Hi all
site: torrent file:
server Shock x1
and Shock PvP x50
run file SHOCK-TERA.exe
quest so far up to 38 lvl
you bug? write --kill_me
have events...
work patch
and more more.. sorry i from Russia google translate not work me i dont want search translate good bay
TERA Online Private Server [GamezTERA] 01/10/2014 - Private Server Advertising - 71 Replies http://i.epvpimg.com/estyh.jpg
is an MMO that keeps you on the edge of your seat. This is not one of those cast a spell, sit back and relax MMOs. This is a visually breathtaking game that's rich in story and physically engaging. In TERA, you're in control. YOU aim, YOU dodge, YOU move, or it doesn't happen. It's like an action console game and a traditional MMO got together and produced an heir to the throne of the video game kingdom.
Tera online Private Server 09/15/2012 - Private Server Advertising - 27 Replies Moin Leute ich suche einen Tera online Private server!
Problem ist aber das ich nicht wei wie ich einem Pserver joinen kann.
Tera Online Private Server ;) 03/24/2012 - Private Server Advertising - 25 Replies Hi all , today I found a guide how to play Tera Online Private Server .
English Instructions: How to set up the game + FAQ
I had never play there before so it need to test.
If it's works Press Thanks :)
P.S. Credits go to mia2011 in Форум разработчиков и администраторов игровых серверов :)
Tera online private server 03/10/2012 - Private Server Advertising - 7 Replies link : New Tera Online ::
english and russian private server !