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[Discuss] SearchImage function in Paladins - Paladins Aimbot

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[Discuss] SearchImage function in Paladins - Paladins Aimbot


Ive written a SearchImage function in DotNet.
It works perfectly when searching image in my desktop but when I tried to search this image when Paladins is running. The SearchImage function will return 0.
Paladins is Run through Borderless Window Mode @ 1280x720 Resolution.

The idea is to create a Soft Aim bot for Paladins Online where I search for the enemy HP bar in my desktop screen and take a snapshot, compare it to my SearchImage function and move my Cursor to the location where the Image was spotted and "click" attack.
Of course, when it finds the image that matches with the SearchImage function, the cursor is already adjusted to "point to" the Character/Toon and not the HP Bar.

See Example:

I coded the function as to move the mouse cursor when it finds the matching image.

And of course, that's not the only images I have in my search list.
The function will Loop through these images and scans the entire desktop.

Now, this leads me to believe that like other DirectX games when you take a screenshot the Window will just appear "black" and makes my SearchImage function null and returns 0.
I also considered that the Images Im trying to search is "Too small" perhaps. Nonetheless, I tried moving the images (using image viewer) in real time and the function still works.
It just doesnt work while Paladin is running.

Any thoughts about this? Any help is appreciated.


P.S: Soft Aimbot, idk if there's already an existing term for this but I call it this way. Basically, its a image search function and when image is found, compared & matches your cursor will move instantly to the position where the image is located. It works similar to Aimbot but you're not altering the game client by using DLL or manipulating the DirectX functions.
So, this means, not game hacking or memory editing. And no Bans.
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Old 10/14/2016, 09:22   #2
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this is because DX9 does'nt render normally, you need to come out of full screen
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Old 10/14/2016, 10:47   #3
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What do you mean, I need to come out of full screen?
The window is currently Borderless Full screen. Am I going to go Full-full screen mode?
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Old 10/23/2016, 14:34   #4
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i beleave u are using autoit, means coordinats a x b = colour. if u change into borderless window, fullscreen or simply resolution, the colour by pixel false.
learn to hook process and at least, stop cheat in mobas...
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Old 10/29/2016, 21:21   #5
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No need to search for a specific image, just look for the following pixel color: 0xFF9B9B
Hope it helps
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Old 10/30/2016, 11:15   #6
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Originally Posted by bladerofdarknes View Post
i beleave u are using autoit, means coordinats a x b = colour. if u change into borderless window, fullscreen or simply resolution, the colour by pixel false.
learn to hook process and at least, stop cheat in mobas...
I know autoit, Ive used it. But No, Ive move away from that script. Im using Visual Studio now, c# to be precise.

Originally Posted by QByt3 View Post
No need to search for a specific image, just look for the following pixel color: 0xFF9B9B
Hope it helps
Thanks, that was my first idea to be implemented Pixel Search. But I thought, its more accurate if I'll look for the Health bar instead.
Also, there's this problem I had with mouse control. I can make it work 100% with AutoIt but I'm still figuring out why it doesnt work well when C#.
As you can see here:

I was trying to do a drag mouse function when I pressed Mouse1 (LMB).
That didnt went well. lol
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Old 10/30/2016, 13:57   #7
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If you want help you need to show some code how you are trying to move the mouse.
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