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New connected toplists with differend ranking algorithm

Discussion on New connected toplists with differend ranking algorithm within the Private Server forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.

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Talking New connected toplists with differend ranking algorithm

We are proud to announce you that our toplist is officially online from now on , we have been examening the private server owners and were able to implement lots of your ideas and suggestions.

Almost all of the toplist sell votes etc. , but we don’t do that , to prove this we have created a system where you can see all the votes for any particular server. (The IP, time, and the vote id are being shown)
Visit our websites where you can find out the benefits you’ll get when joining us.
Here you have a sneakpeak of the service our toplists provide
• Backend script + vote check
• A working anti-cheat-defense so that proxy-votes will be almost impossible
- Gives the servers an opportunity to compete with the same category servers by giving every category a new url.
- The banner is always shown
- You are always able to hide your server on our toplist for server development
- POSTBACK script is provided and very easy to implement
- Free 7 days premium membership

Premium membership benefits:
- Implement a youtube trailer
- Show a bigger banner 468x90px as well
- Different background
- We have created a new algorithm to give the active servers a better ranking as wel as a greater opportunity for the new servers, this way only the quality servers will have a better ranking no matter if the server is old or new.
- The banner is always shown
- You are always able to hide your server on our toplist for server development
- Embed social network like facebook and twitter
- POSTBACK script is provided and very easy to implement

Premium membership benefits:
- Differend background
- Embed youtube trailer
- A quality game server certificate
Professional membership benefits:
- Same as Premium membership
- Show screenshots of your site
- A differend background
- A professional members section on our toplit

muslimun is offline  

mmorpg games, new toplist, private server, toplist

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