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Working on a Graphic Extension for Metin2

Discussion on Working on a Graphic Extension for Metin2 within the Metin2 forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old 07/11/2022, 18:50   #151
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Originally Posted by Kollias View Post
ahh okay so its clientside and not serverside nice
a server is code only there are no graphics serverside
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Old 07/11/2022, 19:24   #152
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It's so Abwesome! <3 I'm cheering you on!
I Guess that would relive the complete metin2 Scene.
But how is taht even possible with that orld Metin Engine? I can clearly see UnrealEngine Assets.
I Like the Anime style too, it's very beautifful and has some kind of fresh touch. I Hope Players will be abple to choothe teir favourite style and are not bount to one. It's just too awesome!

For the Burnout thing, google "Dr. Diedrich Klinghardt", He's about world's top 3 doctor in terms of sucess Rate about that Burnout thing. Get Vitamins, to go for a walk for 1 hour/per day in Nature, cut down every electic devie that's emitting
wireless signals und use wires. And detox heavy metals liek alloy and mercury etc, that fixes most of our patient's burnouts within 6-10 month. lol
healthy Mindset is most important too, Florian Homm has worked 20hours a day over more than 15 years streight. I didn't think your 14h a day could be the problem, <3
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Old 07/11/2022, 21:43   #153
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Originally Posted by HammaBoom View Post
It's so Abwesome! <3 I'm cheering you on!
I Guess that would relive the complete metin2 Scene.
But how is taht even possible with that orld Metin Engine? I can clearly see UnrealEngine Assets.
I Like the Anime style too, it's very beautifful and has some kind of fresh touch. I Hope Players will be abple to choothe teir favourite style and are not bount to one. It's just too awesome!

For the Burnout thing, google "Dr. Diedrich Klinghardt", He's about world's top 3 doctor in terms of sucess Rate about that Burnout thing. Get Vitamins, to go for a walk for 1 hour/per day in Nature, cut down every electic devie that's emitting
wireless signals und use wires. And detox heavy metals liek alloy and mercury etc, that fixes most of our patient's burnouts within 6-10 month. lol
healthy Mindset is most important too, Florian Homm has worked 20hours a day over more than 15 years streight. I didn't think your 14h a day could be the problem, <3
Thank you for advices, i will check it out <3

Simply im porting metin2 rendering system to unreal engine in realtime, so without recoding the whole metin2 client its possible to play with unreal engine. There are 2 clients are running at sametime.

1. Metin2 client is running same as always except it doesn't render anything and sending everything to unreal engine.
2. Unreal engine client is running and only doing render with data coming from metin2 client - mouse/keyboard handling. Also new environment for that map created in realtime on unreal engine to make environment more enjoyable.

With that way you can actually make any game playable with any other engine.

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Old 08/22/2022, 14:06   #154
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Originally Posted by .lalaker1 View Post
Thank you for advices, i will check it out <3

Simply im porting metin2 rendering system to unreal engine in realtime, so without recoding the whole metin2 client its possible to play with unreal engine. There are 2 clients are running at sametime.

1. Metin2 client is running same as always except it doesn't render anything and sending everything to unreal engine.
2. Unreal engine client is running and only doing render with data coming from metin2 client - mouse/keyboard handling. Also new environment for that map created in realtime on unreal engine to make environment more enjoyable.

With that way you can actually make any game playable with any other engine.

Omg what an incredible Work !
Thank you very much for the explanation
If I understand correctly, the Game (Metin 2) runs normally, without the Grphics rendered in the original Engine from 2004. Now every Game signal will magically send to UnrealEngine5 and rendered there. What makes it possible to use moderne 2022 Shader/Shadow/Raytracing/Postprocessing stuff.

A: will the original Textures still work fine in UE5 but is rendered just 'better'?

B: Or is it like "yea nothing exist until I recreate everything, new textures, new animations, new effects, new UI etc." basically rebuilding the whole game in UE5 exept of gamecode like networking, pathfinding, inventory etc.

C: Its like A and works. But you can replace all textures/etc. with newer ones, later on if you want..

Will DLSS be possible?

If it's like B, there is just a small step to a 'Remastered Version of Metin 2'.

I cheer you on!
Hopefully it will be released soo, I'm so hyped
And if you drop the project, please make it opensource by any chance. It's just too awesome. <3

Edit: Dou you have Patreon?
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Old 08/23/2022, 00:43   #155
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Originally Posted by HammaBoom View Post
Omg what an incredible Work !
Thank you very much for the explanation
If I understand correctly, the Game (Metin 2) runs normally, without the Grphics rendered in the original Engine from 2004. Now every Game signal will magically send to UnrealEngine5 and rendered there. What makes it possible to use moderne 2022 Shader/Shadow/Raytracing/Postprocessing stuff.

A: will the original Textures still work fine in UE5 but is rendered just 'better'?

