Hey everyone! Earlier today I was looking through some old flash drives of mine and noticed that I still had the Crazy Tao Server Files laying around. So here I am today releasing them for everyone to enjoy!
Alright so as far as I know these files are old and outdated. They still have issues that need to be fixed. How ever that will be up to you. As far as the client information and everything I'm not sure exactly. You may be able to check some of FearReapers old post and see what kind of information it has on it.
Crazy Tao Server Files -
Quick little guide on how to run the Server. You will have to find a suitable client your self. I think the 1070 version was the correct version but I'm not sure.
First thing first. You need to go to your wamp folder then to the Mysql, Then bin, Run winmysqladmin. The user name and password are both "test" without the ". You should have a green light. If not shut down winmysqladmin then go to your windows folder and delete the my.ini then retry running winmysqladmin.
Once that is done you will need to edit the configs. I will start with the AccServer configs.
Open the Account config and edit as so
Next Open the Config file and edit it as so
Next we will go to the GameServer
First open up the Config file and edit it as so
Next open the Shell config file and edit it as so
Now after you have those edited correctly open proshell and make sure everything is correct. If so click on the "??shell" which pretty much means okay. Now you should be able to run the AccServer, MsgServer, And NpcServer. The MsgServer may take a minute so be patient! Run them in that order, Acc, Msg, Then Npc.
These files are far from perfect so you will have to do a lot of work yourself.