Do you have any solution when you trying to move the item on the 1x slot at the top?
try with a 2 hand or 3 hand weapon and put it on the second slot and try to move it up, you can see the white slot but the weapon aren't able to move 1x slot up. (remove your fix first).
Do you have any solution when you trying to move the item on the 1x slot at the top?
try with a 2 hand or 3 hand weapon and put it on the second slot and try to move it up, you can see the white slot but the weapon aren't able to move 1x slot up. (remove your fix first).
I've fix it and update the topic , i also fix another bug related inventory
Here is an update for this fix, because it isnt' complete. If you are moving an item which size is > 1 onto the same item that makes false value.
Here is an update for this fix, because it isnt' complete. If you are moving an item which size is > 1 onto the same item that makes false value.
Here is an update for this fix, because it isnt' complete. If you are moving an item which size is > 1 onto the same item that makes false value.
BOOL CGridSlotWindow::CheckMoving(DWORD dwSlotNumber, DWORD dwItemIndex, const std::list<TSlot*> & c_rSlotList)
if (m_dwSlotStyle != SLOT_STYLE_PICK_UP)
return TRUE;
WORD wCellMaxPerPage = m_SlotVector.size();
while (dwSlotNumber >= wCellMaxPerPage)
dwSlotNumber -= wCellMaxPerPage;
for (std::list<TSlot*>::const_iterator itor = c_rSlotList.begin(); itor != c_rSlotList.end(); ++itor)
TSlot* pSlot = *itor;
if (dwSlotNumber == pSlot->dwSlotNumber && itor == c_rSlotList.begin())
return TRUE;
if (dwSlotNumber != pSlot->dwCenterSlotNumber)
if (c_rSlotList.size() == 2)
std::list<TSlot*>::const_iterator it = c_rSlotList.begin();
std::advance(it, 1);
if (0 != pSlot->dwItemIndex && 0 != (*it)->dwItemIndex)
return FALSE;
if (c_rSlotList.size() == 3)
std::list<TSlot*>::const_iterator it = c_rSlotList.begin();
std::advance(it, 1);
if (0 != pSlot->dwItemIndex && 0 != (*it)->dwItemIndex)
return FALSE;
std::advance(it, 1);
if (0 != pSlot->dwItemIndex && 0 != (*it)->dwItemIndex)
return FALSE;
if (0 != pSlot->dwItemIndex || pSlot->dwCenterSlotNumber != pSlot->dwSlotNumber)
if (dwItemIndex != pSlot->dwItemIndex)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
I didn't find any bugs, but if you will, feel free to explain how did you find it.
In official, I can move the item x1 slot or x2 slot to up or down, but in your fix I'm not able to do that, only if I put the item in the first page of inventory I could only move the item down .
[Fix] Minor item shop security issue 03/23/2016 - Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies - 1 Replies Hi,
while looking through the servers source code I received in 2013 I found a minor security issue regarding the item shop. An attacker is able to temporarily delete items bought in the item shop from the game, so the buyer is unable to receive it. All deleted items are restored after the server restarts though, as they are only removed from the databases cache, not from the database itself. Also the attacker can only remove the item from the cache if the user didn't login after buying it...
Adding NEW ITEM. But not moving with char. [HELP] 07/15/2012 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies Hey guys.
I'm adding a new Chest for EU, H.ARMOR. But when i do this, the item is not moving with char. staying where it is. you can see in pic.:
And this is full view of item.:
What am i doing wrong? Look, and this is the pic of model in Blender & Autodesk Maya 2013.:
Autodesk Maya 2013:
How to check id of an item... 12/04/2008 - World of Warcraft - 5 Replies Like in the topic:
I want to know can I and how to check id number of an item on a private server.