Hi There i just inform there was born New Core called sulut Aion
its Bassed in all aion source and have implemented With Full Aion 3.0 System Retail like
here our project information
Our Project informations :
Aion client Full Support 3.0
-Characters creation
-Datapack 3.0 95%
-Datapack 3.5 5%
-Player stats
-Batleground system
-Housing system working in proggres 80% almost Done
-Mount System 3.0 - 3.5 mount
-TvT system
-Custom Announce
-Dialy Quest Working
-3.0 skills Working
-Group system (alliance included)
-2.7 of Campain Quets is Working 100%
-3.0 Quest is Working fine
-90% of Normal Quests Woking
-Multicast Skill System 100% Work
-Windstreams Works
-New 3.0 Pet System
-Filight time , correct gliding and fly rings working
-2.7 -3.0 Spawns is Working Fine
-Cosmetics Tickets working (hair change etc.)
-Motions working (books)
-Emotions working(books)
-2.7-3.0 of normal drops Working Fine
-Player cube expansion
-Items use works fine (you can us all kind of pots and food etc.)
-Lvl up and exp rates are compatible
-Merchants, Brokers ,Personal Shops are working fine
-Custom Config Monsters attak and movement is correct
-Flight Teleport
-Enchant System (manastones,goodstones etc- gives corrcet stats)
-Personal warehouses
-Normal Teleport
-Player pvp system
-Player duel system
-Trade between players
-Looting system
-Account warehouses
-Legion system (with all new titles and remodeled clothes)
-Items Remodeling
-Weapon Fusion System
-Set Items Bonuses
-Fortress works
-Rift system
-And Alot More
We're Still New So we'r Search For Advance Developer To Be join In Our Team
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