Selling Yang on Nexus2 02/21/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Hi, I'm selling yang on Nexus2.
[Selling] Nexus2 Yang/items 02/17/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Selling around 10kkk - 1kkk = 10€ but depends what do you want to buy
grudge+9 51av, 20% animals full+4
neck and bracelet lvl 90+8
soul crytal earrings+9
monsters shoes+7
helmet 80+8
blue armor+7
perma weapons(x2), armor skin and 2 mounts and 1 pet
Selling yang on nexus2 01/25/2020 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Selling yang on nexus2
Price: 350kk 10 euro
Discord: Mistix#7928
[Selling] [Nexus2]Selling! 12/28/2019 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Hello, I'm selling 800kk and a permanent mount 20% mob on Nexus2 for 50 euro Paypal.
PM if interested