205 Rank 5 Def Cube
700206 Rank 6 Def Cube
700212 Rank 7 Def Cube
700251 Rank 2 Ancient Def Cube
700252 Rank 3 Ancient Def Cube
700253 Rank 4 Ancient Def Cube
700254 Rank 5 Ancient Def Cube
700255 Rank 6 Ancient Def Cube
700256 Rank 7 Ancient Def Cube
-- Other Stuff --
910005 God Mother Fairy's Bottle
920000 Re-specialization Potion
920001 Creature Resurrection Spellbook
920006 Creature Re-specialization Potion
950020 E-Protect Powder
950021 E-Repair Powder
960001 Rank 2 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960002 Rank 3 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960003 Rank 4 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960004 Rank 5 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960005 Rank 6 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960006 Rank 7 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960019 T-Protect Mirror
2010390 Stabil Powder
2010690 Helmet Crab (24.0h timed)
2010691 Rabbit (24.0h timed)
2010692 Love Heart (24.0h timed)
2010693 Bounty (24.0h timed)
2902043 Stabil Powder
3630025 Ninja Helmet
3630026 Ninja Boots
3630027 Ninja Glove
3630028 Ninja Robe
3630079 Lucifer Wings
9000106 Viking Helmet
9000107 Viking Boots
9000108 Viking Glove
9000109 Viking Robe
101223 - lvl20 1h sword "Ancient Rapier"
101702 - lvl 155 1h sword "Relentless Assault"
102621 - lvl 120 2h sword "Ancient Blood Blade"
103502 - lvl 100 Dirk "Chilanum"
104403 - lvl 80 Spear "Lunar Fang"
104601 - lvl 120 2h sword "Valkyrie Wing"
104621 - lvl 120 spear "Ancient Valyrie Wing"
104602 - lvl 120 spear "Berdiche"
101224 - lvl 20 1h sword "Ancient Dark Curblade"
101301 - lvl 50 1h sword "Flamberge"
101302 - lvl 50 1h sword "Eternity"
101303 - lvl 50 1h sword "Blazing Demolisher"
101321 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Flamberge"
101322 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Eternity"
101323 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Blazing Demolisher"
101401 - lvl 80 1h sword "Sword of Victory"
101402 - lvl 80 1h sword "Blood Sekker"
101722 - lvl 155 1h sword "Ancient Relentless Assault"
101703 - lvl 160 1h sword "Cataclysm"
101723 - lvl 160 1h sword "Ancient Cataclysm"
102101 - lvl 1 2h sword "Two-Handed Sword"
102201 - lvl 20 2h sword "Great Sword"
102202 - lvl 20 2h sword "Mercenary´s Sword"
102203 - lvl 20 2h sword "Two-Handed Long Sword"
102221 - lvl 20 2h sword "Ancient Great Sword"
102602 - lvl 120 2h sword "Forlorn Sword"
102622 - lvl 120 2h sword "Ancient Forlorn Sword"
102701 - lvl 150 2h sword "Itzmuna´s Claymore"
102721 - lvl 150 2h sword "Ancient Itzmuna´s Claymore"
102702 - lvl 155 2h sword "Azusa the Doombringer"
102722 - lvl 155 2h sword "Ancient Azusa the Doombringer"
102703 - lvl 160 2h sword "Judgement of Vulcanus"
102723 - lvl 160 2h sword "Ancient Judgement of Vulcanus"
103522 - lvl 100 dirk "Ancient Chilanum"
103601 - lvl 120 dirk "Guard´s Dagger"
103621 - lvl 120 dirk "Ancient Guard´s Dagger"
103602 - lvl 120 dirk "Orihalcon"
103622 - lvl 120 dirk "Ancient Orihalcon"
103701 - lvl 150 dirk "Ruthless Shredder"
103721 - lvl 150 dirk "Ancient Ruthless Shredder"
103702 - lvl 150 dirk "Render of Souls"
104421 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Luna Spear"
104422 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Silver Hawk"
104423 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Lunar Fang"
104501 - lvl 100 spear "Thrust Spear"
104521 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Thrust Spear"
104502 - lvl 100 spear "Crimson Edge"
104522 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Crimson Edge"
104503 - lvl 100 spear "Amber Billow"
104523 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Amber Billow"
105323 - lvl 50 2h axe "Ancient Heftier Axe"
105401 - lvl 80 2h axe "Great Axe"
105421 - lvl 80 2h axe "Ancient Great Axe"
105402 - lvl 80 2h axe "Axe of Supremacy"
105422 - lvl 80 2h axe "Ancient Axe of Supremacy"
105501 - lvl 100 2h axe "First Axe"
105521 - lvl 100 2h axe "Ancient First Axe"
105502 - lvl 100 2h axe "Tornado of Soul"
105522 - lvl 100 2h axe "Ancient Tornado of Soul"
106301 - lvl 50 1h mace "Dust"
106302 - lvl 50 1h mace "Morning Star"
106303 - lvl 50 1h mace "Arbitrator"
106321 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Dust"
106322 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Morning Star"
106323 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Arbitrator"
106401 - lvl 80 1h mace "Sceter"
106402 - lvl 80 1h mace "Mist"
106403 - lvl 80 1h mace "Gurz"
107221 - lvl 20 1h mace "Ancient Mega Weight"
107222 - lvl 20 1h mace "Ancient Giant Mace"
107301 - lvl 50 2h mace "Crystal Mace"
107302 - lvl 50 2h mace "Comet"
107303 - lvl 50 2h mace "Blazing Mace"
107321 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Crystal Mace"
107322 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Comet"
107323 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Blazing Mace"
107401 - lvl 80 2h mace "Hammer"
107703 - lvl 160 2h mace "Demolisher of Worlds"
107723 - lvl 160 2h mace "Ancient Demolisher of Worlds"
108101 - lvl 1 Bow "Hunting Bow"
108201 - lvl 20 bow "Wooden Bow"
108202 - lvl 20 bow "Winkle Bow"
108221 - lvl 20 bow "Ancient Wooden Bow"
108222 - lvl 20 bow "Ancient Winkle Bow"
108301 - lvl 50 bow "Ranger Bow"
108302 - lvl 50 bow "Quick Bow"
109621 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ancient Dragonic Crossbow"
109602 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ruining Eye"
109622 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ancient Ruining Eye"
109701 - lvl 150 cross bow "Armor Piercing Cross Bow"
109721 - lvl 150 cross bow "Ancient Armor Piercing Cross Bow"
109702 - lvl 155 cross bow "Swift Deliver of Death"
109722 - lvl 155 cross bow "Ancient Swift Deliver of Death"
110522 - lvl 100 1h staff "Ancient Nucleus of Prophecy"
110601 - lvl 120 1h staff "Gaia Orb"
110621 - lvl 120 1h staff "Ancient Gaia Orb"
110701 - lvl 150 1h staff "Manipulator of Souls"
110721 - lvl 150 1h staff "Ancient Manipulator of Souls"
110702 - lvl 155 1h staff "Deception of the Exiled"
110722 - lvl 155 1h staff "Ancient Deception of the Exiled"
110703 - lvl 160 1h staff "Dominator of Souls"
111402 - lvl 80 2h staff "Contract with Mephisto"
111421 - lvl 80 2h staff "Ancient Round Staff"
111422 - lvl 80 2h staff "Ancient Contract with Mephisto"
111501 - lvl 100 2h staff "Sage´s Staff"
111521 - lvl 100 2h staff "Ancient Sage´s Staff"
111601 - lvl 120 2h staff "Doom Summoner"
111621 - lvl 120 2h staff "Ancient DOom Summoner"
111602 - lvl 120 2h staff "Scream of the Dragon"
112201 - lvl 20 1h axe "Ice Axe"
112301 - lvl 50 1h axe "Bloody Axe"
