Previous Beta-Patchnotes
- In-game chat announcement links have been updated from old to new ones
- Captcha process updated
- Mounts "U" turn angle adjusted
- Walking through Monsters feature has been added into the game
- Dungeon Quest Items will get automatically into the Inventory (All Dungeons benefit of this change)
- Right Click function to use Dungeon Items (All Dungeons benefit of this change)
- Respawn time of Bosses will be displayed on the minimap (Currently for Ore Veins and Open World Bosses is not available, but it's on our to-do list)
- Shift + CTRL + Right Click is now searching item in Shop Search instead of swapping it into normal inventory
- Cube Crafting notification will appear now only in chat
- Blacksmith Tincture will get into General Inventory
- Ore Veins spawn time changed to :00, :20, :40
- Some background changes and fixes
- Monsters, Bosses, Metin Stones spawning in non reachable areas issue has been fixed
- Wrong text description of Stage 7 of Nemere's Watch Tower has been fixed
Red Dragon Fortress: The Stone of Maat stage needs some optimizations. Right Clicking on the Maat Stones will not make the pillars disappear but you still progress on the stage
Nemere's Watch Tower: North Start stage needs some optimizations: Right Clicking on the North Star will not make the boxes disappear but you still progress on the stage
Meley's Lair/Ignail's Dawnmist: Final Rings stages will need the same optimizations as mentioned above
- Client resolution can be self defined now and customized in systemsettings.ini
- Increased crafting materials for Dews from 15x Dew Shard, 20 Energy Shard, 10kk Yang into 25x Dew Shard, 400 Energy Shard, 100kk Yang
- Client start-up has been improved and optimized
- Minimap can be used in Devil's Catacomb
- Added Greyhill Wilderness Dungeon Chests into Wikipedia
- Added Dragon Lair's Dungeon Chests into Wikipedia
- Added Specter's Tomb Chests into Wikipedia
- Added Crabhead Lero's Bay Dungeon Chests into Wikipedia
- Changed drop of Rare and Legendary Chests of Pre-Dungeon Bosses into 1x
- Optimized the text that you receive when the dungeon is on cooldown
- Ore Veins are now having respawning time on minimap
- Walking through Bosses issue has been fixed
- Added missing objects for Meley's, Ignail's maps and for Meley's Lair
- Right clicking on Meley and Ignail dungeon quest items have been fixed
- Red Dragon Fortress: Pillars from Maat Stone stage are disappearing after you use a Maat Stone
- Nemere's Watchtower: Cubes from North Start stage are disappearing after you use a North Star
- Meley's Lair: Meley's Sealstones disappear now after using them
- Missing loot of Garnet Vein Ore has been added
- Opening a Chest and receiving Yang will appear as it should (before it was appearing too often)
Devil Tower
- Devil Tower Seal Stones get purged when you Right Click
- Zin-Bong-In Key can be used only once
[B][U]Greyhills Wilderness changes:
- Tolerance for clearing the rooms automatically has been added
Specter's Tomb changes
- Tolerance for clearing the rooms automatically has been added
- Dungeons Stages have been improved to be more user-friendly
- Removed some old texts
- Added walls for stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 which will not allow users to walk anymore in wrong areas
- The size of the cave from Stage 1 has been reduced
- Texures have been fixed
Nemere's Watchtower changes
- The 10 seconds waiting time after finishing a Stage has been removed
- Monsters from Stage 5 are respawning faster
- Made North Star not stackable
Red Dragon Fortress changes
- More user-friendly positioning of Razador Dungeon when you enter the dungeon
We have tracked the FPS drops that have been reported by you. Our assumption is that Collector's Hand and the loot of Metin Stones were causing this issue. We are expecting feedback from you to see if it's any better
