[RELEASE]DreamsDekaron [The First Private DekaronServer in ROMANIA ]
Discussion on [RELEASE]DreamsDekaron [The First Private DekaronServer in ROMANIA ] within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.
I hear one more complain and this post is Abandoned .
Ok then tell me u delete all acc so we can start all OB from lvl 1..... bec this stupid GMs plvl other players and they got 2 reborns know.....(2 times lvl 250 ) lol.... that sucks so we want start from lvl 1 if u got new DB...
this is a lesson to some pserver...
only recruit smart, helpfull, friendly and loyal GM's
not those noob, not helpfull, corupted once that bully players with there normal chars...
my tip only hire 2-3 GM's that are not corupt, and dont bully people
Aion Romania New Aion Private Server 06/14/2011 - Aion Private Server - 7 Replies Aion Romania New Aion Private Server
God dropt exp and quest dropt!;)
Website: http://aion.forceds.ro/
[Release] DekaronServer A7 01/31/2010 - Dekaron Private Server - 11 Replies by Thiago
DekaronServer.exe A7
working in Windows Server 2003