Originally Posted by dima2005
Hey guys can someone help me out? I dont have nfs world the original one ofc but I have soapbox, Ive tried all the steps for this to work tried the java that it worked with but it still doesnt work. Can someone add me on insta or discord because Im not really active in this site I just came for nfs world lol.
insta: dimitris.wrx
discord: nfsdim
if some of your issues is:
crashing at boot (my fix was disabling extra cores till ur left with x8 cores cpu/on win10)idk about win11 (when i said...disable cores...i meant literaly(i did it from the bios,idk about you.)
to discover this fix...for me...it took years only to discover it by accident when i was messing around with cpu cores/overclock/undervolting..
crashing at login/when joining freeroam (sometimes the driver files has something that doesnt work/missing) (those are located on "www/soapbox...and something" folder (its been years since i havent played nfsw)
crashing at game launch (that is server related/wrong java version,try java 8 202 or newer,by that i mean either java 8 151)
error message something about disconnected (forgot the exact message)
that was usualy when the server wasnt running in the background.
for offline version witch it works...but not entirely id use a server version 1.9.0 (there are newer...havent tried them,but i recommend what i used)
there is also a 1.9.3 but..idk anything about it...havent tried it.
if u have any of these issues...meh...good luck