Hy guys!Can you help me out finding a full version of Anyplace Control to work with Win 7?I searched alot and find nothing.If you have some ideas please share.Thank you!
lvl Control 07/07/2011 - Rappelz - 9 Replies Hi all In this Thread i want to Ask if ther is Possible to Control the lvl frome the Game001 that mean frome the captinHarlock I dont want to Close my Server and
edite the lvl frome my Sql cause i have to Close my Server to Edite frome MySql
The Reason that i dont want to Use my Sql cause if i Close The Server The CaptinHarlock will Carsh and i Must Put New Aracida in the Database and that mean i Lose all Items of my Playrs and My Carachter and this is suck
if you have any Idea how to...
mon control txt 06/23/2011 - Ragnarok Online - 0 Replies hey hab grad versucht mein mon control bisschen umzuschreiben
bei mir kommt immer der fehler zugriff verweigert wenn ichs speichern will.
an was liegts?
edit: hab fehler gefunden :D
sry für thread musste schnell sein^^
Control Center for Admin Easy to Control all 10/16/2009 - MapleStory - 2 Replies Credits go to ucyc for making this nice programm
http://www.pictureupload.de/originals/pictures/15 1009164127_2.jpg
http://www.pictureupload.de/originals/pictures/15 1009164303_3.jpg
Click here
Control 11/02/2008 - Guild Wars - 11 Replies So ich hab einige Fragen.
Hab ein wenig mit meinen Zaishen Arena Bot rumgespielt.
Die Clicks kommen gut an nur muss ich um die Arena auszusuchen runterscrollen und da hab ich mich gefragt, ob man MouseDown als Control machen könnte oder ob es ein Controlsend fürs Mausrad gibt ^^.
Oder gibt es noch irgendeine andere Möglichkeit.
Einfach mal bitte drauf losposten es gibt keine dummen Antworten:p.
Danke jetzt schon mal.
GM Control -.- 10/15/2008 - Kal Online - 36 Replies well i played at Elementar Souls as beta tester...
i cheated a bit :D (cooldown, speed hack...),
well i was in temp and puted cooldown hacks on and 1 sec later the admin was there...
he asked why i use cooldown, how can he know that (i changed the value of storm cd from 180000 to 150000 and he knows the exact value)???
than i saw a GM Control panel...
http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/3463/gmcontrollu 5.th.jpghttp://img76.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gi f
is it realy possible that it...