Dekaron Client Loads GM Then closes client. No error presented. 08/26/2013 - Dekaron Private Server - 31 Replies Okay here is the scenario:
I can load my client and create a character, Load the game, Arrive in load or braiken and start playing.
I log out of my character go into the server to tblcharacter and make the character a GM by placing the tag before the character name. Then Ill go open my dekaron exe, it loads, I can select the GM character, then select the shard, It will go to the loading screen for loa and when the loading is done and progress bar is full. The client will close.
No Error in files , but gives an error in BR client 03/12/2013 - SRO Private Server - 8 Replies ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting g
i know im using the right version because i looked at the module version in the files :O
[Drecks ERROR]Client file corruption detected, Closing game client 02/10/2013 - CrossFire - 11 Replies Hi, Com.
hab ein Problem mit Crossfire
Client file corruption detected, Closing game client
erscheint jedes mal wenn ich cf starte und ich hab cf schon 3 mal deinstalliert und es passiert immer wieder das selbe
[Crossfire ERROR] Client file corruption detected, Closing game client. 04/02/2012 - CrossFire - 2 Replies Hi,
Today i have installed the Crossfire in my New PC (desktop), I Start Up Crossfire, Click in Start, and when appears the login imagem , the screen turns black and this error appears.
I've tried all types of resolution for this problem but nothing...
(Windows Safe Mode, Reinstaled the game, Format the PC...)
Plz, can you help, i am desperated....
[Client-Error] LoadLocaleError im Client 02/19/2011 - Metin2 Private Server - 8 Replies Heyho Com,
hat jemand Ahnung davon, wie man nen Locale-Error im Client wegbekommt?
Error: LoadLocaleError(locale/newcibn/locale_game.txt
-locale_de.eix & locale_de.epk entpackt, locale_game.txt geändert/ersetzt (mehrfach)
-komplette locale_de-Dateien ersetzt
-diverse andere pack-Dateien ersetzt, die bedeutsam sein könnten,