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Advertisement | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International

Discussion on | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International within the Metin2 PServer Advertising forum part of the Metin2 Private Server category.

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Old 02/27/2023, 14:00   #736

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Originally Posted by OwNaGe__ View Post
Hi, bin wiederkehrender Spieler und hätte 1-2 Fragen.

Ist der Server für Casual Solo Gameplay 1-2h pro Tag auf entspannt geeignet ?

Welche Klasse ist die beste für PvE ? (Bin gelangweilt von perma Sura/KK) aber falls diese es trotzdem einfacher vorallem am Anfang als die anderen haben würde ich das gerne wissen
Bis gestern lief noch das Beginner Event, dass hätte dich krass gepusht im early.
Würde aber bis zum Speed/Event Server warten, glaube so gegen April sollte der kommen.

Ansonsten einfach mit zwei KK starten, da sollten 2h am Tag fürs erste reichen.
Nicknames und Ringe laufen halt durchgängig ab, aber Gaya reicht.
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Old 03/01/2023, 11:50   #737
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Definitiv nein, also du kannst 1-2h pro Tag spielen, aber dann wirst du sehr lange brauchen.

Rate dir KK zu machen, das ist ja fast bei jedem Server so, dass KK und Wasu's dir vorgeschlagen wird.
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Old 03/01/2023, 14:08   #738
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Unterschied zwischen Aeldra und Zeta ??
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Old 03/01/2023, 15:40   #739
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Originally Posted by nikita11 View Post
Unterschied zwischen Aeldra und Zeta ??
Aeldra is a long lasting Server which offers players a completely new Middle School experience. Reworked Systems such as Aura Outfit, Dragon Stone Alchemy, Skill Tree and many more meet a great balancing. New Dungeons and Maps for all Level areas ensure enough variety in the PvM gameplay. Multiple World Bosses, PvP Maps and PvP Tournements strike a balance between PvM and PvP content. Several Events with useful rewards are held on a weekly basis in addition to the monthly Battlepass. Beside that Aeldra is known for its Quality of Life improvements and a huge player base.

Zeta is a long lasting Server that identifies with the motto Aeldra meets Official. Official Dungeons like Meley's Lair, Ship Defence and Erebus are optimized in order to provide good gameplay. Forgotten Systems such as Mining, Fishing and the Demon Tower Blacksmith System got improved and are worth to play. Multiple Events with useful rewards are held on a weekly basis in addition to the monthly Battlepass. Regarding Quality of Life improvements Zeta matches the high standards of Aeldra.
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Old 03/04/2023, 13:22   #740
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Patchnotes 2.2.5

- Added new system: Equipment Trade Cooldown
There is now a daily limit of 4 trades for each equipment piece with Lv. 105 and above via trade window/offlineshop/guildstorage. It does not affect if you trade the items to yourself.

- Added the display of the warp destination to the item description of Scroll of the Location
- Added a fee for the shop sort function
- Aura Outfit does not go to costume inventory anymore
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Weapon Design (Low)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Weapon Design (High)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Moonstone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Ore of the Blacksmith
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Flame Stone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Magnificent Cloth
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Sturdy Cords
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Wings
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Dragon Horn
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Black Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Seal of the Gods
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Armor Design
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of White Dye
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Grey Dye
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Sewing Pattern
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Epic Chaos Stone
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Copper Sheets
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Silver Sheets
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Brave Pet Book
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Ice Flame Stone
- Improved translations

- Fixed a bug that Medal Keeper was displayed as a portal
- Fixed a bug with converting Insignias to Zodiac Cases
- Fixed a bug that test boss did not work for some RX dungeons
- Fixed a client crash while double clicking on an itemlink
- Fixed a shop-search serverside crash

Patchnotes 4.0.0

During the Sung Mahi's Content maintenance all offline shops have been closed!