112401 - lvl 80 1h axe "Thunder Axe"
112402 - lvl 80 1h axe "Jagged Broadaxe"
112403 - lvl 80 1h axe "Wild Hatchet"
112221 - lvl 20 1h axe "Ancient Ice Axe"
Epic Stones:
805301: epic strength level 20 +
805302: epic strength level 40 +
805303: epic strength level 60 +
805304: epic strength level 80 +
805305: epic power level 100 +
805306: epic power level 120 +
805307 epic power level 140 +
806801: wisdom epic level 20 +
806802: wisdom epic level 40 +
806803: wisdom epic level 60 +
806804: wisdom epic level 80 +
806805: epic wisdom level 100 +
806806: epic wisdom level 120 +
806807: epic wisdom level 140 +
805901: epic dexterity level 20 +
805902: epic dexterity level 40 +
805903: epic dexterity level 60 +
805904: epic dexterity level 80 +
805905: epic skill level 100 +
805906: epic skill level 120 +
805907: epic skill level 140 +
806201: epic agility level 20 +
806202: epic agility level 40 +
806203: epic agility level 60 +
806204: epic agility level 80 +
806205: epic agility level 100 +
806206: epic agility level 120 +
806207: epic agility level 140 +
806501: intelligence epic level 20 +
806502: intelligence epic level 40 +
806503: intelligence epic level 60 +
806504: intelligence epic level 80 +
806505: epic intelligence level 100 +
806506: epic intelligence level 120 +
806507: epic intelligence level 140 +
805601: epic level 20 + vitality
805602: epic level 40 + vitality
805603: epic level 60 + vitality
805604: epic level 80 + vitality
805605: epic vitality level 100 +
805606: epic vitality level 120 +
805607: epic vitality level 140 +
950063: Olympic Dress [Body]
950060: Olympic Banner [Head]
950031: Bandit Mask
950033: Rabbit Mask
Mount: [Increasing Ride Speed]
2010679: Whip
2902009: Carrots
950003: Miracle Of Chaos [Upgrades Necklace to Lv10]
3001702: Bag of 30 Stamina Saver
313725: Ancient Warrior Gloves [160]
314725: Ancient Warrior Boots [160]
Feather of Return: 9000098
Feather of Summon: 9000099
Feather of Union: 9000100
Feather of Teleportation: 9000101
Stamina Saver: 9000096
Creature Cracker: 9000097
Masks: [9000044/ 9000045/ 9000046/ 9000047/ 9000048/ 9000049/ 9000050/ 9000051/ 9000052/ 9000053/ 9000054/ 9000055]
Download full list for Item IDs/Monster IDs:

Magician CS Helmet (160): 302741
Breeder CS Helmet (160): 302745
Hunter CS Helmet (160): 302737
Warrior CS Helmet (155): 302717
Magician CS Helmet (155): 302725
Breeder CS Helmet (155): 302729
Hunter CS Helmet (155): 302721
Warrior CS Helmet (150): 302701
Magician CS Helmet (150): 302709
Breeder CS Helmet (150): 302713
Hunter CS Helmet (150): 302705
Two-handed Staff (150): 111701
Two-handed Staff (150, Ancient): 111721
Two-handed Staff (155): 111702
Two-handed Staff (155, Ancient): 111722
Two-handed Staff (160):111703
Two-handed Staff (160, Ancient):111723
Two-handed Axe (150): 105701
Two-handed Axe (150, Ancient):105721
Two-handed Axe (155): 105702
Two-handed Axe (155, Ancient): 105722
Two-handed Axe (160): 105703
Two-handed Axe (160, Ancient): 105723
Warrior ARMOR (150): 271721
Warrior ARMOR (155): 271722
Warrior ARMOR (160): 271723
Magician ARMOR (150): 273721
Magician ARMOR (155): 273722
Magician ARMOR (160): 273723
Lucifer Wings: 3630083
T-Protect: 960019
Large Quilted Bag: 490009
R6 Cloak: 306701
Creature Taming Card:5040032
Fallen Angel Wings Decoration:3630079
Lucky BOX with WD Card: 3620023
Swimsuit Shoes: 3630061
Swimsuit Armor: 3630062
Event BOX: 3600046
USA Cloak: 2010895
Lucky Potion: 2902165
Growth Potion: 950073
E-Repair: 950021
E-Protect: 950020
Creature Name Change: 920004
Creature Res. Spellbook: 608406
R6 Cloak: 306409
Japan Cloak: 2010731
Solis Aurum Cloak: 2010941
Witch HAT: 950048
White Lydian: 540100
3620023 donation gold box
3620024 donation silver box
3620025 donation copper box
3620026 donation gray box
3630021 donation 4th wings
3630022 donation 3rd wings
3630023 donation 2nd wings
3630024 donation 1st wings
Malaysia Cloak 2010879
China Cloak 3630079
Poland Cloak 2010933
Netherlands Cloak 2010929
France Cloak 2010917
Ireland Cloak 2010921
Singapore Cloak 2010883
Turkey Cloak 2010887
Solus Aurum Commemorative Cloak 2010941
UK Cloak 2010891
Italy Cloak 2010925
Spain Cloak 2010937
Halloween Mantle 950045 1
Cloak Of Honor 2589013 1
Skinny Cloak 2902101 1
Christmas Cloak 306204 1
Russian Cloaok For Rank 1 2010744 1
Guardian Cape 306202 2
Protector Cape 306203 2
Woven Cape 306201 2
Russian Cloaok For Rank 2 2010748 2
Cloak Of Unity 306301 3
Cloak Of Dignity 306302 3
Cloak of Fighting Spirit 306304 3
Archaic Cloak 306303 3
Cloak Of Unity 306305 3
Russian Cloaok For Rank 3 2010752 3
Mantle Of Angels 306412 4
Mantle Of Hope 306413 4
Mantle Of Bravery 306414 4
Wind Mantle 306401 4
Russian Cloaok For Rank 4 2010756 4
Ancient Mantle 306501 5
Heroes Mantle 306502 5
Force Of Deva 306507 5
Force Of Gaia 306503 5
Force Of Asura 306511 5
Guard Mantle 306601 6
Mantel Of Blue Dragon 306602 6
Monarch Cape 306603 6
Divine Wings 306607 6
Winfs Of Darkness 306611 6
Astray Dragon 306701 7
Fallen Angel Wings 3630079
-- CashShop Helmets --
302701 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Warrior
302705 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Archer
302709 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Priest
302713 Rank 7 White Dragon Helmet Summoner
-- Cubes --
700102 Rank 2 Atk Cube
700103 Rank 3 Atk Cube
700104 Rank 4 Atk Cube
700105 Rank 5 Atk Cube
700106 Rank 6 Atk Cube
700112 Rank 7 Atk Cube
700151 Rank 2 Ancient Atk Cube
700152 Rank 3 Ancient Atk Cube
700153 Rank 4 Ancient Atk Cube
700154 Rank 5 Ancient Atk Cube
700155 Rank 6 Ancient Atk Cube
700156 Rank 7 Ancient Atk Cube
700202 Rank 2 Def Cube
700203 Rank 3 Def Cube
700204 Rank 4 Def Cube
700205 Rank 5 Def Cube
700206 Rank 6 Def Cube
700212 Rank 7 Def Cube
700251 Rank 2 Ancient Def Cube
700252 Rank 3 Ancient Def Cube
700253 Rank 4 Ancient Def Cube
700254 Rank 5 Ancient Def Cube
700255 Rank 6 Ancient Def Cube
700256 Rank 7 Ancient Def Cube
-- Other Stuff --
910005 God Mother Fairy's Bottle
920000 Re-specialization Potion
920001 Creature Resurrection Spellbook
920006 Creature Re-specialization Potion
950020 E-Protect Powder
950021 E-Repair Powder
960001 Rank 2 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960002 Rank 3 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960003 Rank 4 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960004 Rank 5 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960005 Rank 6 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960006 Rank 7 Blessed Stabilizing Powder
960019 T-Protect Mirror
2010390 Stabil Powder
2010690 Helmet Crab (24.0h timed)
2010691 Rabbit (24.0h timed)
2010692 Love Heart (24.0h timed)
2010693 Bounty (24.0h timed)