B: Or is it like "yea nothing exist until I recreate everything, new textures, new animations, new effects, new UI etc." basically rebuilding the whole game in UE5 exept of gamecode like networking, pathfinding, inventory etc.

C: Its like A and works. But you can replace all textures/etc. with newer ones, later on if you want..

Will DLSS be possible?

If it's like B, there is just a small step to a 'Remastered Version of Metin 2'.

I cheer you on!
Hopefully it will be released soo, I'm so hyped
And if you drop the project, please make it opensource by any chance. It's just too awesome. <3

Edit: Dou you have Patreon?
A. No, textures do not work well with unreal engine render even with my new render engine with directx 9. Because modern engines and my engine are using PBR textures but original metin2 textures are not pbr textures. So with a few simple algorithm to change colors, it looks fine enough to fit new environment.

B. Unreal engine project doesn't have any game texture, model, UI etc. Everything ported to unreal engine in real time. So instead of loading to metin2 client, its loading to unreal engine directly.

C. Yes, i can replace with new textures etc.

I don't port environment directly, except buildings etc. A few algorithms create new environment with new trees, rocks, foliage etc randomly based on map informations.

Everything is possible, its just like any unreal engine game.

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Old 08/23/2022, 18:28   #156
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Originally Posted by .lalaker1 View Post
Thank you for advices, i will check it out <3

Simply im porting metin2 rendering system to unreal engine in realtime, so without recoding the whole metin2 client its possible to play with unreal engine. There are 2 clients are running at sametime.

1. Metin2 client is running same as always except it doesn't render anything and sending everything to unreal engine.
2. Unreal engine client is running and only doing render with data coming from metin2 client - mouse/keyboard handling. Also new environment for that map created in realtime on unreal engine to make environment more enjoyable.

With that way you can actually make any game playable with any other engine.

Oh boy seems like a ton of work and possible delay problems with the transition to ue.

I first saw your project 2 years ago and will check on it again in 10, good luck
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Old 08/30/2022, 16:15   #157
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Hello lalaker,

First of all thank you for making us dream of a possible new graphics for metin2

Second, is there any way you can speed up development? I know ofc that you cannot share your code because you can profit from your hard work. But, is there some way other contributors can make parts that are not done already and share with you? Perhaps some people would contribute for free!

Best regards and thank you!
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Old 09/15/2022, 01:31   #158
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This looks so promising, i belive if well managed and if its going to be this good as the images describe maybe it can help the whole metin2 community!
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Old 11/05/2022, 12:30   #159
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it looks sooo good mate! are there any new news ?
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Old 11/08/2022, 23:05   #160
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Originally Posted by brunoboss4 View Post
Hello lalaker,

First of all thank you for making us dream of a possible new graphics for metin2

Second, is there any way you can speed up development? I know ofc that you cannot share your code because you can profit from your hard work. But, is there some way other contributors can make parts that are not done already and share with you? Perhaps some people would contribute for free!

Best regards and thank you!
Originally Posted by Thrally View Post
This looks so promising, i belive if well managed and if its going to be this good as the images describe maybe it can help the whole metin2 community!
Originally Posted by L0WG4M3R View Post
it looks sooo good mate! are there any new news ?
Originally Posted by StripPoker View Post
I thought the same when I saw it. Is there still any progress?
Thank you all <3

I'm currently finishing porting to unreal engine 5 and solving problems metin2 has. With last updates now fps is uncapped.

Hardest part is porting animated objects like mobs/characters etc with high performance. Currently its very good even compared to game without extension but also there are a few things will help more to base performance of game. Im working on that part now. So we can have max performance left for new environment graphics with highest quality/performance as possible.

With some new methods its now in sync with unreal engine client. Before that you would see new frame 1 frame late, but with new update there isn't any delay. So it is same as unreal engine rendering path.

Also im planning to lower UI rendering fps to 30. Because even with 30 fps rendered ui you wont see any issue probably. It will help a lot to performance.
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Old 11/10/2022, 20:44   #161
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is it still available or any progress? I'm interested
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Old 12/04/2022, 09:45   #162
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any new updates ? c:
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Old 12/04/2022, 14:33   #163
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Exclamation I've been waiting since 2020 for the grand launch of this incredible project.

- Any predictions for a version we can buy and test?

Please do not give up on this project for anything in this world, I believe that besides me, there are millions of Metin2 players who do not show their enthusiasm during the process, but will surely give all recognition when it is available to everyone!

The greatest forces in the world to you, who will give us the long-awaited remake of Metin2 graphics!
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Old 12/17/2022, 05:28   #164
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This Project needs more attention
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Old 12/20/2022, 00:15   #165
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Thank you for what are you doing for this game, I can't believe this old game cand look this game on a modern engine! Congratz!
Any news with the development and anywhere where we can donate or help you?
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extension, gameforge, graphic, metin2, pserver

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