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F5= ESP:box visual
F8= ESP:Information
F9= ESP: show name/character
F10= CTRL aimbot
caps item wallhack
alt+1= Parry on/off
alt+2= Parry Mode (would advice the one with the C)
alt+3= parry distance
alt+4= parry range
alt+5= Judging the direction when parry
alt+6= auto prevent parry
alt+7= Fast Slide Move with G (Put auto run in settings off and don’t hold de G button, else you get blue screen)
alt+8= Hold left click to prefer automaticly Golden Focus from the spear
alt+9= quick charge
CTRL+1 press 3 [quick C+Right click]
Home= show/hide menu
Price: 7$ Day
Add my Discord: CandyQueenZ#2579