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Necrobot 0.70 with new API!
Discussion on Necrobot 0.70 with new API! within the Pokemon Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Pokemon category.
08/07/2016, 20:03
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 11
Received Thanks: 2
0.7.2 funktioniert . ist nur nicht mehr idiotensicher . nach 2 minuten fummeln läufts nun . ein "softban" hatte ich kassiert.
Edit // er fängt keine evolis bei mir O.o
08/07/2016, 20:05
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 83
Received Thanks: 15
0.70 läuft weiterhin 1a
0.71 läuft (bei mir nur langsam)
0.72 läuft nicht, ohne die Vorversionen zu involvieren. - oder die komplette config umzuschreiben
08/07/2016, 20:07
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 559
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0.72 läuft sehr gut bei mir
Muss an euch liegen
08/07/2016, 20:07
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 90
Received Thanks: 14
0.7.2 läuft stabil.
3 User mit ca. 180.000exp/h
Was will man mehr Bissl Vorrat schaffen um hier im Dorf mal die Arenen zu beherrschen ... die 2, die wir hier haben
Mein dritter User hat vor 27min. losgelegt und ist schon Level 13
08/07/2016, 20:08
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 1
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ich habe andere koordinaten eingetragen , danach ging es wieder
08/07/2016, 20:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 236
Received Thanks: 22
bei mir läuft er nicht mehr auf deutsch
08/07/2016, 20:12
elite*gold: 475
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 1,411
Received Thanks: 211
Originally Posted by Lynsch
0.7.2 läuft stabil.
3 User mit ca. 180.000exp/h
Was will man mehr Bissl Vorrat schaffen um hier im Dorf mal die Arenen zu beherrschen ... die 2, die wir hier haben
Mein dritter User hat vor 27min. losgelegt und ist schon Level 13
Welcher Ort / Einstellungen?
08/07/2016, 20:13
elite*gold: 47
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 1,383
Received Thanks: 177
Originally Posted by Lynsch
0.7.2 läuft stabil.
3 User mit ca. 180.000exp/h
Was will man mehr Bissl Vorrat schaffen um hier im Dorf mal die Arenen zu beherrschen ... die 2, die wir hier haben
Als Bot User Arenen einnehmen, starke Leistung !
08/07/2016, 20:15
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 90
Received Thanks: 14
Originally Posted by ЂraiиShøck
Als Bot User Arenen einnehmen, starke Leistung !
Na welche Leistung ist deiner Meinung nach denn stark wenn man hier mit Bot unterwegs ist?? Wohl eher keine. Also behalt deine Meinung mal schön für dich. Oder bist du hier um alle zu bekehren oder was?
08/07/2016, 20:21
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 12
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Hab auf 0.7.0 zurück gesetzt. Da klappt alles bei mir. Kann mir jemand verraten, wieso ich mit 1:1 den gleichen Daten bei einem Acc keine Probleme hab und er nur am fangen und transferieren ist und bei dem anderen Acc er fast nur mit Snipen beschäftigt ist? Kann ich das Snipen iwie komplett ausschalten?
Habs auch oft, dass er sich einfach beim Snipen aufhängt...da steht dann "Scannen nach Snipebaren Pokemon in..." und das bleibt da stehen und es passiert nix mehr...
08/07/2016, 20:23
elite*gold: 47
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 1,383
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Originally Posted by Lynsch
Na welche Leistung ist deiner Meinung nach denn stark wenn man hier mit Bot unterwegs ist?? Wohl eher keine. Also behalt deine Meinung mal schön für dich. Oder bist du hier um alle zu bekehren oder was?
Es ist einfach sau lächerlich als Bot User Arenen einzunehmen !
Ich benutzte selber ein Bot, aber man sollte wohl noch etwas Anstand haben und den ehrlichen Spielern die Arenen überlassen.
08/07/2016, 20:27
elite*gold: 475
Join Date: May 2014
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Bei mir geht er nicht (mehr).
Nach Update keine .exe mehr zum starten und ohne Update geht es nicht.
Was soll ich tun?
08/07/2016, 20:29
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 73
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[19:27:33] () Exceptiion caught, writing LogBuffer.
Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.ArgumentNullException: Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein.
Parametername: value
bei Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.EnsureValue(JToken value)
bei Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.op_Explicit(JToken value)
bei PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.Utils.LocationUtils.getElevati on(Double lat, Double lon) in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot .Logic\Utils\LocationUtils.cs:Zeile 36.
bei PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.ClientSettings.PokemonGo.Rocke tAPI.ISettings.get_DefaultAltitude() in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot .Logic\Settings.cs:Zeile 1095.
bei PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Client..ctor(ISettings settings, IApiFailureStrategy apiFailureStrategy) in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\FeroxRev\Poke monGo.RocketAPI\Client.cs:Zeile 60.
bei PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.State.Session.Reset(ISettings settings, ILogicSettings logicSettings) in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot .Logic\State\Session.cs:Zeile 53.
bei PoGo.NecroBot.Logic.State.Session..ctor(ISettings settings, ILogicSettings logicSettings) in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot .Logic\State\Session.cs:Zeile 32.
bei PoGo.NecroBot.CLI.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\ciamo\Source\Repos\NecroBot\PoGo.NecroBot .CLI\Program.cs:Zeile 77.
Kann mir bei dem Fehler einer Helfen?