- Added 30 new Champion Levels
To get a Champion you have to finish the questline Yohara: New Continent from Ship Captain Budo
- Added 4 new status values: Sung Mahi's Will (STR), Sung Mahi's Will (INT), Sung Mahi's Will (RES), Sung Mahi's Will (VIT)
- Added new maps: Abandoned Fortress, Northwind Shelter (Level Map), Dong Gwang Plain, Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass, Serpent Valley, Northwind Bay, Soul Gorge
Every map has a Sung Mahi's Curse which means you need to have more than the required Sung Mahi's Will points otherwise your damage is getting halved. You can teleport to those maps with Yohara: Warpring which you get after reaching Champion Level 1.
- Added new dungeon: Sung Mahi's Tower
From Champion Level 5. Tower has 30 Stages, no cooldown and you can complete all 30 stages once every day. Every stage will reward you with a Sung Mahi Coin. At Tower Merchant you can buy your items with Sung Mahi Coin.
- Added new dungeon: Sung Mahi's Ruins
2h Cooldown, from Champion Level 5
- Added new dungeon: Exedyars Palace
2h Cooldown, from Champion Level 1
- Added new quest: Sung Mahi's Heart
Sung Mahi's Heart is required to enter Sung Mahi's Ruins and Sung Mahi's Tower. After completing the quest you can not enter anymore the following dungeons: Crystal Cave, Awakened Jotun Thrym
- Added new system: Glove System
You have to unlock your Glove Slot first with a quest from Master Chi. Gloves can be enchanted with Reinforce Glove, Glove Marble and Enchant Gloves
- Added new system: Mount System
There is a new passive skill Mount Level which you can level up to Lv. 40 with Fodder and via Stable Boy. Every 5 levels you can read one out of 16 possible Mount skills
- Added new system: Autohunt
Available via Itemshop. Usable for leveling up your character. While Autohunt is enabled you don't drop any items or yang!
- Added new map Bosses
Every Yohara Map has around 5 map bosses. Respawntime: 1 Hour
- Added new Equipment: Serpent Necklace, Serpent Earrings, Serpent Bracelet, Serpent Belt, Serpent Helmet, Serpent Shoes, Serpent Talisman, Serpent Shield, Serpent Armour, Serpent Weapon
Every Item except Serpent Weapon can only be enchanted with Yohara: Enchant Item. After crafting a new equipment except Weapon your bonuses will be removed! In addition you can create Yohara: Blessing items at Seon-Hae. Serpent Armour and Serpent Weapon can be upgraded up to +15

