Originally Posted by SanshiroX
Warum bist du @  gegenüber so missgünstig?
Jeder andere hätte vor 2 Jahren schon eine Patreon Page eingerichtet und angefangen den Leuten das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen.
Er hat offensichtlich einen sehr hohen Anspruch an sich selbst und will nichts „Unfertiges“ auf den Markt bringen.
In so einem Entwicklungsprozess stößt man immer wieder auf Probleme und neue Herausforderungen.
Angenommen er kommt an einem Punkt an, an dem er keine Lösung mehr findet oder der Aufwand explodiert, kann er das Projekt mit einem reinen Gewissen pausieren oder sogar abbrechen.
Alleine dieser Einstellung gegenüber, gebührt schon einiges an Respekt.
Verstehe nicht wie man so undankbar sein kann.
Exactly, thank you.
To be clear, its been long time since i started it, 2 years 9 months ago with 0 knowledge about graphics etc. I want to make it best as possible, i could release it many times and start earn money easily or i could use patreon but i don't wanna release it until i can make it best as possible.
Because its been a long time working on it, changing ideas many times etc i got burnout problem 1.5 years ago. Because i was working 12-13 hours everyday first year, it was fun but i never thought about burnout. Its hard to beat burnout so im trying to work on multiple things at same time and finish all of them slowly. That way i could start to work on it again.
Currently i can't release a screenshot etc with new updates because they all technique sides, there isn't anything to show.
Last thing i did was porting gui to unreal engine 5 and porting mouse/keyboard functions from unreal engine 5 to client (
). And while doing that i changed method i was using a few times to make it compatible with any feature ingame developments, because its an extension i have to care about what servers and gameforge/webzen can do in the feature.
And as last words, if someone complaining about the things i do, they should make it themselves and use it. I love what i do and i think im doing pretty well compared people doing nothing about game and making it worse all the time. Its fun, its good to improve myself and i want to make it best as possible to make users happy. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also anyone can check most of things i made in last 2-3 years from
to see the progress.