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Necrobot 0.70 with new API!
Discussion on Necrobot 0.70 with new API! within the Pokemon Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Pokemon category.
08/10/2016, 20:16
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 1,513
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(11.0 KB, 62 views)
08/10/2016, 20:17
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 103
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Originally Posted by
google http proxy list such dir eine recht neue nimm welche aus der mitte füge sie bei deiner auth config ein und probier aus obs funktioniert wenn nicht nächste nehmen und wieder probieren
Über ein Programm wie Steganos Online Shield klappt es nicht?
08/10/2016, 20:18
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 341
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Selbst mit neuer IP sofort keine Pokestops in deiner Nähe ich weiß echt nicht was man da noch machen kann
08/10/2016, 20:19
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 103
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Selbe auch bei mir, trotz IP Wechsel
08/10/2016, 20:22
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 14
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Braucht man den feeder überhaupt bei mir macht es kaum unterschied ob ich mit oder ohne laufen lasse
08/10/2016, 20:28
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 341
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Originally Posted by
google http proxy list such dir eine recht neue nimm welche aus der mitte füge sie bei deiner auth config ein und probier aus obs funktioniert wenn nicht nächste nehmen und wieder probieren
Sorry für die Nachfrage, aber in der auth config stehen mehrere Felder die was mit Proxy zu tun haben, wo muss denn was rein?
08/10/2016, 20:29
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2007
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"UseProxy": false,
"UseProxyHost": null,
"UseProxyPort": null,
08/10/2016, 20:30
elite*gold: 0
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Gibt es eine offizielle GUI für den Bot? Habe bis jetzt nur Drittanbieter gefunden...
08/10/2016, 20:30
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by
Stimmt hast recht funktioniert wieder 2mio+ 1500+ p/h lag doch nur am niantic server
Aus Interesse würde ich gerne mal deine Config sehen.
08/10/2016, 20:30
elite*gold: 30
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Posts: 734
Received Thanks: 134
use proxy true host die ip prot nach dem doppelpunkt ?
08/10/2016, 20:33
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 74
Received Thanks: 3
bei mir auch nichts mehr zu machen! keine stops usw mehr.. Ip bann was ....
08/10/2016, 20:34
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 1,513
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Originally Posted by
Gibt es eine offizielle GUI für den Bot? Habe bis jetzt nur Drittanbieter gefunden...
08/10/2016, 20:35
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 75
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Originally Posted by
bei mir auch nichts mehr zu machen! keine stops usw mehr.. Ip bann was ....
Meiner rennt noch
Meine Config, die hier bekannte etwas abgeändert:
"TranslationLanguageCode": "de",
"AutoUpdate": true,
"TransferConfigAndAuthOnUpdate": true,
"UseWebsocket": true,
"WebSocketPort": 14251,
"StartupWelcomeDelay": false,
"UseTelegramAPI": false,
"TelegramAPIKey": null,
"AmountOfPokemonToDisplayOnStart": 10,
"DetailedCountsBeforeRecycling": true,
"MaxBerriesToUsePerPokemon": 3,
"CatchPokemon": true,
"AutomaticallyLevelUpPokemon": false,
"OnlyUpgradeFavorites": true,
"UseLevelUpList": true,
"AmountOfTimesToUpgradeLoop": 5,
"GetMinStarDustForLevelUp": 5000,
"LevelUpByCPorIv": "iv",
"UpgradePokemonCpMinimum": 2500.0,
"UpgradePokemonIvMinimum": 95.0,
"UpgradePokemonMinimumStatsOperator": "and",
"DisableHumanWalking": false,
"DefaultLatitude": -33.859048,
"DefaultLongitude": 151.213183,
"WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour": 15.0,
"MaxSpawnLocationOffset": 10,
"FastSoftBanBypass": false,
"DelayBetweenPlayerActions": 3500,
"DelayBetweenPokemonCatch": 2000,
"DumpPokemonStats": false,
"EvolveAboveIvValue": 95.0,
"EvolveAllPokemonAboveIv": false,
"EvolveAllPokemonWithEnoughCandy": true,
"EvolveKeptPokemonsAtStorageUsagePercentage": 70.0,
"KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true,
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"PrioritizeIvOverCp": true,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"UseGpxPathing": false,
"GpxFile": "GPXPath.GPX",
"VerboseRecycling": true,
"RecycleInventoryAtUsagePercentage": 90.0,
"RandomizeRecycle": false,
"RandomRecycleValue": 5,
"DelayBetweenRecycleActions": false,
"UseEggIncubators": true,
"UseLuckyEggConstantly": false,
"UseLuckyEggsMinPokemonAmount": 30,
"UseLuckyEggsWhileEvolving": false,
"UseIncenseConstantly": false,
"UseBerriesMinCp": 1000,
"UseBerriesMinIv": 90.0,
"UseBerriesBelowCatchProbability": 0.2,
"UseBerriesOperator": "or",
"UseSnipeLocationServer": true,
"SnipeLocationServer": "localhost",
"SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokezz": false,
"GetOnlyVerifiedSniperInfoFromPokezz": true,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokeSnipers": true,
"GetSniperInfoFromPokeWatchers": false,
"SnipeWithSkiplagged": false,
"MinPokeballsToSnipe": 100,
"MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0,
"MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 50000,
"SnipingScanOffset": 0.005,
"SnipeAtPokestops": true,
"SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": false,
"UseTransferIvForSnipe": false,
"SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": false,
"RenamePokemon": true,
"RenameOnlyAboveIv": true,
"RenameTemplate": "{1}_{0}",
"MaxPokeballsPerPokemon": 40,
"MaxTravelDistanceInMeters": 2000,
"TotalAmountOfPokeballsToKeep": 160,
"TotalAmountOfPotionsToKeep": 50,
"TotalAmountOfRevivesToKeep": 50,
"TotalAmountOfBerriesToKeep": 50,
"UseGreatBallAboveCp": 1500,
