105 lvl warrior 21k dmg with 720 coin in item shop
auto pickup perm / premium perm / auto cape perm / buffi nickname scroll / autohunt 5days
aura p / buffi skill (strengthened attack p / other g )
biologist all done / chosen attack value 92-94lv bio
manu and other weapon-armour costume
other passive m1
blue dew perm / Zin-Water perm / Dragon *** Attack perm
panther-seal perm / panther cub seal perm / ( mount-pet)
buffi seal perm
Body boosters +50 attack value
Hairstyle booster 8 monster / 8 metinstones
Weapon booster 8 monster / 8 metinstones
Hairstyle booster 8 monster / 8 bosses
Weapon booster 8 monster / 8 bosses
10-11 day buffi items / rings / nicknamescroll
+9 grudge sword 41 avg 12strength
Sash %19 (+9 Crow Steal Bow 8avg)
Blue Steel Armour +7
Fear mask +9
Qilin Shoes +9
Soul Crystal Shield +9
Soul Crystal Earrings +9 ( with x3 stone )
Soul Crystal Bracelet +9 ( with x3 stone )
Soul Crystal Necklace +9 ( with x3 stone )
Shadow Belt +9 ( with x3 stone )
Mythic clear +4 diamond ( %6 mosnter)
Mythic matt +4 ruby ( +68 attack value)
Mythic matt +4 onyx ( %5 avg)
Mythic clear +4 sapphire ( %6 metinstone)
Legendary matt +4 garnet ( %5 bosses)
Legendary matt +4 jade ( %4 Dungeons)
Discord : JoenQ#4410