We also want to inform you that in the next days we will take the beta-phase to the next level, providing you the necessary items to play the high-level & end-level content. Account and characters will remain the same and we will allow players to choose whether they want to test low-level or high/end-level
- Level 80 Armors upgrade path changed at +1, +2, +3: It doesn't require anymore Boar Nose, it requires only Pearls
- Specter's Tomb & Crabhead Lero's Bay dungeons cooldown have been increased to 45 minutes
- Price of Buffi Skill Books has been changed from 20x Shaman Skill Chests into 50x Skillbook Chests
- Buffi Soulstone requires 3x Soulstones
- HP of Gods Bosses changed: 1.000.000 HP, regen. in 10% each 10 sec., 15% resistances, deals same damage output
- Drastically reduced Experience received from God Bosses
- Drastically reduce Experience received from all dungeon Monsters
- Increased drastically movement speed of dungeon Monsters
- Ignitor from Cog Wheel/Isfet Stage spawn now in range of Metin Stones
- All dungeons pre-bosses size has been increased
- Metin Stones in Specter's Tomb dungeon are now Devil
- Metin Stones in Specter's Tomb dungeon received a new design
- Metin Stones in Specter's Tomb dungeon have loot of beta map Metin Stones
- Bosses in Specter's Tomb Dungeon have loot of beta map Bosses
- Lv. 40, Lv. 45 Metin Stones have the same HP and same drops
- Lv. 50, Lv. 55, Lv. 60, Lv. 65 Metin Stone have the same HP and same drops
- Lv. 80 Metin Stones loot has been increasead and HP reduced to 2/3
- The amount of Metin Stones in Ghost Valley has been doubled
- Translation Panel preparations (Feel free to write me privately if you are interested before we make an announcement)
- Background optimizations & improvements
- Enchated Forest bosses spawn fixed
- Soul Crystal Bracelet provides now +3% Strong against Monsters at +6
- You can't walk anymore through Spider Eggs at Spider Baroness dungeon
- Horses from Stable Boy are not moving away anymore
We plan to make some changes to beta soon so that testers will be able to progress faster and test high/end-level
- Client lag/FPS drops optimizations and improvements (We require to run tests with beta players to gain more feedback)
- Doubleblade Defence renamed into Dagger Defence
- Devil Tower items are binded to the character and have expiring timeo
- Specters' Relic is required for Lv. 95 Biologist Soul Stone
- Specters' Relic is required for Lv. 100 Biologist Soul Stone
- Specters' Relic and Wu-Kong's Amber is required for Lv. 110 Biologist Soul Stone
- Increased monsters tolerance kill for Greyhills Wilderness
- Changed Devil's Catacomb pre-bosses drop to Chest of Dawn
- Changed Dragon's Lair pre-bosses drop to Chest of Dawn
- PvE random Bosses scaling has been reduced
- Monkey Dungeons have been removed from the game
- Guild Zone has been removed from the game
- Devil's Catacomb: Seal's disappear after a keystone was used at Charon Stage
- Greyhills Wilderness: Seal's disappear after a keystone was used
Dragon Stone Alchemy
- Increased HP from +500 to +1.000
- Increased Monsters, Metinstones, Boss bonus from 5% to 8%
- +SP 1.000 static bonus from Mythic Dragon Jade changed into Strong against Monsters +10%
- Updated description of Belt socket items
- Added Blue Flame Stone+ in game used for PvM Belts
- Added Blue Flame Stone+ at Alchemist > Ore+ Crafting requires 750x Ores, 10x Equipment Coupon and 100kk Yang
- Red Flame Stone+ costs 150x Ores, 5x Equipment Coupon and 100kk Yang
- Soul Belt and Tourmaline Belt require now Blue Flame Stones+
- Increased size and damage of Charon
- Spider Baroness, Beran-Setaou & Azrael level changed from 110 to 90
- Optimized Client perfomance
- Rare and Legendary chests are now stackable
- Increased price of crafting to 750x Piece of Ore for: Soul Crystal+ & Tourmaline+
- Optimized Metin spawns in Lungsam Forest
- Greyhills Wilderness and Enchanted Forest monsters are now Tree Monsters
- Specter's Tomb, Thunder Mountains, Liryum Canyon, Ape Temple and Ochao monsters are now Desert Monsters
- Old Ochao Bosses in Liryum have been replaced with new Bosses
