Originally Posted by wyverncx
Triggerbot is not that good anymore unless you have 200-400 fps, shooting in between frames will get you banned via server-side detection with frame timing data. In general it is also really easy to tell when someone is using a triggerbot.
With wyvern you have two options:
- Use triggerbot and have a low fov, this will effectively just shoot if you 1) miss the target; 2) move off the target's hitbox. There is also values for visibility and on screen threshold which prevent you from having instantaneous reaction time.
- Use flickbot and use low fov combined with max aim-time of around 50ms. This will work as a triggerbot with a slowdown effect when you're flicking past the target which is what makes triggerbot the most obvious (overflicking). Missing the target will simply shoot.
How about we think before we speak?
So you are saying through absolute magic the server somehow knows your exact frametime and when EXACTLY present is being called. When you have up to a 200ms ping, hell having as much as 1 ping prevents any accurate networking of when present is being called. So through absolute magic they are somehow measuring when you are rendering on their server? Because such information can't be accurately networked as ANY form of delay would prevent that. Let's also remember the fact that wndproc accepts your input at anytime, the thread pool can be running the code to check for the input at any time. So how do you expect to measure the time present is being called, the time input is sent then the time it takes the server to receive the input as an independent server? That isn't even taking into account render delay and then the additional delays that come with internal overlays creating a larger render delay.
Since you have hacked the blizzard's backend, have access to their server and found this magical way to measure when a frame is presented and input with absolutely no networking latency while taking into account input latency and render latency. POST THE REVERSAL. This must be revolutionary tech, unseen to man. NASA might need this shit. This could put human telecommunication to a whole other level. We might be able to speed up communication between the mars rover and earth with this tech.
Or could it just be the server simply checking visibility and the time that each player bone has been networked to you? Or how about checking the time the input was invoked compared to when a raycast from the barrel has been returning the players mask. Fact of the matter being there are 1000000 better ways to spout out your ass than. "TIMING ATTACK!!!! TIMING ATTACK!!! SERVER CAN PREDICT YOUR EXACT FRAME TIMES!!!! THEY EMULATED YOUR EXACT RDTSC TO!!!!!! THE KNOW YOUR RENDER TIMES!!!!!"
If you are having ban issues, just say so. You don't need to make up unknown tech in order to justify your own bans. The fact that you actually thought, "TIMING ATTACKS ON YOUR FRAMETIME" is mental. Absolutely fucking stupid. Next time you quote your own dev out of context in order to speak some absolute shit, ask him what he meant by it. There is no way this is the actual developer of a cheat. Your dev had to have said "Theoretically they could just check your time to shoot consistency" and then you just decided to go "TIMING ATTACK FROM SERVER!!!! THE SERVER KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT CYCLE COUNT YOU ARE ON".
Drop the reversal, or it didn't happen.