2902043 Stabil Powder
3630025 Ninja Helmet
3630026 Ninja Boots
3630027 Ninja Glove
3630028 Ninja Robe
3630079 Lucifer Wings
9000106 Viking Helmet
9000107 Viking Boots
9000108 Viking Glove
9000109 Viking Robe
101223 - lvl20 1h sword "Ancient Rapier"
101702 - lvl 155 1h sword "Relentless Assault"
102621 - lvl 120 2h sword "Ancient Blood Blade"
103502 - lvl 100 Dirk "Chilanum"
104403 - lvl 80 Spear "Lunar Fang"
104601 - lvl 120 2h sword "Valkyrie Wing"
104621 - lvl 120 spear "Ancient Valyrie Wing"
104602 - lvl 120 spear "Berdiche"
101224 - lvl 20 1h sword "Ancient Dark Curblade"
101301 - lvl 50 1h sword "Flamberge"
101302 - lvl 50 1h sword "Eternity"
101303 - lvl 50 1h sword "Blazing Demolisher"
101321 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Flamberge"
101322 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Eternity"
101323 - lvl 50 1h sword "Ancient Blazing Demolisher"
101401 - lvl 80 1h sword "Sword of Victory"
101402 - lvl 80 1h sword "Blood Sekker"
101722 - lvl 155 1h sword "Ancient Relentless Assault"
101703 - lvl 160 1h sword "Cataclysm"
101723 - lvl 160 1h sword "Ancient Cataclysm"
102101 - lvl 1 2h sword "Two-Handed Sword"
102201 - lvl 20 2h sword "Great Sword"
102202 - lvl 20 2h sword "Mercenary´s Sword"
102203 - lvl 20 2h sword "Two-Handed Long Sword"
102221 - lvl 20 2h sword "Ancient Great Sword"
102602 - lvl 120 2h sword "Forlorn Sword"
102622 - lvl 120 2h sword "Ancient Forlorn Sword"
102701 - lvl 150 2h sword "Itzmuna´s Claymore"
102721 - lvl 150 2h sword "Ancient Itzmuna´s Claymore"
102702 - lvl 155 2h sword "Azusa the Doombringer"
102722 - lvl 155 2h sword "Ancient Azusa the Doombringer"
102703 - lvl 160 2h sword "Judgement of Vulcanus"
102723 - lvl 160 2h sword "Ancient Judgement of Vulcanus"
103522 - lvl 100 dirk "Ancient Chilanum"
103601 - lvl 120 dirk "Guard´s Dagger"
103621 - lvl 120 dirk "Ancient Guard´s Dagger"
103602 - lvl 120 dirk "Orihalcon"
103622 - lvl 120 dirk "Ancient Orihalcon"
103701 - lvl 150 dirk "Ruthless Shredder"
103721 - lvl 150 dirk "Ancient Ruthless Shredder"
103702 - lvl 150 dirk "Render of Souls"
104421 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Luna Spear"
104422 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Silver Hawk"
104423 - lvl 80 spear "Ancient Lunar Fang"
104501 - lvl 100 spear "Thrust Spear"
104521 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Thrust Spear"
104502 - lvl 100 spear "Crimson Edge"
104522 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Crimson Edge"
104503 - lvl 100 spear "Amber Billow"
104523 - lvl 100 spear "Ancient Amber Billow"
105323 - lvl 50 2h axe "Ancient Heftier Axe"
105401 - lvl 80 2h axe "Great Axe"
105421 - lvl 80 2h axe "Ancient Great Axe"
105402 - lvl 80 2h axe "Axe of Supremacy"
105422 - lvl 80 2h axe "Ancient Axe of Supremacy"
105501 - lvl 100 2h axe "First Axe"
105521 - lvl 100 2h axe "Ancient First Axe"
105502 - lvl 100 2h axe "Tornado of Soul"
105522 - lvl 100 2h axe "Ancient Tornado of Soul"
106301 - lvl 50 1h mace "Dust"
106302 - lvl 50 1h mace "Morning Star"
106303 - lvl 50 1h mace "Arbitrator"
106321 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Dust"
106322 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Morning Star"
106323 - lvl 50 1h mace "Ancient Arbitrator"
106401 - lvl 80 1h mace "Sceter"
106402 - lvl 80 1h mace "Mist"
106403 - lvl 80 1h mace "Gurz"
107221 - lvl 20 1h mace "Ancient Mega Weight"
107222 - lvl 20 1h mace "Ancient Giant Mace"
107301 - lvl 50 2h mace "Crystal Mace"
107302 - lvl 50 2h mace "Comet"
107303 - lvl 50 2h mace "Blazing Mace"
107321 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Crystal Mace"
107322 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Comet"
107323 - lvl 50 2h mace "Ancient Blazing Mace"
107401 - lvl 80 2h mace "Hammer"
107703 - lvl 160 2h mace "Demolisher of Worlds"
107723 - lvl 160 2h mace "Ancient Demolisher of Worlds"
108101 - lvl 1 Bow "Hunting Bow"
108201 - lvl 20 bow "Wooden Bow"
108202 - lvl 20 bow "Winkle Bow"
108221 - lvl 20 bow "Ancient Wooden Bow"
108222 - lvl 20 bow "Ancient Winkle Bow"
108301 - lvl 50 bow "Ranger Bow"
108302 - lvl 50 bow "Quick Bow"
109621 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ancient Dragonic Crossbow"
109602 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ruining Eye"
109622 - lvl 120 cross bow "Ancient Ruining Eye"
109701 - lvl 150 cross bow "Armor Piercing Cross Bow"
109721 - lvl 150 cross bow "Ancient Armor Piercing Cross Bow"
109702 - lvl 155 cross bow "Swift Deliver of Death"
109722 - lvl 155 cross bow "Ancient Swift Deliver of Death"
110522 - lvl 100 1h staff "Ancient Nucleus of Prophecy"
110601 - lvl 120 1h staff "Gaia Orb"
110621 - lvl 120 1h staff "Ancient Gaia Orb"
110701 - lvl 150 1h staff "Manipulator of Souls"
110721 - lvl 150 1h staff "Ancient Manipulator of Souls"
110702 - lvl 155 1h staff "Deception of the Exiled"
110722 - lvl 155 1h staff "Ancient Deception of the Exiled"
110703 - lvl 160 1h staff "Dominator of Souls"
111402 - lvl 80 2h staff "Contract with Mephisto"
111421 - lvl 80 2h staff "Ancient Round Staff"
111422 - lvl 80 2h staff "Ancient Contract with Mephisto"
111501 - lvl 100 2h staff "Sage´s Staff"
111521 - lvl 100 2h staff "Ancient Sage´s Staff"
111601 - lvl 120 2h staff "Doom Summoner"
111621 - lvl 120 2h staff "Ancient DOom Summoner"
111602 - lvl 120 2h staff "Scream of the Dragon"
112201 - lvl 20 1h axe "Ice Axe"
112301 - lvl 50 1h axe "Bloody Axe"
112401 - lvl 80 1h axe "Thunder Axe"
112402 - lvl 80 1h axe "Jagged Broadaxe"
112403 - lvl 80 1h axe "Wild Hatchet"
112221 - lvl 20 1h axe "Ancient Ice Axe"
Epic Stones:
805301: epic strength level 20 +
805302: epic strength level 40 +
805303: epic strength level 60 +
805304: epic strength level 80 +
805305: epic power level 100 +
805306: epic power level 120 +
805307 epic power level 140 +
806801: wisdom epic level 20 +
806802: wisdom epic level 40 +
806803: wisdom epic level 60 +
806804: wisdom epic level 80 +
806805: epic wisdom level 100 +
806806: epic wisdom level 120 +
806807: epic wisdom level 140 +
805901: epic dexterity level 20 +
805902: epic dexterity level 40 +
805903: epic dexterity level 60 +
805904: epic dexterity level 80 +
805905: epic skill level 100 +
805906: epic skill level 120 +
805907: epic skill level 140 +
806201: epic agility level 20 +
806202: epic agility level 40 +
806203: epic agility level 60 +
806204: epic agility level 80 +
806205: epic agility level 100 +
806206: epic agility level 120 +
806207: epic agility level 140 +
806501: intelligence epic level 20 +
806502: intelligence epic level 40 +
806503: intelligence epic level 60 +
806504: intelligence epic level 80 +
