If you are someone who wants to increase their productivity at Nostale, Opus one is a bot made for you. Enjoy with endless possibilities:
Background, Human time, Coupons, Multi client, Fishpond, Samwil, Shooting Field, Quarry;
Opus one works with the newest Nostale version from all european servers (UK, FR, GB, RO, GR, IT, CZ, etc.).
I wrote Opus one from the ground up through several design cycles to optimize function. I work constantly to improve Opus One.
The bot had many fuctions:
Draws level: Select which level the bot must retire from the Fishpond (one for each client),
Coupon: the bot can use coupon productions or reward,
Human Time: It simulates a human time to avoid any ban,
Background: The bot goes in background leaving you free to surf the sites or anything else,
Multiclient: The bot interacts with multiple windows nostale (sandboxie required);
Opus one is uninque:
I don't used pixel search method thus the bot has the possibility of background and multiclient functiones,
the bot don't overload the processor and thus it's usable on older pc;
Opus one is unbanable!
Just as humans Opus one use your keyboard to make levels.
I have also added the "human time" function that ending all levels to an acceptable time so as to pass all control and eliminate any risk of ban.
Who am i and why do i need your help?
I'm a student that has a great passion for computer science. I've spent the last year developing, designing and testing this bot and i need your support. With your support, it can be improved and hopefully even bring the price down.
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Follow those instructions 100% or you will have problems in the end...
The Download you will find on the end of this post.
The Client executable checks updates everytime you start it if there is a newer version on the server!
The hacks listed in the client will be located on the server too and you will have everytime the newest version, you can see the last file modify date on your client!
I have included a online list into this client, dont complain that its may not accurate, the online list can take up to 6 min to be up to date!
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You need to verify that my client runs with administrator privileges!
Before to download disable your antivirus.
If you can't access the client try again to login to the forum.
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That was it, i hope i am not missing anything!
You can use 7-Zip to extract my client, .