[5th August 2011] WR-Cheats Dinarbot v2.1 08/29/2011 - WarRock Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 96 Replies Features
Auto Start
Auto Commit Suicide
Auto 1st Spawn
Anti Idle Kick
Admin Warning
banwave august 23 2011 08/24/2011 - DarkOrbit - 16 Replies Hey Space pilots,
Don’t think, that we stopped analyzing and shutting down Bot Users! Within the next hour we will close down 2.900 Bot Users immediately and another 15.000 will be moved in and through the new Bot User punishment system.
Your DarkOrbit Team
in next hour they will start banning
hacks August 2, 2011 onwards 08/07/2011 - Combat Arms Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 0 Replies friends with the update of the new search hacks q What's new or updated the old do not work. d see the date before download.
[1st August 2011] WR-Cheats Dinarbot v2.0 08/05/2011 - WarRock Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 48 Replies Features
Auto Start
Auto Commit Suicide
Auto 1st Spawn
Anti Idle Kick
Admin Warning
QUAKECON 2011 Steam Sale 4, 5, 6 und 7 August! 08/05/2011 - User Submitted News - 2 Replies http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nqvWh00Nlt4/ThZci65sm2I/ AAAAAAAAAUY/jjCWUOisF-4/s1600/logozs.jpg
Hallo liebe Community und Steam Freunde :)
Ich möchte euch etwas ans Herz legen und zwar, Die Online Spiele Plattform "Steam" bietet euch für den 4, 5, 5 und 7 August wegen der QuakeCon eine Starke Spielereduzierung aller ID Software Games.
Ich würde euch auch empfehlen per US Freund oder per VPN eine US IP zu konfigurieren um auch die hier in Deutschland "Indizierte Spiele" wie (Quake 4) &&&...