806505: epic intelligence level 100 +
806506: epic intelligence level 120 +
806507: epic intelligence level 140 +
805601: epic level 20 + vitality
805602: epic level 40 + vitality
805603: epic level 60 + vitality
805604: epic level 80 + vitality
805605: epic vitality level 100 +
805606: epic vitality level 120 +
805607: epic vitality level 140 +
950063: Olympic Dress [Body]
950060: Olympic Banner [Head]
950031: Bandit Mask
950033: Rabbit Mask
Mount: [Increasing Ride Speed]
2010679: Whip
2902009: Carrots
950003: Miracle Of Chaos [Upgrades Necklace to Lv10]
3001702: Bag of 30 Stamina Saver
313725: Ancient Warrior Gloves [160]
314725: Ancient Warrior Boots [160]
Feather of Return: 9000098
Feather of Summon: 9000099
Feather of Union: 9000100
Feather of Teleportation: 9000101
Stamina Saver: 9000096
Creature Cracker: 9000097
Masks: [9000044/ 9000045/ 9000046/ 9000047/ 9000048/ 9000049/ 9000050/ 9000051/ 9000052/ 9000053/ 9000054/ 9000055]
Download full list for Item IDs/Monster IDs:

Skill Card IDs:
Basic cards:
Creature Taming Card: 5040034
Deep Evasion: 5026014
Mental Concentration: 5026024
Minor Healing: 5032014
Recall Creature: 5040024
Smite: 5020014
Summon Creature: 5040014
Acid Spray: 5030053
Acid Swamp: 5236013
Active Guard: 5026112
Blessing: 5234013
Blessing of Int: 5234054
Blessing of Str: 5234072
Blessing of Vit: 5234044
Blessing of Wis: 5234064
Celestial Offering: 5232023
Celestial Sanctuary: 5042072
Clear Poison: 5032042
Cold Bolt: 503037
Creature Healing: 5042012
Creature Restoration: 5242043,
Creature Ressurection: 5042023
Defense Breaker: 5020212
Deflecting Shield: 5234023
Divine Claw: 5234174
Divine Cluster: 5034014
Divine Crash: 5220074
Divine Cross: 5020144
Divine Flare: 5030014
Divine Flash: 5230094
Divine Nova: 5038142
Divine Shield: 5234092
Divine smash: 5020115
Dual Strike: 5020614
Earth Spear: 5230013
Earthquake: 5230134
Elemental Resistance: 5234164
Energy Beat: 5030113
Eternal Lifeguard: 5232013
Flash: 5030023
Frost Spear: 523002
Frozen Snare: 5030032
Godly Protection: 5026154
Hate Aura: 5038152, 5038155
Healing: 5032022
Heaven's Madness: 5020674
Heaven's Spear: 5230042
Holy Aura: 5034925, 5034924
Holy Cross: 5220045, 5220042
Ice Spear: 5230024
Inorganic Resistance: 5234143
Int Boost: 5244033
Int Support: 5234125
Judgment Buster: 5230104
Judgment of Heaven: 5020684
Judgment of the Goddess: 5230114
Laser Blade: 5220065
Light Speed: 5234324
Mass Bless Armor: 5234364
Mass Bless Magic Armor: 5234384
Mass Bless Magic Power: 5234394
Mass Bless Weapon: 5234374
Mass Healing: 5232044
Mass HP Regen: 5234344
Mass MP Regen: 5234354
Mental Breaker: 5020223
Mental Support: 5034023
Mighty Crash: 5220084
Minor Shining Armor: 5234085
Minor Shining Weapon: 5034025
Miracle: 5232064, 5232062
Offense Breaker: 5020204
Organic Resistance: 5236063
Pass Damage: 5040123
Physical Breaker: 5020634
Provocation: 5026352
Rapid Healing: 5032032
Restoration: 5032103
Restrain: 5220034
Ressurection: 5032055
Rock Pin: 5230124
Shield Blow: 5220014
Shield Charge: 5020194
Shield of Revenge: 5234033
Shield Smash: 5020184
Shield Strike: 5220024
Shining Armor: 5234334
Shining Buster: 5030042
Shining Cross: 5230034
Shining Weapon: 5034545
Snow Slide: 5230144
Soul Breaker: 5020644
Spell Intercept: 5038145
Spirit Resistance: 5234152
Str Boost: 5244013, 5244014
Str Support: 5234104
Stun Mace: 5020122
Stun Mace Perfection: 5020133
Touch of the Goddess: 5232054
Vit Boost: 5244023
Vit Support: 5234114
Wild Sream: 5220055
Wis Boost: 5244043
Wrath of Heaven: 5036215
Agile Style 5026725 5026724 5026723 5026722 502672
Apocalypse 5020715 5020714 5020713 5020712 502071
Assassin Impact 5025025 5025024 5025023 5025022 502502
Aura of Halisha 5244075 5244074 5244073 5244072 524407
Blinding Dust 5026495 5026494 5026493 5026492 502649
Blinding Shot 5023345 5023344 5023343 5023342 502334
Blood Aura 5244055 5244054 5244053 5244052 524405
Blood of the Underworld 5248045 5248044 5248043 5248042 524804
Bloody Arrow 5048025 5048024 5048023 5048022 504802
Bloody Blade 5020335 5020334 5020333 5020332 502033
Bolt of Destruction 5023325 5023324 5023323 5023322 502332
Burning Style 5026715 5026714 5026713 5026712 502671
Cascade of Darkness 5023405 5023404 5023403 5023402 502340
Charge Stab 5020315 5020314 5020313 5020312 502031
Cloak of Shadow 5026395 5026394 5026393 5026392 502639
Combat Support 5044135 5044134 5044133 5044132 504413
Concentration 5026215 5026214 5026213 5026212 502621
Corpse HP Drain 5232035 5232034 5232033 5232032 523203
Corpse Mine 5038035 5038034 5038033 5038032 503803
Corpse MP Drain 5032125 5032124 5032123 5032122 503212
Corruption 5236055 5236054 5236053 5236052 523605
Creature HP Extract 5248025 5248024 5248023 5248022 524802
Creature Intimidate 5046125 5046124 5046123 5046122 504612
Creature Life Transfer 5242015 5242014 5242013 5242012 524201
Creature MP Extract 5048015 5048014 5048013 5048012 504801
Creature Soul Transfer 5042115 5042114 5042113 5042112 504211
Creature Stability 5046135 5046134 5046133 5046132 504613
Crimson Turbulence 5020785 5020784 5020783 5020782 502078
Critical Shot 5023045 5023044 5023043 5023042 502304
Cry of Arrows 5026785 5026784 5026783 5026782 502678
Cursed Arrow 5223045 5223044 5223043 5223042 522304
Dark Might 5034125 5034124 5034123 5034122 503412
Dark Spiral 5030275 5030274 5030273 5030272 503027
Dark Strike 5020325 5020324 5020323 5020322 502032
Darkness Arrow 5030155 5030154 5030153 5030152 503015
Darkness Saver 5034115 5034114 5034113 5034112 503411
Deadly Dancing 5020605 5020604 5020603 5020602 502060
Defect Aiming 5026205 5026204 5026203 5026202 502620
Dirk Tornado 5020515 5020514 5020513 5020512 502051
Dispel Magic 5036075 5036074 5036073 5036072 503607
Distortion of Rage 5026375 5026374 5026373 5026372 502637
Double Impact 5025015 5025014 5025013 5025012 502501
Drain Arrow 5026265 5026264 5026263 5026262 502626
Dual Shot 5223015 5223014 5223013 5223012 522301
Dusk Style 5026735 5026734 5026733 5026732 502673
Explosion Trap 5238015 5238014 5238013 5238012 523801
Fatal Wave 5020775 5020774 5020773 5020772 502077
Fear Trap 5038105 5038104 5038103 5038102 503810
Fire Arrow 5230075 5230074 5230073 5230072 523007
Fire Ball 5030125 5030124 5030123 5030122 503012
Fire Blast 5031565 5031564 5031563 5031562 503156
Fire Field 5031855 5031854 5031853 5031852 503185
Fire Storm 5230065 5230064 5230063 5230062 523006
Flame Burn 5030135 5030134 5030133 5030132 503013
Fog of Horror 5036165 5036164 5036163 5036162 503616
Hail of the Underworld 5023395 5023394 5023393 5023392 502339
Haste of Conjurer 5034615 5034614 5034613 5034612 503461
Head Breaker 5020345 5020344 5020343 5020342 502034