Meine Config:
"TranslationLanguageCode": "en",
"AutoUpdate": true,
"TransferConfigAndAuthOnUpdate": true,
"UseWebsocket": false,
"StartupWelcomeDelay": false,
"AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart": 10,
"ShowPokeballCountsBeforeRecycle": true,
"CatchPokemon": true,
"AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": false,
"AmountOfTimesToUpgradeLoop": 5,
"GetMinStarDustForLevelUp": 5000,
"LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
"UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 1000.0,
"UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 95.0,
"UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "and",
"DisableHumanWalking": false,
"DefaultLatitude": 40.767068,
"DefaultLongitude": -73.974938,
"WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour": 31.0,
"MaxSpawnLocationOffset": 10,
"DelayBetweenPlayerActions": 5000,
"DelayBetweenPokemonCatch": 2000,
"DumpPokemonStats": false,
"EvolveAboveIvValue": 95.0,
"EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv": false,
"EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy": false,
"EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage": 90.0,
"KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true,
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 2,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"PrioritizeIvOverCp": false,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"UseGpxPathing": false,
"GpxFile": "GPXPath.GPX",
"VerboseRecycling": true,
"RecycleInventoryAtUsagePercentage": 90.0,
"UseEggIncubators": true,
"UseLuckyEggConstantly": false,
"UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount": 50,
"UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving": true,
"UseIncenseConstantly": false,
"UseBerriesMinCp": 1000,
"UseBerriesMinIv": 90.0,
"UseBerriesBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
"UseBerriesOperator": "and",
"UseSnipeOnlineLocationServer": true,
"UseSnipeLocationServer": false,
"SnipeLocationServer": "localhost",
"SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
"GetOnlyVerifiedSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
"MinPokeballsToSnipe": 20,
"MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0,
"MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 60000,
"SnipingScanOffset": 0.003,
"SnipeAtPokestops": false,
"SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false,
"UseTransferIvForSnipe": false,
"SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": false,
"RenamePokemon": false,
"RenameOnlyAboveIv": true,
"RenameTemplate": "{1}_{0}",
"MaxPokeballsPerPokemon": 20,
"MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 1000,
"TotalAmountOfPokeballsToKeep": 120,
"TotalAmountOfPotionsToKeep": 80,
"TotalAmountOfRevivesToKeep": 60,
"TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep": 50,
"UseGreatBallAboveCp": 1000,
"UseUltraBallAboveCp": 1250,
"UseMasterBallAboveCp": 1500,
"UseGreatBallAboveIv": 95.0,
"UseUltraBallAboveIv": 95.0,
"UseGreatBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
"UseUltraBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.1,
"UseMasterBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.05,
"EnableHumanizedThrows": false,
"NiceThrowChance": 40,
"GreatThrowChance": 30,
"ExcellentThrowChance": 10,
"CurveThrowChance": 90,
"ForceGreatThrowOverIv": 90.0,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverIv": 95.0,
"ForceGreatThrowOverCp": 1000,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverCp": 1500,
"TransferWeakPokemon": false,
"TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,
"TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture": true,
"FavoriteMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"AutoFavoritePokemon": false,
"UsePokemonToNotCatchFilter": false,
"UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false,
"WebSocketPort": 14251,
"ItemRecycleFilter": [
"Key": "itemUnknown",
"Value": 0
"Key": "itemLuckyEgg",
"Value": 200
"Key": "itemIncenseOrdinary",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseSpicy",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseCool",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseFloral",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemTroyDisk",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXAttack",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXDefense",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXMiracle",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemSpecialCamera",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasicUnlimited",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasic",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemPokemonStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemItemStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"PokemonsNotToTransfer": [
"PokemonsToEvolve": [
"PokemonsToIgnore": [
"PokemonsTransferFilter": {
"Golduck": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Farfetchd": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Krabby": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Kangaskhan": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Horsea": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Staryu": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"MrMime": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 40.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Scyther": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Jynx": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Electabuzz": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Magmar": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Pinsir": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Tauros": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Magikarp": {
"KeepMinCp": 200,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Gyarados": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Lapras": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Eevee": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Vaporeon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Jolteon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Flareon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Porygon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Snorlax": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Dragonite": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"PokemonToSnipe": {
"Locations": [
"Latitude": 38.556807486461118,
"Longitude": -121.2383794784546
"Latitude": -33.859019,
"Longitude": 151.213098
"Latitude": 47.5014969,
"Longitude": -122.0959568
"Latitude": 51.5025343,
"Longitude": -0.2055027
"Pokemon": [
"PokemonToUseMasterball": [
08/07/2016, 20:30
elite*gold: 501
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 2,169
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Die Leute die keine Pokestops finden , müssen einfach nur die Koordinaten ändern!
08/07/2016, 20:33
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 31
Received Thanks: 2
Kann leider keine Fotos reinhauen da ich hier neu bin, bei mir scheint alles sauber zu laufen auch auf dem .3 update, nur erscheint öfts mal ein text in rot wenn er pokemon fängt, wieso kommt das manchmal in rot weiß das jemand?
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Hilfe Necrobot
08/12/2016 - Pokemon - 4 Replies
Hallo liebe com!
Ich habe mir den Necrobot heruntergeladen, alles lief perfekt, aber dann kam ein update und das Programm brachte sich von selbst auf die neuste Version.
Ich startete neu und alles ging wieder und war fertig, aber dann bagang der bot mir meine ganzen Pokemon zu verschicken?!
Wieso hat er das gemacht? :)
danke für die Hilfe
Necrobot - Basic Setup
08/12/2016 - Pokemon Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 13 Replies
Hey guys,
so people get offended on the internet and the appropriate reaction is of course deleting a copy&paste thread. Oh well.
So, most of you probably already know Necrobot.
Its a Pokemon GO bot based on FeroxRev API libarary with some nice additional features.
I do not own nor made this bot.
Credit is due to the team who made it, FeroxRev for the API and everyone mentioned on the github page.
{B} 24/7 PokemonGO Bot auf Server laufen lassen!! NECROBOT
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