I am new to the trading scene however I feel like have waited long enough to start trading. Now I am here to provide cheap accounts to those who need them for whatever purpose they need them for, I am willing to assist. I am only going to be doing this (For now) by the EPVP trade feature, don't be hesitant to open up a trade, ill always be happy to help.
- Fresh Pubg Account 10 euro
- Random Level account 15 euro
- Level 80 Pubg Account 30 euro (out of stock)
PUBG Account Information (what you will receive):
-Steam Username:
-Steam Password:
-Email Username:
-Email Password:
If you want I can disable steam guard before you get the account however its up to you.
Accepted Payments:
- Paypal
If you don't have PayPal, dm me to sort out another method of choice.
Please note that these accounts are not refundable, you may only be given a refund if the account information doesn't work ( I can refund or give you another account, again it's up to you)
Contact information:
Discord: ALK#0666
Epvp profile:
I respond extremely quick unless I am asleep
If you purchase an account and you are happy I would appreciate if you leave a vouch or somethin thanks