Heaven's Breaker 5031865 5031864 5031863 5031862 503186
Heed of the Conjurer 5034605 5034604 5034603 5034602 503460
Hunter Impact 5025035 5025034 5025033 5025032 502503
Life Leech 5030145 5030144 5030143 5030142 503014
Life Transfer 5032115 5032114 5032113 5032112 503211
Lightning 5030165 5030164 5030163 5030162 503016
Lightning Bolt 5230085 5230084 5230083 5230082 523008
Lightning Field 5230055 5230054 5230053 5230052 523005
Lightning Trap 5238025 5238024 5238023 5238022 523802
Lion's Claw 5046145 5046144 5046143 5046142 504614
Magic Skin 5034585 5034584 5034583 5034582 503458
Magic Support 5234315 5234314 5234313 5234312 523431
Mana Burn 5030305 5030304 5030303 5030302 503030
Meteor Shower 5230175 5230174 5230173 5230172 523017
Might of the Underworld 5248055 5248054 5248053 5248052 524805
Mind Crisis 5036085 5036084 5036083 5036082 503608
Neutralize Magic 5034355 5034354 5034353 5034352 503435
Nightmare 5036015 5036014 5036013 5036012 503601
Oblivion 5026245 5026244 5026243 5026242 502624
Pass Damage 5040123 5040125 504012 5040124 5040122
Petrified Stench 5037535 5037534 5037533 5037532 503753
Piercing Arrow 5223035 5223034 5223033 5223032 522303
Poison Shot 5023315 5023314 5023313 5023312 502331
Power Support 5044125 5044124 5044123 5044122 504412
Provoke Shot 5023035 5023034 5023033 5023032 502303
Quick Pace 5026225 5026224 5026223 5026222 502622
Rapid Fire 5223075 5223074 5223073 5223072 522307
Scream of the Underworld 5248035 5248034 5248033 5248032 524803
Seal of Halisha 5049015 5049014 5049013 5049012 504901
Shadow Atrophia 5037505 5037504 5037503 5037502 503750
Shadow Crash 5020755 5020754 5020753 5020752 502075
Shadow Rush 5026385 5026384 5026383 5026382 502638
Shadow Stab 5020745 5020744 5020743 5020742 502074
Shadow Wound 5020765 5020764 5020763 5020762 502076
Shield of Nightmare 5234455 5234454 5234453 5234452 523445
Sleeping Dust 5026235 5026234 5026233 5026232 502623
Sonic Blade 5020705 5020704 5020703 5020702 502070
Sonic Cross 5220115 5220114 5220113 5220112 522011
Spell Breaker 5038065 5038064 5038063 5038062 503806
Spiral Arrow 5026775 5026774 5026773 5026772 502677
Spirit Aura 5244065 5244064 5244063 5244062 524406
Spirit of Fire 5234285 5234284 5234283 5234282 523428
Spirit Support 5234305 5234304 5234303 5234302 523430
Splash Thunder 5030175 5030174 5030173 5030172 503017
Steadfast Shadowflame 5038115 5038114 5038113 5038112 503811
Stench of Armistice 5030355 5030354 5030353 5030352 503035
Stench of Frailty 5036135 5036134 5036133 5036132 503613
Strength of Darkness 5234445 5234444 5234443 5234442 523444
Stun Shaft 5023335 5023334 5023333 5023332 502333
Subtle Enmity 5026765 5026764 5026763 5026762 502676
Sudden Rush 5026305 5026304 5026303 5026302 502630
Thrust Arrow 5223025 5223024 5223023 5223022 522302
Thunder Slayer 5030335 5030334 5030333 5030332 503033
Thunderbolt Arrow 5026795 5026794 5026793 5026792 502679
Vengeance Shot 5023375 5023374 5023373 5023372 502337
Weakness Skin 5036035 5036034 5036033 5036032 503603
Wide Windy Shackles 5036145 5036144 5036143 5036142 503614
Wind Weapon 5234295 5234294 5234293 5234292 523429
Windy Shackle 5036025 5036024 5036023 5036022 503602
Anger of Spirit 5248015 5248014 5248013 5248012 524801
Anger of the Wild 5234275 5234274 5234273 5234272 523427
Arrow of Delay 5023115 5023114 5023113 5023112 502311
Barbarian Rage 5225015 5225014 5225013 5225012 522501
Beast Disguise 5240025 5240024 5240023 5240022 524002
Beast Shockwave 5220125 5220124 5220123 5220122 522012
Blasting Rock Cut 5020465 5020464 5020463 5020462 502046
Chainsickle Wind 5030225 5030224 5030223 5030222 503022
Creature Purification 5242035 5242034 5242033 5242032 524203
Crystalizing Water Spheres 5030245 5030244 5030243 5030242 503024
Dark Water Seal 5236025 5236024 5236023 5236022 523602
Deadly Petrification 5037515 5037514 5037513 5037512 503751
Double Shot 5023265 5023264 5023263 5023262 502326
Dual Summoning Control 5026825 5026824 5026823 5026822 502682
Earth Shaker 5020525 5020524 5020523 5020522 502052
Enchant Weapon: Earth 5034295 5034294 5034293 5034292 503429
Enchant Weapon: Fire 5034265 5034264 5034263 5034262 503426
Enchant Weapon: Lightning 5034285 5034284 5034283 5034282 503428
Enchant Weapon: Water 5034275 5034274 5034273 5034272 503427
Energy Bomb 5020565 5020564 5020563 5020562 502056
Energy Charge 5026415 5026414 5026413 5026412 502641
Essence of Fire 5026555 5026554 5026553 5026552 502655
Essence of Invulnerability 5026615 5026614 5026613 5026612 502661
Essence of Life 5032245 5032244 5032243 5032242 503224
Essence of Steel 5026815 5026814 5026813 5026812 502681
Essence of Thunder 5026565 5026564 5026563 5026562 502656
Eternal Pillar of Fire 5031835 5031834 5031833 5031832 503183
Explosion of Petrification 5031515 5031514 5031513 5031512 503151
Fire Pillar Shot 5023285 5023284 5023283 5023282 502328
Fireshield 5034305 5034304 5034303 5034302 503430
Force of Sacred Fire 5034255 5034254 5034253 5034252 503425
Freezing Arrow 5023155 5023154 5023153 5023152 502315
Gale of Reflection 5234425 5234424 5234423 5234422 523442
Gravity Amplification 5037525 5037524 5037523 5037522 503752
Harmony of Life 5240015 5240014 5240013 5240012 524001
Heat Shot 5023125 5023124 5023123 5023122 502312
Hellfire Flame 5020585 5020584 5020583 5020582 502058
Huge Rock Fall 5030255 5030254 5030253 5030252 503025
Huge Volcanic Eruption 5230165 5230164 5230163 5230162 523016
Icicle Snare 5026165 5026164 5026163 5026162 502616
Lightning Fury 5223065 5223064 5223063 5223062 522306
Loading Restrain 5026455 5026454 5026453 5026452 502645
Log Split 5020445 5020444 5020443 5020442 502044
Mysterious Energy 5026685 5026684 5026683 5026682 502668
Paragon of Anger 5234435 5234434 5234433 5234432 523443
Pass Damage 5040123 5040125 504012 5040124 5040122
Penetrating Shot 5023225 5023224 5023223 5023222 502322
Poison Arrow 5234185 5234184 5234183 5234182 523418
Poison Healing 5032095 5032094 5032093 5032092 503209
Rain of the Spirits 5031875 5031874 5031873 5031872 503187
Recklessness of Earth 5234215 5234214 5234213 5234212 523421
Recklessness of Fire 5234195 5234194 5234193 5234192 523419
Recklessness of Thunder 5234205 5234204 5234203 5234202 523420
Recklessness of Water 5234225 5234224 5234223 5234222 523422
Reflection of the Soul 5234415 5234414 5234413 5234412 523441
Resonance Shockwave 5023215 5023214 5023213 5023212 502321
Restoring Purified Water 5032225 5032224 5032223 5032222 503222
Resurrection Sorcery 5032205 5032204 5032203 5032202 503220
Rock Energy 5034245 5034244 5034243 5034242 503424
Root of Mother Nature 5031815 5031814 5031813 5031812 503181
Scorching Flame 5030215 5030214 5030213 5030212 503021
Seal of Gaia 5036225 5036224 5036223 5036222 503622
