To be honest.
I have played on this server for 3 months. It was good in the start, because there were some players, who helped me. After a long time I have finally realized, that It´s wasting of time.
-Fake numbers of online players (200 online players on ur server ? How is that possible and don´t tell me: "It´s because of event")
-Owner, who is lying to moderators. (I have screenshot of conversation, where is Umbe talking about moderators to one of the best GM Chaser)
-Late updates
-Using files of Entwell (You should be arrested for copyright)
-Same events (Message for EMs: I really like you that you are spending your time to make event, but it´s still same)
-No content server (No quests, no raids, no maps, no TS, no players)
-Umbe is not working on MA (Martial arts). Unplayable class
-Not balanced PvP (It´s pvp about auto-attack without debuffs)
It´s even sad that Umbe called this server "The best PvP and PvE server" which isnt actually true
-Very bad updates as adding 5 prestiges ? Really ? Do you think that players have time to spend their time for making this **** ?
-No feedback from owner to suggestions.
-Bad giveaways and website design. (Giveaways for 32k fairy every other week and) Don´t buy 32k fairy for 32€. Better to spend it for food.
-Umbe has been donated by Poor
-Bugged SP: SP 8 war, SP 7 mage, just SP are not ballanced
-Easy way to dupe items by using packet logger.
It´s better to leave whole NosTale.
Names of legends and friends:
Big thank you to:
Coyote, xThaLegend, GintamaTr, SakuraChan, Zaytseva, AxXeL, Azzlack, VincentKun, Red-Dog, Dessar, ***ík95, DionSkr, Cocco°, CuteWarrior, Saphire, Testo, Nyatri, Fraeire, BlackFalls, IsaacFoster, Aaron, Biercules, Nico, Chaser, Pyrrah, RekS, Inko, Mattysek, Manticore, Santix3, Rezz, Perfekt, Prova0, Perfektion, RatZor
Wish you good luck in your game and personal life.
Your Zapata aka Remi