Tantra InFiNiX K8.2 Online
PVP and Normal Server
Check our site for all news and features.
Main Site:
New donation page:
**US and PH Currencies for paypal
New FAQ Feature for New players and common questions.
**Always suggest more common questions.
New Loyalty Point System.(Earn Taneys with daily login of website)
New Taney Transfers in Account Control.(May request lock on this if you don't want your pilots to steal Taneys)
New Taney Redemption system.
Multiple Server Access from Single Client.(Normal & PVP)
Multiple Server Rankings(One Website for Registration ect...)
Taneys can be used from one server to the other.
New Armors Non Donator and Donator(VIP)
Cool weapons and designs.
And much more on the way.....Stay tuned!