Shackle of the Ground 5030235 5030234 5030233 5030232 503023
Shuddering Flame 5020825 5020824 5020823 5020822 502082
Snare of Corrosion 5026625 5026624 5026623 5026622 502662
Snare of Lightning 5026175 5026174 5026173 5026172 502617
Soothe Creature 5242025 5242024 5242023 5242022 524202
Spear of Flame 5230155 5230154 5230153 5230152 523015
Speed of the Wind 5034235 5034234 5034233 5034232 503423
Spinning Blow 5020415 5020414 5020413 5020412 502041
Spiracle Cannon 5020555 5020554 5020553 5020552 502055
Spiracle Charge 5026315 5026314 5026313 5026312 502631
Spiracle of Vitality 5026425 5026424 5026423 5026422 502642
Spiracle Shock Shot 5023135 5023134 5023133 5023132 502313
Spirit of Restoration 5039015 5039014 5039013 5039012 503901
Steel Cage 5223055 5223054 5223053 5223052 522305
Storming Serial Cut 5020435 5020434 5020433 5020432 502043
Support of Gust 5034315 5034314 5034313 5034312 503431
Tears of Gaia 5034725 5034724 5034723 5034722 503472
Threat of Spirit 5236045 5236044 5236043 5236042 523604
Threat of the Wild 5236035 5236034 5236033 5236032 523603
Thunderbolt Wind Cut 5220105 5220104 5220103 5220102 522010
Thunderstorm Slayer 5031035 5031034 5031033 5031032 503103
Trap of Flame 5026635 5026634 5026633 5026632 502663
Unity of Force 5234235 5234234 5234233 5234232 523423
Unity of Intelligence 5234265 5234264 5234263 5234262 523426
Unity of Mentality 5234255 5234254 5234253 5234252 523425
Unity of Vitality 5234245 5234244 5234243 5234242 523424
Vacuum Shock Shot 5031885 5031884 5031883 5031882 503188
Vision of Prey 5026645 5026644 5026643 5026642 502664
Wave Cut 5220095 5220094 5220093 5220092 522009
Whirlwind Assault 5020535 5020534 5020533 5020532 502053
Wind Cut 5020455 5020454 5020453 5020452 502045
Yak Advent 5037545 5037544 5037543 5037542 503754
Creature Taming Card: 5040034
Deep Evasion: 5026014
Mental Concentration: 5026024
Minor Healing: 5032014
Recall Creature: 5040024
Smite: 5020014
Summon Creature: 5040014
Acid Spray: 5030053
Acid Swamp: 5236013
Active Guard: 5026112
Blessing: 5234013
Blessing of Int: 5234054
Blessing of Str: 5234072
Blessing of Vit: 5234044
Blessing of Wis: 5234064
Celestial Offering: 5232023
Celestial Sanctuary: 5042072
Clear Poison: 5032042
Cold Bolt: 503037
Creature Healing: 5042012
Creature Restoration: 5242043,
Creature Ressurection: 5042023
Defense Breaker: 5020212
Deflecting Shield: 5234023
Divine Claw: 5234174
Divine Cluster: 5034014
Divine Crash: 5220074
Divine Cross: 5020144
Divine Flare: 5030014
Divine Flash: 5230094
Divine Nova: 5038142
Divine Shield: 5234092
Divine smash: 5020115
Dual Strike: 5020614
Earth Spear: 5230013
Earthquake: 5230134
Elemental Resistance: 5234164
Energy Beat: 5030113
Eternal Lifeguard: 5232013
Flash: 5030023
Frost Spear: 523002
Frozen Snare: 5030032
Godly Protection: 5026154
Hate Aura: 5038152, 5038155
Healing: 5032022
Heaven's Madness: 5020674
Heaven's Spear: 5230042
Holy Aura: 5034925, 5034924
Holy Cross: 5220045, 5220042
Ice Spear: 5230024
Inorganic Resistance: 5234143
Int Boost: 5244033
Int Support: 5234125
Judgment Buster: 5230104
Judgment of Heaven: 5020684
Judgment of the Goddess: 5230114
Laser Blade: 5220065
Light Speed: 5234324
Mass Bless Armor: 5234364
Mass Bless Magic Armor: 5234384
Mass Bless Magic Power: 5234394
Mass Bless Weapon: 5234374
Mass Healing: 5232044
Mass HP Regen: 5234344
Mass MP Regen: 5234354
Mental Breaker: 5020223
Mental Support: 5034023
Mighty Crash: 5220084
Minor Shining Armor: 5234085
Minor Shining Weapon: 5034025
Miracle: 5232064, 5232062
Offense Breaker: 5020204
Organic Resistance: 5236063
Pass Damage: 5040123
Physical Breaker: 5020634
Provocation: 5026352
Rapid Healing: 5032032
Restoration: 5032103
Restrain: 5220034
Ressurection: 5032055
Rock Pin: 5230124
Shield Blow: 5220014
Shield Charge: 5020194
Shield of Revenge: 5234033
Shield Smash: 5020184
Shield Strike: 5220024
Shining Armor: 5234334
Shining Buster: 5030042
Shining Cross: 5230034
Shining Weapon: 5034545
Snow Slide: 5230144
Soul Breaker: 5020644
Spell Intercept: 5038145
Spirit Resistance: 5234152
Str Boost: 5244013, 5244014
Str Support: 5234104
Stun Mace: 5020122
Stun Mace Perfection: 5020133
Touch of the Goddess: 5232054
Vit Boost: 5244023
Vit Support: 5234114
Wild Sream: 5220055
Wis Boost: 5244043
Wrath of Heaven: 5036215
Agile Style 5026725 5026724 5026723 5026722 502672
Apocalypse 5020715 5020714 5020713 5020712 502071
Assassin Impact 5025025 5025024 5025023 5025022 502502
Aura of Halisha 5244075 5244074 5244073 5244072 524407
Blinding Dust 5026495 5026494 5026493 5026492 502649
Blinding Shot 5023345 5023344 5023343 5023342 502334
Blood Aura 5244055 5244054 5244053 5244052 524405
Blood of the Underworld 5248045 5248044 5248043 5248042 524804
Bloody Arrow 5048025 5048024 5048023 5048022 504802
Bloody Blade 5020335 5020334 5020333 5020332 502033
Bolt of Destruction 5023325 5023324 5023323 5023322 502332
Burning Style 5026715 5026714 5026713 5026712 502671
Cascade of Darkness 5023405 5023404 5023403 5023402 502340
Charge Stab 5020315 5020314 5020313 5020312 502031
Cloak of Shadow 5026395 5026394 5026393 5026392 502639
Combat Support 5044135 5044134 5044133 5044132 504413
Concentration 5026215 5026214 5026213 5026212 502621
Corpse HP Drain 5232035 5232034 5232033 5232032 523203
Corpse Mine 5038035 5038034 5038033 5038032 503803
Corpse MP Drain 5032125 5032124 5032123 5032122 503212
Corruption 5236055 5236054 5236053 5236052 523605
Creature HP Extract 5248025 5248024 5248023 5248022 524802
Creature Intimidate 5046125 5046124 5046123 5046122 504612
Creature Life Transfer 5242015 5242014 5242013 5242012 524201
Creature MP Extract 5048015 5048014 5048013 5048012 504801
Creature Soul Transfer 5042115 5042114 5042113 5042112 504211
Creature Stability 5046135 5046134 5046133 5046132 504613
Crimson Turbulence 5020785 5020784 5020783 5020782 502078
Critical Shot 5023045 5023044 5023043 5023042 502304
Cry of Arrows 5026785 5026784 5026783 5026782 502678
Cursed Arrow 5223045 5223044 5223043 5223042 522304
Dark Might 5034125 5034124 5034123 5034122 503412
Dark Spiral 5030275 5030274 5030273 5030272 503027
Dark Strike 5020325 5020324 5020323 5020322 502032
Darkness Arrow 5030155 5030154 5030153 5030152 503015
Darkness Saver 5034115 5034114 5034113 5034112 503411
Deadly Dancing 5020605 5020604 5020603 5020602 502060
Defect Aiming 5026205 5026204 5026203 5026202 502620
Dirk Tornado 5020515 5020514 5020513 5020512 502051
Dispel Magic 5036075 5036074 5036073 5036072 503607
Distortion of Rage 5026375 5026374 5026373 5026372 502637
Double Impact 5025015 5025014 5025013 5025012 502501
Drain Arrow 5026265 5026264 5026263 5026262 502626