- Liryum's Chest drops Pet Life Stone instead of Monkey Egg
- Adjusted amounts of Gaya to dungeon chests
- Increased the chance of getting Legacy Stone in dungeon chests
- Liryum's Canyon monsters have been replaced with new monsters
- Leadership and Passive Books prices changed to 20 Skillbook Chests for 1x Book
- Spider Baroness HP & Defence increased
- Rare Ape Temple Chest contains now all loot
- Adjusted some text errors
- Gold Drop Bombs have been removed
- Not necessary chat texts removed
- Level 55 PvP Equipment has been added into Wikipedia
- Added floor tolerance for Liryum's Canyon
- Experience from beta maps Bosses, Land of Ochao Bosses, Enchanted Forest Bosses and PvE bosses decreased drastically
- Beta Shop prices adjusted to 1 Yang
- Necklace of Love time adjusted to 2 Days (You find them at Old Lady)
- Necklace of Harmony time adjusted to 2 Days (You find them at Old Lady)
- Pet Skill tooltip information adjusted to correct form
- Battle Pass Quest: Combine Sashes text has been adjusted
- Qilin Shoes don't display anymore From Level: 1 (They are wearable from Level 55)
- Meley's Hort renamed into Meley's Lair
- Critical Strike in PvM has been added into Bonus Table
- Piercing Strike in PvM has been added into Bonus Table
- Metin Stones spawn increased in two areas of Nephrite Bay
- Translations improvements
- Ignail last stage issue
- Dungeon Rankings timings and issues
- Horses spawning randomly
- Body Booster: Gold Drop Chance bonus
- Text errors at Crabhead Lero's Bay
- Added translation strings for hotkeys tooltip
- Added translation strings for Wikipedia
- Added missing translation strings for Battle Pass
- Added translation strings for Buffi Client , server
- Added translation strings for Biologist Client , Server
- Removed PvM Protection from game config
- Removed Change Bonus button from Alchemy window (FYI: Excellent Alchemy can be downgraded to Brilliant at Alchemist by drag & drop Alchemy Stone)
- Removed S-Skills information text from character window
- New Hotkey to close Private Messages (CTRL + Left Click)
- Added searching in Wikipedia for Items via Hotkey in Cube crafting
- Permanent Ores+ price increased to 100kk
- Permanent Ores+ price for PvM increased to 1kkk (Tourmaline+ and Soul Crystal+)
- Fire and Ice Legendary Metin Stone spawns now Bosses
- Level 105 Weapons & Armours +0 level changed to Level 91
- Invisible inventory at crafting NPCs
- Adding Status points by hotkeys will not kick your character anymore
- Hotkeys to search something on Wikipedia will open the right page
- Shadow Equipment upgrade path
- Level 110 Biologist wrong text description
- Translation improvements
- Cog Wheel stage text updated
- Adjusted text of Liryum's Canyon
- Adjusted text of Wu-Kong's Ape Temple
- Adjusted text of Red Dragon Fortress
- Added new dungeon banners for Greyhills, Devil Tower and Spider Baroness
- Background checks for Dungeon Rankings
- Chest of Darkness changed drop to: Piece of Ore 3, Fine Cloth 3, Cor Draconis 1-3, Energy Shard 1-3 (also adjusted for Rare and Legendary Chest, more info in wiki)
- Chest of Darkening changed drop to: Piece of Ore 5, Fine Cloth 5, Cor Draconis 2-6, Mithril 1-3 (also adjusted for Rare and Legendary Chest, more info in wiki)
- Removed required Boar Nose and Equipment Coupon from crafting Scroll of Location
- Removed required Boar Nose from Lv. 70 Biologist and added each Pearl 1x
- Removed required Boar Nose from Soul Crystal Jewelery refinment +7, +8, +9
- Adjusted Heavens Tear Bracelet refinment to 1 Pearl for +7, +8, +9
- Level 90 maps (Beta maps) Bosses HP increased to 3.000.000 HP and damage output buffed
- Adjusted Defences of Level 90 maps Mobs (Beta maps), Bosses to 20%, damage output of every mob and Boss increased
- Adjusted Defences of Lv. 105 maps Mobs, Bosses to 30%, increased damage output of every mob and Boss
- Adjusted HP of Ochao map Bosses to 9.500.000 HP
- Adjusted HP of Lero's Crabhead to 4.500.000 HP
- Biologist Window not updating cooldown display after an item failed
