Looking for the Aika Online server files, I know 3 people that had them, but haven't seen their alias anywhere to ask them. Anyone know where I can find them?
[Aika] Aitan Arena : Aika Private server 12/06/2014 - Private Server Advertising - 8 Replies Website: Aitan Arena
Server Rates:
- Grind EXP: 5x
- Quest EXP: 2.5x
- Pran EXP: 3x
- Quest Gold Rate: 2x
- Drop Rate: 3x
Server Specifications (3 servers):
AIka online acc. givaway for taiwan and japan version 12/05/2009 - Trading - 1 Replies giving away 3 aika online taiwan acc. and 1 aika jp acc.
also giving info and guids on how to do quets and stuff ~
pm me if u want 1 acc. per person ~
aika japan account this is new since japan open beta just started the 27 of november
Taiwan account chars range from lvl 10 -lvl 25 depending upon account.