Hello And Welcome
I'am selling my uplay account wich will be full infos:
Email+password (and ability to change the email to yours )
-Level 255
-Diamond on Operation Health
-Wl 1.3 Kd 1.1
-Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition
-Year 2+3 Season Pass
-179k R6 Credits
-All Outbreak Packs
-The Safari Bundle
-Racer Pack For (FBI+GSG9+British+Canadian+Russian+USA+23)
-Gemestones Bundle
-All Elite Sets Included (Iq included)
-A seasonal skins since velvet shell
-90 day booster (47 days left and counting)
-Pro League Sets:
-Ash Engenering Set
-Jâger Covert Set
-Pulse Desert Grit Set
-Thermite Military Police Set & MUCH MORE !
The screenshots are outdated.
Dont Believe me? Add me on Discord: YeeZy.eQ#7953
(I will screen share or send any screenshots that you ask for.)
Rank Proof:
The Price: 350€ (Negociable)