- Buffi Skills are not anymore increased by Skill Books after G1
- Exchange Window issue has been fixed
- Enchanted Forest Bosses are now spawning accordingly
- Added Discord Rich Presence for our client (while you are playing Rubinum it appears at your game activity)
- Added Ore for Lv. 55 PvP Equipment (Shadow Crystal Ore)
- Updated hitboxes of Metinstones
- Updated hitboxes of Ore Vein
- Updated hitboxes of PvE Bosses (Red ones)
- Updated Dungeon Information text: Spider Baroness
- Removed Land of Giants from Warpring
- Soul Crystal Jewellery requires Dragon Claw & Scale at +7, +8, +9
- Tourmaline Jewellery requires now at +5 1x Flame Stone, +6 1x Ice Flame Stone - +7, +8, +9 Flame Stone & Ice Flame Stone
- Tourmaline Belt requires now at +5 1x Flame Stone, +6 1x Ice Flame Stone - +7, +8, +9 Flame Stone & Ice Flame Stone
- Adjusted description of Red Flame Stone+ & Blue Flame Stone+ to match their utility
- Poisonous Cloud damage in PvM has been nerfed
- Translations improvements
- Some issue related to Offlineshop
- Pets bonuses going over 3.0
- Battle Pass type side selection
- Switchbot not working in Turkish Client
- Added scaling for Damage Value (Options > Graphics Options > Advanced Settings)
- Fisherman: Piece of Stones exchange for Pearls has been reduced to 200 from 250
- Dragon Booster crafting requires now: 20x Flame Stone, 20x Ice Flame Stone, 20x Specter's Relic
- Tourmaline Jewellery Monster bonus has been increased to 15% from 10%
- Soul Crystal Jewellery Monster bonus has been increased to 8% from 5%
- Tourmaline Jewellery refinement has been made more difficult, requires more high-level upgrade items instead of low-level such as Pearls
- Tourmaline Belt refinement has been made more difficult, requires more high-level upgrade items instead of low-level such as Pearls
- Updated hitbox of Meley Triton Boss
- Updated hitbox of Meley Statue (Stage 2)
- Updated hitbox of North Dragon Pillar
- Updated hitbox of Ignail Metin Stone
- Updated hitbox of Fire Azrael
- Updated hitbox of Ice Dragon Azrael
- Updated hitbox of Dragon Eggs
- Changed expiring time of Meley/Ignail Dungeon keystone into 2 minutes
- Updated Turkish Translations
- Updated German Translations
- Updated Romanian Translations
- Updated Portugese Translations
- Meley Ignail objects missing
- Meley: Stage 4 dungeon key
- Stray Dog name missing
- Hitbox of Arachnid Emperor of Ignail
Beta-Patchnotes 0.1.1
- Removed: Apprenticeship Change Item (Will remain in Beta Itemshop only)
- Removed: AVG. Weapon exchange to other type of Weapon item from in-game and wikipedia (Will remain in Beta Itemshop only)
- Removed: Equipment Race exchange item from in-game and wikipedia (Will remain in Beta Itemshop only)
- Red Dragon Fortress: Cooldown changed to 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Nemere: Cooldown changed to 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Liryum's Canyon: Cooldown changed to 2 hours
- Devil's Catacomb: Azrael drops Legacy Stone instead of Magic Stone
- Added informative text for Sura Weaponry: Fear skill
- Reduced experience of level 105 monsters (Recommended leveling from 105 is through Strong En-Tai Monsters)
- Updated Metin spawns in Nephrite Bay, Gautama Cliff, Thunder Mountains
- Removed Status Reset Document from General Store
- Optimized hitbox of remained Metin Stones
- Increased Metinstone spawn in Map1 and placed them over the whole maps
- Increased Metinstone spawn Map2 and placed them over the whole maps
- Increased Metinstone spawn in Valley of Seungryong and placed them over the whole maps
- Increased Metinstone spawn in Doyumhwan and placed them over the whole maps
- Optimized Metinstone scaling
- Optimized Pet System issues
- Level spots in Enchanted Forest
- World Boss: Yan-Hwu hitbox issue
- World Boss: Yam-Iz hitbox issue
- Nicknamescroll issue
- Protein Snack in Turkish Client
- Offlineshop sold item message notification
- Sash Absorbtion issue
- Pet gaining over 3.0 DEF/MOB/HP