- Added new Upgrade Scroll
Seal of the Gods and Seal of the Gods+. New equipment can only be upgraded with this upgrade scrolls. Available at Blacksmith
- Added special Bonus System for Serpent Weapons and Armors
After creating a Serpent Weapon/Armor+0 it will get one out of three random bonuses which can have a different start value and will increase with further upgrading the item. Those bonuses can be changed with Serpent Enchant
- Added three new bonuses: Strong against Yohara Monsters/Metinstones/Bosses
Those bonuses work like the already known ones, but they just increase your damage at the Yohara continent
- Added new passive skill: Precision
Precision is required in order to not miss any hit at the Yohara Continent. Every Monster, Metinstone and Boss has a required value which you can check at the monster info
- Added expansion for the following passive skills up to Legendary Master: Dragon Power, Dragon Heart, Skill Duration
Every of the passive skills will get one additional bonus: Strong against Yohara Monsters/Metinstones/Bosses
- Added new Mounts
Available via itemshop. Can be combined together with White Lion-Seal/Battle Lion-Seal at Stable Boy. Only usable from Champion Level 1 and higher
- Added new Pets
Available via Itemshop. Can be combined together with Panther-Seal/Leopard-Seal at Stable Boy. Only usable from Champion Level 1 and higher
- Added new Ring
Available via Itemshop. Only usable from Champion Level 1 and higher
- Added four new Biologist Quests
First: Champion Level 1 | Second: Champion Level 10 | Third: Champion Level 20 | Fourth: Champion Level 30 - Rewards: 5x every Sung Mahi's Will value | 10% Strong against Yohara Bosses | 10% Strong against Yohara Monsters | 10% Strong against Yohara Metinstones
- Added new bonuses to Alastor Costumes
Alastor Weapons: 5% Strong against Yohara Metinstones, Alastor Armours: 5% Strong against Yohara Monsters, Alastor Hairstyle: 5% Strong agaisnt Yohara Bosses, Alastor Sash: 20% Chance to drop double items
- Added new bonus to Stone of Frost+5
Double Itemdrop +2% - With this bonus you can drop items twice e.g. double dungeon boss chest
- Added four new Dews and permanent version of Potion of Meteor
Available from Huahn-So.
- Added Experience Fish
Possible to catch with Carbon Fishing Rod
- Added new Yohara Experience Items
Yohara: Experience Ring, Yohara: Potion of Wisdom (1 Hour / 3 Hours), Yohara: Experience Bottle (usable until Champion Lv. 5 and grants +5% Experience)
- Added several new Questlines
Every map at the Yohara Continent has an own questline. There are some small quests and after completing the last quest you will get the final reward, which is worth a lot
- Added Scroll of the Location
Saves your position and you can return to the saved position afterwards. The saved position is getting displayed at a map shown at the item description. Available via Itemshop and Yohara Dungeon Bosses.
- Added new Ores
Available from Alchemist. Usable for Serpent Necklace, Serpent Bracelet, Serpent Earrings, Serpent Belt
- Added new Rankings
Destroyed Yohara Metinstones, Highest Damage Yohara Metinstones
- Added new Mission Books
Yohara Mission Book (General) available from Yohara map bosses. Yohara Mission Book (Dungeon) available from Yohara Dungeon Bosses. You can choose at which map/dungeon you want to get your mission!
- Reworked the inventory/costume inventory
Rings got moved into a new Push Item category at the costume inventory. Replaced old buttons with more modern tab category buttons
- Added new system: Equipment Trade Cooldown
There is now a daily limit of 4 trades for each equipment piece with Lv. 105 and above via trade window/offlineshop/guildstorage. It does not affect if you trade (only via trade window) the items to yourself.

- Disabled Atlantis for Champion Levels
- Disabled Daily Buff for Champion Levels
- Expanded Booster System for new Serpent Equipment
- The atlasmap of every map shows now the mapname
- Introduced a fee of 5kk Yang for the Shop Sort feature
- Aura Outfit does not go to costume inventory anymore
- Improved the double fish drop event
- The selected target effect will not be shown on yourself anymore.
- Removed the ability that you could copy an item-link in chat from somebody else and post it somewhere else

- Fixed a bug that some completed dungeons were not counting for guild ranking
- Fixed a client crash while double clicking on an itemlink
- Fixed a shop-search serverside crash
- Fixed that if you logout in a dungeon, that there was a chance that you login few hours later in the dungeon of somebody else
- Fixed a bug where you could deal more damage for one hit to get a higher rank at the damage ranking

Patchnotes 4.0.1

Since we received some good ideas from the community we did not hesitate and applied some of your ideas.

- Extended Atlantis Entry until Champion Lv. 5
- Added Skill Tree Reduction to Yohara Warden for Yang
- Added Small Tasty Treat as a drop to Exedyar
- Added Elemental Box to Exedyar Chest
- Added missing NPCs
- Added new Daily Missions for the Yohara Continent

- Added another buy option for Yohara: Thief's Glove
- Added Enchant Zodiac B-version as a Yohara metinstone drop
- Enchant Zodiac B-version can be exchanged for the tradeable version at Yohara Warden
- Small Tasty Treat can be exchanged for Enchant Zodiac b-version at Yohara Warden
- Increased Mysterious Stone and Will Topaz from Open World Bosses
- Increased the drop chance and amount of Will Topaz and Mysterious Stone from metinstones
- Removed Sheets from Yohara's Treasure (Low) and Yohara's Treasure (Medium)
- Added Mysterious Stone and Will Topaz to Yohara's Treasure (Low) and Yohara's Treasure (Medium)
- Improved the hitbox of Troll Outpost
- Added missing item descriptions

