Discord: anvil98
Hello i want to sell 60kkk in Yang (4,5kkk-10€)
the following Items: (4,5kkk-10€)
105 Warrior Armor+9 with Metin- und Bosshunter+5 - 65kkk - 140€
100 Warrior Helmet+9 - 30kkk - 66€
Titanenshield +9 - 28kkk - 62€
Seelenkristall full+9 each Item 5kkk - 11€
Poisonsword+9 ü. 50AVG,Str, Pierce (Stones+5) 15kkk - 33€
Alchemy Exzellent+6
Rubin (Aw,Def) 8kkk - 17,50 €
Saphir (Metin) 3kkk - 6,50€
Onyx (AVG) - 4kkk - 8,50€
Jade (Devil, Ork, Animal) 7kkk - 15,50€
Costumes 30kkk (White Steel 3/3 , White Triton 3/3, Ryung Shinings (Lightning Strikes) etc. ) 66,50€
Runes+9 (Pierce, Metin, Boss) 24kkk - 53€
25% Sash (12 AVG, Str, Pierce) 13kkk - 28,50€
Pvp Pet and EQ for Warrior to do Enigma Dungeon (low) Easy 10kkk - 22€
If you buy the whole bundle, i will give a huge discount