Dual Shot 5223015 5223014 5223013 5223012 522301
Dusk Style 5026735 5026734 5026733 5026732 502673
Explosion Trap 5238015 5238014 5238013 5238012 523801
Fatal Wave 5020775 5020774 5020773 5020772 502077
Fear Trap 5038105 5038104 5038103 5038102 503810
Fire Arrow 5230075 5230074 5230073 5230072 523007
Fire Ball 5030125 5030124 5030123 5030122 503012
Fire Blast 5031565 5031564 5031563 5031562 503156
Fire Field 5031855 5031854 5031853 5031852 503185
Fire Storm 5230065 5230064 5230063 5230062 523006
Flame Burn 5030135 5030134 5030133 5030132 503013
Fog of Horror 5036165 5036164 5036163 5036162 503616
Hail of the Underworld 5023395 5023394 5023393 5023392 502339
Haste of Conjurer 5034615 5034614 5034613 5034612 503461
Head Breaker 5020345 5020344 5020343 5020342 502034
Heaven's Breaker 5031865 5031864 5031863 5031862 503186
Heed of the Conjurer 5034605 5034604 5034603 5034602 503460
Hunter Impact 5025035 5025034 5025033 5025032 502503
Life Leech 5030145 5030144 5030143 5030142 503014
Life Transfer 5032115 5032114 5032113 5032112 503211
Lightning 5030165 5030164 5030163 5030162 503016
Lightning Bolt 5230085 5230084 5230083 5230082 523008
Lightning Field 5230055 5230054 5230053 5230052 523005
Lightning Trap 5238025 5238024 5238023 5238022 523802
Lion's Claw 5046145 5046144 5046143 5046142 504614
Magic Skin 5034585 5034584 5034583 5034582 503458
Magic Support 5234315 5234314 5234313 5234312 523431
Mana Burn 5030305 5030304 5030303 5030302 503030
Meteor Shower 5230175 5230174 5230173 5230172 523017
Might of the Underworld 5248055 5248054 5248053 5248052 524805
Mind Crisis 5036085 5036084 5036083 5036082 503608
Neutralize Magic 5034355 5034354 5034353 5034352 503435
Nightmare 5036015 5036014 5036013 5036012 503601
Oblivion 5026245 5026244 5026243 5026242 502624
Pass Damage 5040123 5040125 504012 5040124 5040122
Petrified Stench 5037535 5037534 5037533 5037532 503753
Piercing Arrow 5223035 5223034 5223033 5223032 522303
Poison Shot 5023315 5023314 5023313 5023312 502331
Power Support 5044125 5044124 5044123 5044122 504412
Provoke Shot 5023035 5023034 5023033 5023032 502303
Quick Pace 5026225 5026224 5026223 5026222 502622
Rapid Fire 5223075 5223074 5223073 5223072 522307
Scream of the Underworld 5248035 5248034 5248033 5248032 524803
Seal of Halisha 5049015 5049014 5049013 5049012 504901
Shadow Atrophia 5037505 5037504 5037503 5037502 503750
Shadow Crash 5020755 5020754 5020753 5020752 502075
Shadow Rush 5026385 5026384 5026383 5026382 502638
Shadow Stab 5020745 5020744 5020743 5020742 502074
Shadow Wound 5020765 5020764 5020763 5020762 502076
Shield of Nightmare 5234455 5234454 5234453 5234452 523445
Sleeping Dust 5026235 5026234 5026233 5026232 502623
Sonic Blade 5020705 5020704 5020703 5020702 502070
Sonic Cross 5220115 5220114 5220113 5220112 522011
Spell Breaker 5038065 5038064 5038063 5038062 503806
Spiral Arrow 5026775 5026774 5026773 5026772 502677
Spirit Aura 5244065 5244064 5244063 5244062 524406
Spirit of Fire 5234285 5234284 5234283 5234282 523428
Spirit Support 5234305 5234304 5234303 5234302 523430
Splash Thunder 5030175 5030174 5030173 5030172 503017
Steadfast Shadowflame 5038115 5038114 5038113 5038112 503811
Stench of Armistice 5030355 5030354 5030353 5030352 503035
Stench of Frailty 5036135 5036134 5036133 5036132 503613
Strength of Darkness 5234445 5234444 5234443 5234442 523444
Stun Shaft 5023335 5023334 5023333 5023332 502333
Subtle Enmity 5026765 5026764 5026763 5026762 502676
Sudden Rush 5026305 5026304 5026303 5026302 502630
Thrust Arrow 5223025 5223024 5223023 5223022 522302
Thunder Slayer 5030335 5030334 5030333 5030332 503033
Thunderbolt Arrow 5026795 5026794 5026793 5026792 502679
Vengeance Shot 5023375 5023374 5023373 5023372 502337
Weakness Skin 5036035 5036034 5036033 5036032 503603
Wide Windy Shackles 5036145 5036144 5036143 5036142 503614
Wind Weapon 5234295 5234294 5234293 5234292 523429
Windy Shackle 5036025 5036024 5036023 5036022 503602
Anger of Spirit 5248015 5248014 5248013 5248012 524801
Anger of the Wild 5234275 5234274 5234273 5234272 523427
Arrow of Delay 5023115 5023114 5023113 5023112 502311
Barbarian Rage 5225015 5225014 5225013 5225012 522501
Beast Disguise 5240025 5240024 5240023 5240022 524002
Beast Shockwave 5220125 5220124 5220123 5220122 522012
Blasting Rock Cut 5020465 5020464 5020463 5020462 502046
Chainsickle Wind 5030225 5030224 5030223 5030222 503022
Creature Purification 5242035 5242034 5242033 5242032 524203
Crystalizing Water Spheres 5030245 5030244 5030243 5030242 503024
Dark Water Seal 5236025 5236024 5236023 5236022 523602
Deadly Petrification 5037515 5037514 5037513 5037512 503751
Double Shot 5023265 5023264 5023263 5023262 502326
Dual Summoning Control 5026825 5026824 5026823 5026822 502682
Earth Shaker 5020525 5020524 5020523 5020522 502052
Enchant Weapon: Earth 5034295 5034294 5034293 5034292 503429
Enchant Weapon: Fire 5034265 5034264 5034263 5034262 503426
Enchant Weapon: Lightning 5034285 5034284 5034283 5034282 503428
Enchant Weapon: Water 5034275 5034274 5034273 5034272 503427
Energy Bomb 5020565 5020564 5020563 5020562 502056
Energy Charge 5026415 5026414 5026413 5026412 502641
Essence of Fire 5026555 5026554 5026553 5026552 502655
Essence of Invulnerability 5026615 5026614 5026613 5026612 502661
Essence of Life 5032245 5032244 5032243 5032242 503224
Essence of Steel 5026815 5026814 5026813 5026812 502681
Essence of Thunder 5026565 5026564 5026563 5026562 502656
Eternal Pillar of Fire 5031835 5031834 5031833 5031832 503183
Explosion of Petrification 5031515 5031514 5031513 5031512 503151
Fire Pillar Shot 5023285 5023284 5023283 5023282 502328
Fireshield 5034305 5034304 5034303 5034302 503430
Force of Sacred Fire 5034255 5034254 5034253 5034252 503425
Freezing Arrow 5023155 5023154 5023153 5023152 502315
Gale of Reflection 5234425 5234424 5234423 5234422 523442
Gravity Amplification 5037525 5037524 5037523 5037522 503752
Harmony of Life 5240015 5240014 5240013 5240012 524001
Heat Shot 5023125 5023124 5023123 5023122 502312
Hellfire Flame 5020585 5020584 5020583 5020582 502058
Huge Rock Fall 5030255 5030254 5030253 5030252 503025
Huge Volcanic Eruption 5230165 5230164 5230163 5230162 523016
Icicle Snare 5026165 5026164 5026163 5026162 502616
Lightning Fury 5223065 5223064 5223063 5223062 522306
Loading Restrain 5026455 5026454 5026453 5026452 502645
Log Split 5020445 5020444 5020443 5020442 502044
Mysterious Energy 5026685 5026684 5026683 5026682 502668
Paragon of Anger 5234435 5234434 5234433 5234432 523443
Pass Damage 5040123 5040125 504012 5040124 5040122
Penetrating Shot 5023225 5023224 5023223 5023222 502322
Poison Arrow 5234185 5234184 5234183 5234182 523418