- Fixed the wrong icon for Autohunt (1 Day)
- Fixed the Sung Mahi Will status points
- Fixed the HP of one Yohara: Open World Boss
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Old 03/05/2023, 18:20   #741
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Wann entfernt ihr endlich diese behinderte Fischerei und Bergbaukacke aus dem Battlepass , so lächerlich das der Timewaste jeden Monat immer und immer wieder reinkommt.
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Old 03/07/2023, 12:43   #742
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Patchnotes 2.2.6

- Enchant Zodiac Shards can only be put into shop in a 1000 stack
- Increased the 100 buy option for Enchant Zodiac to 1000
- Adjusted mission book missions for Razador and Nemere
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Scales
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Claws
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Moonstone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Agate
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Titanium Dioxide
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Weapon Design (Low)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Wings
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Dragon Horn
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Bravery Medal (High)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Flame Stone

- Fixed a bug that you could not enter Hwang Temple via portal
- Fixed stage 27 in Wu Dungeon
- Fixed a bug with adding 6th/7th bonus
- Fixed a visual bug that full time boosters were displayed as expired
- Fixed a bug that pet skins for the pet system were not working properly

Patchnotes 4.0.2

- Astral Treasures have been removed from the Offline Shops

- Added Ritual Stone+ Shard, Element Ring, Frost Shard and Alastor Head to Astral Treasure
- Added Serpent Enchant, Glove Enchant and Enchant Zodiac exchangeable for Yohara: Enchant Item to Yohara Warden
- Added Mount Skill License to Stable Boy

- Added yang drop to monsters on Yohara maps
- Added a warning message before reaching Champion Lv. 5
- Adjusted the Sung Mahi Coins buy option in the tower shops
- Added Milbon Monk to Yohara Map
- Reduced the amount of required Exedyars and Sung Mahi Lords for daily missions
- Replaced Seal of the Gods ore with Magic Ritual Ore at Exedyar
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Sheets from Yohara's Treasure (Medium) and (High)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Red Hell Quartz
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Magic Ritual Ore
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Soul of Truth
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Wings
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Belt
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Armor Design
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Troll Horn
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Snake Scales
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Yohara: Enchant Item
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Magic Element Ore
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Sewing Pattern
- Removed the metin spawn nearby NPCs at Yohara maps

- Fixed a bug with Yohara biologist quests
- Fixed a bug with Mount Skills
- Fixed a bug that the max. damage dealt to Exedyar was not displayed
- Fixed the Lv. ranking
- Fixed horse skill display for Romanian language
- Fixed the map name for Sung Mahi's Heart quest
- Fixed the yang coupon sell prices
- Fixed a bug with guild skills
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Old 03/08/2023, 23:23   #743
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Patchnotes 2.2.7

- Added 115 as a max. drop level for General Yonghan at Grotto2
- Slightly decreased the range of archers at Akzadur and Exedyar dungeon
- Added a tooltip for the DM button
- Pressing the DM button without selecting a player will open an empty DM window

- Fixed a bug that bonuses for 6th/7th slot were not displayed in the switchbot
- Fixed misplaced items in the Wiki
- Fixed a bug that the tooltip of the reward Sash was not displayed in the Bonus Inclusion UI

Patchnotes 4.0.3

- Added Mount Reset Scroll to the Stable Boy
- Added Mount Reset Scroll to the itemshop
- Added Gaya NPCs to Yohara maps
- Added Sung Mahi shops to tower guide in the wiki
- Adjusted the "+" numbers for Serpent Talisman in the wiki
- Added Zodiac Armor Design back to Astral Treasure
- Added drops to dungeon side bosses of Exedyar and Sung Mahi's Ruins
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Pet Extension Book
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Fencing Pamphlet
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Heroic Pet Book
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Red Dye
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Epic Chaos Stone
- Added a tooltip for the DM button
- Pressing the DM button without selecting a player will open an empty DM window

- Fixed the numbers for breaking the curse at Sung Mahi Tower in the wiki
- Fixed a bug that the tooltip of the reward Sash was not displayed in the Bonus Inclusion UI
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Old 03/09/2023, 11:36   #744
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Was glaubt ihr ?
Auf welchem Server ist es einfacher voran zu kommen ?
Zeta oder Aeldra ?