"UseUltraBallAboveCp": 1700,
"UseMasterBallAboveCp": 2000,
"UseGreatBallAboveIv": 85.0,
"UseUltraBallAboveIv": 95.0,
"UseGreatBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.3,
"UseUltraBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.02,
"UseMasterBallBelowCatchProbability": 0.01,
"EnableHumanizedThrows": false,
"NiceThrowChance": 40,
"GreatThrowChance": 30,
"ExcellentThrowChance": 10,
"CurveThrowChance": 90,
"ForceGreatThrowOverIv": 90.0,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverIv": 95.0,
"ForceGreatThrowOverCp": 1000,
"ForceExcellentThrowOverCp": 1500,
"TransferWeakPokemon": false,
"TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,
"TransferDuplicatePokemonOnCapture": false,
"FavoriteMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"AutoFavoritePokemon": true,
"UsePokemonToNotCatchFilter": false,
"UsePokemonSniperFilterOnly": false,
"ItemRecycleFilter": [
"Key": "itemUnknown",
"Value": 0
"Key": "itemLuckyEgg",
"Value": 200
"Key": "itemIncenseOrdinary",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseSpicy",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseCool",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncenseFloral",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemTroyDisk",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXAttack",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXDefense",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemXMiracle",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemSpecialCamera",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasicUnlimited",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemIncubatorBasic",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemPokemonStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"Key": "itemItemStorageUpgrade",
"Value": 100
"PokemonsNotToTransfer": [
"PokemonsToEvolve": [
"PokemonsToLevelUp": null,
"PokemonsToIgnore": [
"PokemonsTransferFilter": {
"Golduck": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Farfetchd": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Krabby": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Kangaskhan": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Horsea": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Staryu": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"MrMime": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 40.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Scyther": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Jynx": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Electabuzz": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Magmar": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Pinsir": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Tauros": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Magikarp": {
"KeepMinCp": 200,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Gyarados": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Lapras": {
"KeepMinCp": 1800,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 80.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Eevee": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 95.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Vaporeon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Jolteon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Flareon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1500,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Porygon": {
"KeepMinCp": 1250,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 60.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Snorlax": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"Dragonite": {
"KeepMinCp": 2600,
"KeepMinLvl": 6,
"UseKeepMinLvl": false,
"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0,
"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 1,
"Moves": [],
"KeepMinOperator": "or",
"MovesOperator": "or"
"PokemonToSnipe": {
"Locations": [
"Latitude": 38.556807486461118,
"Longitude": -121.2383794784546
"Latitude": -33.859019,
"Longitude": 151.213098
"Latitude": 47.5014969,
"Longitude": -122.0959568
"Latitude": 51.5025343,
"Longitude": -0.2055027
"Pokemon": [
"PokemonToUseMasterball": [
08/10/2016, 20:36
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 107
Received Thanks: 8
Originally Posted by
Aus Interesse würde ich gerne mal deine Config sehen.
die wird nicht viel anders aussehen als deine, mit dem unterschied das er nicht snipen geht was zeit kostet sondern das er alle viecher aus der nähe einfängt.
das macht er bei mir auch in einem enormen tempo deswegen dachte ich anfangs den snipe auszustellen und nur ne tour laufen zu lassen von stop zu stop und dort die spawns abzugrasen.
meiner sucht gerade seit 4 min snipe locations ab ohne auch nur ein einzigen catch.
das kostet zeit und ep.
08/10/2016, 20:36
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 341
Received Thanks: 62
Originally Posted by
use proxy true host die ip prot nach dem doppelpunkt ?
Hab ich so, Programm stürzt leider sofort ab wegen falscher Eingabe
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Hilfe Necrobot
08/12/2016 - Pokemon - 4 Replies
Hallo liebe com!
Ich habe mir den Necrobot heruntergeladen, alles lief perfekt, aber dann kam ein update und das Programm brachte sich von selbst auf die neuste Version.
Ich startete neu und alles ging wieder und war fertig, aber dann bagang der bot mir meine ganzen Pokemon zu verschicken?!
Wieso hat er das gemacht? :)
danke für die Hilfe
Necrobot - Basic Setup
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Hey guys,
so people get offended on the internet and the appropriate reaction is of course deleting a copy&paste thread. Oh well.
So, most of you probably already know Necrobot.
Its a Pokemon GO bot based on FeroxRev API libarary with some nice additional features.
I do not own nor made this bot.
Credit is due to the team who made it, FeroxRev for the API and everyone mentioned on the github page.
{B} 24/7 PokemonGO Bot auf Server laufen lassen!! NECROBOT
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