Poison Healing 5032095 5032094 5032093 5032092 503209
Rain of the Spirits 5031875 5031874 5031873 5031872 503187
Recklessness of Earth 5234215 5234214 5234213 5234212 523421
Recklessness of Fire 5234195 5234194 5234193 5234192 523419
Recklessness of Thunder 5234205 5234204 5234203 5234202 523420
Recklessness of Water 5234225 5234224 5234223 5234222 523422
Reflection of the Soul 5234415 5234414 5234413 5234412 523441
Resonance Shockwave 5023215 5023214 5023213 5023212 502321
Restoring Purified Water 5032225 5032224 5032223 5032222 503222
Resurrection Sorcery 5032205 5032204 5032203 5032202 503220
Rock Energy 5034245 5034244 5034243 5034242 503424
Root of Mother Nature 5031815 5031814 5031813 5031812 503181
Scorching Flame 5030215 5030214 5030213 5030212 503021
Seal of Gaia 5036225 5036224 5036223 5036222 503622
Shackle of the Ground 5030235 5030234 5030233 5030232 503023
Shuddering Flame 5020825 5020824 5020823 5020822 502082
Snare of Corrosion 5026625 5026624 5026623 5026622 502662
Snare of Lightning 5026175 5026174 5026173 5026172 502617
Soothe Creature 5242025 5242024 5242023 5242022 524202
Spear of Flame 5230155 5230154 5230153 5230152 523015
Speed of the Wind 5034235 5034234 5034233 5034232 503423
Spinning Blow 5020415 5020414 5020413 5020412 502041
Spiracle Cannon 5020555 5020554 5020553 5020552 502055
Spiracle Charge 5026315 5026314 5026313 5026312 502631
Spiracle of Vitality 5026425 5026424 5026423 5026422 502642
Spiracle Shock Shot 5023135 5023134 5023133 5023132 502313
Spirit of Restoration 5039015 5039014 5039013 5039012 503901
Steel Cage 5223055 5223054 5223053 5223052 522305
Storming Serial Cut 5020435 5020434 5020433 5020432 502043
Support of Gust 5034315 5034314 5034313 5034312 503431
Tears of Gaia 5034725 5034724 5034723 5034722 503472
Threat of Spirit 5236045 5236044 5236043 5236042 523604
Threat of the Wild 5236035 5236034 5236033 5236032 523603
Thunderbolt Wind Cut 5220105 5220104 5220103 5220102 522010
Thunderstorm Slayer 5031035 5031034 5031033 5031032 503103
Trap of Flame 5026635 5026634 5026633 5026632 502663
Unity of Force 5234235 5234234 5234233 5234232 523423
Unity of Intelligence 5234265 5234264 5234263 5234262 523426
Unity of Mentality 5234255 5234254 5234253 5234252 523425
Unity of Vitality 5234245 5234244 5234243 5234242 523424
Vacuum Shock Shot 5031885 5031884 5031883 5031882 503188
Vision of Prey 5026645 5026644 5026643 5026642 502664
Wave Cut 5220095 5220094 5220093 5220092 522009
Whirlwind Assault 5020535 5020534 5020533 5020532 502053
Wind Cut 5020455 5020454 5020453 5020452 502045
Yak Advent 5037545 5037544 5037543 5037542 503754
HV Pass/Buff:

To add tamed pets you need to use this template:
#insert_item(Petcard ID, 1, 1, 1, -2147483648, "char_name")
Pet IDs:
540014 Poultry
540015 Tortus
540016 Pantera
540038 Orc
540039 Yeti
540041 RP
540042 BP
540043 Siren
540057 Octopus
540109 Skeleton
540053 Wolf
540044 Salamander
540045 Hawk
540052 Harpy
540063 Unicorn
540065 Nightmare
540010 Kenta
540013 Angel
540059 Naga
540055 Gnoll
540036 Cerberus
540061 Genie
540063 Ifrit
540037 White Dragon
540049 Koala
540014 Poultry
540015 Tortus
540016 Pantera
540038 Orc
540039 Yeti
540041 RP
540042 BP
540043 Siren
540057 Octopus
540109 Skeleton
540053 Wolf
540044 Salamander
540045 Hawk
540052 Harpy
540063 Unicorn
540065 Nightmare
540010 Kenta
540013 Angel
540059 Naga
540055 Gnoll
540036 Cerberus
540061 Genie
540063 Ifrit
540037 White Dragon
540049 Koala
#warp command: #warp( X, Y, "char_name")
Coordinates: (most dungeons are empty in reason of corrupted monster files)
X: 219957 Y: 15681
X: 219257 Y: 15681
X: 219257 Y: 112449
X: 218806 Y: 56778
X: 218806 Y: 89034
X: 206071 Y: 116948
X: 201400 Y: 135438
X: 201400 Y: 151566
X: 201400 Y: 167694
X: 211290 Y: 146006
X: 211290 Y: 129881
X: 222782 Y: 120883
X: 222782 Y: 72499
[Gaia Horizon] WARP_X=152465 WARP_Y=76951
[Asura Katan] WARP_X=117974 WARP_Y=59119
[Deva Laksy] WARP_X=7363 WARP_Y=7101
[Rondo] WARP_X=138174 WARP_Y=105965
[Ruins] WARP_X=154666 WARP_Y=150287
[Horizon Arena] WARP_X=151896 WARP_Y=72599
[Ile Perdue] WARP_X=83994 WARP_Y=115939
[LM1] WARP_X=219257 WARP_Y=15681
[LM2] WARP_X=219257 WARP_Y=112449
[CV1] WARP_X=218806 WARP_Y=56778
[CV2] WARP_X=218806 WARP_Y=89034
[Moon1] WARP_X=222782 WARP_Y=72499
[Moon2] WARP_X=222782 WARP_Y=120883
[PP1] WARP_X=211290 WARP_Y=129881
[PP2] WARP_X=211290 WARP_Y=146006
[Sanctury] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=167694
[Veiled Island] WARP_X=206071 WARP_Y=116948
[TOA] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=151566
[Brise-Dune] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=135438
[Hidden Village] WARP_X=222175 WARP_Y=17983
X: 219257 Y: 15681
X: 219257 Y: 112449
X: 218806 Y: 56778
X: 218806 Y: 89034
X: 206071 Y: 116948
X: 201400 Y: 135438
X: 201400 Y: 151566
X: 201400 Y: 167694
X: 211290 Y: 146006
X: 211290 Y: 129881
X: 222782 Y: 120883
X: 222782 Y: 72499
[Gaia Horizon] WARP_X=152465 WARP_Y=76951
[Asura Katan] WARP_X=117974 WARP_Y=59119
[Deva Laksy] WARP_X=7363 WARP_Y=7101
[Rondo] WARP_X=138174 WARP_Y=105965
[Ruins] WARP_X=154666 WARP_Y=150287
[Horizon Arena] WARP_X=151896 WARP_Y=72599
[Ile Perdue] WARP_X=83994 WARP_Y=115939
[LM1] WARP_X=219257 WARP_Y=15681
[LM2] WARP_X=219257 WARP_Y=112449
[CV1] WARP_X=218806 WARP_Y=56778
[CV2] WARP_X=218806 WARP_Y=89034
[Moon1] WARP_X=222782 WARP_Y=72499
[Moon2] WARP_X=222782 WARP_Y=120883
[PP1] WARP_X=211290 WARP_Y=129881
[PP2] WARP_X=211290 WARP_Y=146006
[Sanctury] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=167694
[Veiled Island] WARP_X=206071 WARP_Y=116948
[TOA] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=151566
[Brise-Dune] WARP_X=201400 WARP_Y=135438
[Hidden Village] WARP_X=222175 WARP_Y=17983
This command will level your character directly to 170, skill everything and change job level to max.
This command will level your creature directly to 170 and skill everything.
#learn_creature_all_skill("pet_name", "char_name")
In order to change your character information manually to to this path:
You can also change your name and insert special letters, which you were not able to enter at the character creation screen. So, for a [GM] - tag, just insert [GM] and save it.

To edit the level, max. HP, MP or JP just edit these fields:

...and lastly, to get GM permissions edit the permission field from 0 to 1, and for gold, just edit the gold field.

HOW TO - Create an account manually through database:
Log into your database, open Auth and right click (Edit first 200 Rows) on db.accounts.
The table should look like this:

Create a new line and use any account_id (ideal: last + 1), enter the login_name you want, and for password use this site

