in this topic i will explain the only way to make so called "free money" on the internet. please note that my main target with this is mere profit and somewhere i want to teach what i got to learn to others so they can start at the nice part.
To all mods: if you will delete this topic you will free space for topics with nothing but empty promises and lies! i try to be different if you will not condone it, so be it.
(also prove not tricking people will help!)
the way to make money online is mostly PTC(paid to click)
the good:
Get Paid!Easy Money!
the bad:
Time consuming. Not profitable. boring.
so we want the good but not the bad.... how about having our part get done on full auto in an easy and free way. some sort of aut0click3r! if you would have that all of your problems would be solved and PTC programs will make sense!
the plot!:
I share with you an autocl1cker, not of my own build and maleware free. and you will sign up with me as a referal.(btw my name in the ptc is "lodewijkadlp" without the quotes)
OH WAIT LUCRATIVE REFERALIGE SYSTEM!! relax! your not gonna lose any thing at all and if you wont enter a referal you will be SOLD to someone who cant find referals of his own! also the only reason im sharing this with you today(and im being completely honest) is in order to get referrals. its the only way to make more money after a while so you should get your friends to join as well!
now to get to the point
the PTC program that is broadly accepted as the best PTC program there is, bu><.to, pays the highest amounts of money so we will be using that.
please enter me,lodewijkadlp, as referal in the registration or click the referraled link!
since the forum wont condone me linking to it i will just spell it out to you people
non referal link:
referal link:
replace stars with bux and .to
now the clicker thats going to be used is actively maintained on this website
words of advice:
i hope you will have some fun with this, i still have .
to earn more you MUST get more referals! so dont get all pumped up!
to tip you off : you could run lots of old/simple PC's to click ads on different accounts. i calculated that that would be profitable! but you didn't hear it from me, ok?