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Discussion on Nostale within the Nostale forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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IceTrailer's Avatar
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Staff Nostale

[Rules] Nostale


In addition to the general board rules, which have to be observed across all sections, following regulations apply for the Nostale section. Possible rule violations can be reported by using button. Whenever a regulation is violated, immediate punishment - depending on the severity of violation - in form of either warning or infraction can be inflicted. More details regarding this can be found in .

Nostale (Main Discussion) Rules

  • Please do not advertise your server on this section or refer to a specific project as it's a better choice than others. (example: come play with me on xxx, it's the best)
  • You can discuss anything related to Nostale including your ideas/suggestions on how to improve privates servers in general.
  • If you were scammed on a private server please note that we can not support you with your case, donations on a private server (outside the elitepvpers zone) is your responsibility.
  • Please don't submit a thread on this section with (I was scammed on xXx, don't join it)
  • Refrain from commenting in threads with quotes such as "Good luck" or "Good Pserver", they will be considered as spam.

Nostale Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits

  • Trial offers in this area are no longer accepted! Please use the (). (This rule only affects all newly created topics from 30.05.2023. The current offers will remain.)

Nostale PServer Advertising

  1. Threads have to be approved by the moderator before they become visible to the community. This can take up to 72 hours. Bypassing this filter (for example by posting in other forums) will result in an immediate warning. The respective topic will then be removed and must be recreated.
  2. A link to must be placed visibly somewhere on your website if you want to advertise your private server.
  3. Any advertisement will be deleted if the moderator doesn't find the link on the given website. Please make sure that the website where you've placed the epvp link is viewable without the need to register.
  4. Only 1 advertising thread for each server is allowed. Multiple threads will be removed and punished with a warning/infraction.
  5. Suggestion: Only people from the server team should advertise a server to avoid any misunderstanding.
  6. Stealing other thread's content is not allowed. Such as introduction text, skill/event description, logos or any similar will not be tolerated and marked as a violation to our section rules. You can contact one of the section Moderators in case if you took the author's permission to use it.
  7. The thread MUST have a website posted, or the thread will be closed. No Facebook links allowed.
  8. Bumping your own advertising or question thread is only allowed once a day (24 hours), you can use this button.
  9. Add backlinks before you advertise your server here!
  10. We don't accept hamachi servers advertise, as well as any proxy-based ones, as we cannot check for a backlink, specially if the networks are full, or that the administrator wont let us in.
  11. Do not advertise other servers in another member's advertisement.
  12. Your server MUST be ready after 14 days from the date you submit your thread officially or in open beta phase.
  13. Pushing other users' threads is forbidden.
  14. Please consider using our gallery/spoiler option if you're willing to upload more than 5 images or at least separated.
  15. Each server/thread should aim for a minimum runtime of 6 months.
  16. If no uptime of 6 months has been reached, we will automatically prohibit the publication of further threads for 6 months. The release date counts as start date for the cooldown.
  17. After a runtime of 6 months, each server operator is allowed to publish another thread for a new server or relaunch. The same 6 month rule will then apply upon the creation of the new thread. Server networks are therefore generally allowed.
  18. A chat room will ONLY be advertised on said server. Aka, do not spam this chat room on other threads, sections or even PMs. In the PM's case, we encourage that users report any PM that they consider spam.
  19. This said chat MUST be official. This means either the OP (Thread's Creator), Admin/Owner of the server or part of their staff are allowed to advertise this chatroom. This is to avoid multiple users claiming that their chat is the official one when it is clear they aren't part of the staff team chat rooms are optional. You do NOT need to own one in order to open up a server. It is completely fine if you open the server and you only own the website.
  20. It is mandatory to include a VirusTotal scan of the following files upon release of your thread:
    • NostaleX.exe
    • Nostale.exe
    • EWS*.dll
    • <custom>.dll (<custom>.dll is any DLL file your Nostale client is injecting, like for a filter or any other custom modifications.)
  21. Servers may no longer be advertised by third parties. Friends or other external persons are considered third parties.
  22. Servers may no longer be advertised by team members who do not have full decision-making power like moderators, game masters, game admins, board admins, developers or community managers. Responsible are those who are pulling the strings.
  23. Those responsible (mostly server admins or sponsors) need to list a few of their epvp account information, i.e. their usernames and join dates. Also, the listing has to show the names (or pseudonyms) they are using on the server. All these information are collected in the original post.
    1. Team members who got promoted to the server admin rank (or higher) need to be listed accordingly. They are considered responsible persons.
    2. The responsible persons need to be listed even if they have left the team.

    Just use a table that provides an overview of the entire team if you want to be on the safe side.

    Username - epvpJoin Date - epvpNickname - PServerPosition - PServer
    04/08/2009DaveServer Admin
    08/23/2013andiiHead Admin

    If there is no such listing, your thread will not get approved! Remember to keep it up to date!

Important Note:

All cases will be handled individually and will be up to the moderator's decision to punish/allow them. Not all cases are the same and will not be treated equally for the sake of context.
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14 Users
Old 05/30/2023, 23:03   #2
ManuLeLe's Avatar
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Trial offers in this area are not longer accepted! Please use the (Nostale Black Market). (This rule only affects all newly created topics from 30.05.2023. The current offers will remain.)
I understand that trial offers are no longer accepted in this section from 30.05.2023 onwards, but could you please elaborate on the reasoning behind this decision if possible?
I'm uncertain about how individuals who offer cheats, and therefore could offer trials of them, should proceed from now on.
Could they at least promote their existing topics regarding trials in the appropriate Black Market section by linking them in their "Nostale Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits" topic?
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1 User
Old 05/31/2023, 16:36   #3

Trade Restricted
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Originally Posted by ManuLeLe View Post
I understand that trial offers are no longer accepted in this section from 30.05.2023 onwards, but could you please elaborate on the reasoning behind this decision if possible?
I'm uncertain about how individuals who offer cheats, and therefore could offer trials of them, should proceed from now on.
Could they at least promote their existing topics regarding trials in the appropriate Black Market section by linking them in their "Nostale Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits" topic?
I guess he means if you wanna offer trials open a Black Market Thread instead of inside the Normal NosTale Section.
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Old 06/01/2023, 17:21   #4

IceTrailer's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ManuLeLe View Post
I understand that trial offers are no longer accepted in this section from 30.05.2023 onwards, but could you please elaborate on the reasoning behind this decision if possible?
I'm uncertain about how individuals who offer cheats, and therefore could offer trials of them, should proceed from now on.
Could they at least promote their existing topics regarding trials in the appropriate Black Market section by linking them in their "Nostale Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits" topic?
In general, the trade offer and trade should be made through your related TBM thread. Otherwise it would be very difficult to moderate. A thread in the release section should contain a free release. If you'd like to offer paid versions, feel free to offer a free base version and link to the paid version (related TBM thread).
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