Ich habe vor 2 Jahren ca. Aeldra gespielt und war kurz vor Zodiak müsste das gewesen sein.

Hat sich bis jetzt viel verändert und wurde es etwas vereinfacht ?
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Old 03/09/2023, 11:54   #745
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Originally Posted by TheGrinch970 View Post
Was glaubt ihr ?
Auf welchem Server ist es einfacher voran zu kommen ?
Zeta oder Aeldra ?

Ich habe vor 2 Jahren ca. Aeldra gespielt und war kurz vor Zodiak müsste das gewesen sein.

Hat sich bis jetzt viel verändert und wurde es etwas vereinfacht ?
hey, ich empfehle dir Aeldra.

-Mehr Spieler
-Schnellerer Progress.

Ansonsten würde ich definitiv auf den Event-Server von Zeta warten, das wird sich sicherlich lohnen
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Old 03/09/2023, 12:04   #746
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Originally Posted by TheGrinch970 View Post
Was glaubt ihr ?
Auf welchem Server ist es einfacher voran zu kommen ?
Zeta oder Aeldra ?

Ich habe vor 2 Jahren ca. Aeldra gespielt und war kurz vor Zodiak müsste das gewesen sein.

Hat sich bis jetzt viel verändert und wurde es etwas vereinfacht ?
Definitiv Aeldra.
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Old 03/10/2023, 21:09   #747
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Patchnotes 2.3.0

- The following items have been removed from the Offline Shops: Cor Draconis (Rough), Energy Fragment, Lucent Grey Powershard, Lucent Green Powershard, Lucent Yellow Powershard, Mithril, Fencing Pamphlet, Dragon Scales, Dragon Claw, Black Dye, Grey Dye, Sturdy Cords, Ore of the Blacksmith, Stone of the Blacksmith, Akzadur Chest, Jotun Chest, RX: Jotun Chest, RX: Razador Chest, RX: Nemere Chest, Nemere Chest, Razador Chest, all Talisman Boxes, Gold Buckle, Ring Element and Chain Link.

Event Info:
The following additional events got added for Zeta:
- 10.03. 16:00 CET (18:00 TSI) - 18:00 CET (20:00 TSI): Double Metin Loot
- 10.03. 18:00 CET (20:00 TSI) - 20:00 CET (22:00 TSI): Double Boss Loot
- 12.03. 16:00 CET (18:00 TSI) - 18:00 CET (20:00 TSI): Double Metin Loot
- 12.03. 18:00 CET (20:00 TSI) - 20:00 CET (22:00 TSI): Double Boss Loot

- Extended the Talisman System until +30
- Added additional bonuses to Talismans +26 to +30
Lightning Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Lightning, +5% Lightning Resistance, +5% Strong against Metinstones
Dark Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Darkness, +5% Darkness Resistance, +50 Attack Value
Ice Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Ice, +5% Ice Resistance, +15% Chance to drop double the items
Fire Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Fire, +5% Fire Resistance, +5% Defence against Monsters
Earth Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Earth, +5% Earth Resistance, +5% Strong against Bosses
Wind Talisman+30 - +30% Force of Wind, +5% Wind Resistance, +5% Strong against Monsters
- Added Elemental Bloom as a drop to Akzadur Chest, Jotun Chest and RX: Jotun Chest
- Added Elemental Ore as a drop to RX: Nemere Chest, RX: Razador Chest, Nemere Chest and Razador Chest
- Added Strong Element Talisman Boxes to Uriel's shop
- Added Ornament to Uriel's shop
- Added Element Blessing Scroll crafting to the Blacksmith

- The itemcount is now displayed at the item tooltip after the itemname in brackets e.g. Enchant Item (943)
- Slightly reduced the range of ranged monsters in the Zodiac dungeon
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Soul Stone+
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Ore of the Blacksmith
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Seal of the Gods
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Grey Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of White Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Sturdy Cords
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Weapon Design (Low)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Weapon Design (High)
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Titanium Dioxide
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Agate
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Moonstone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Armor Design
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Fencing Pamphlet
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Scales
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Claw
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Sewing Pattern
- Removed Aura Fire Rune as a drop from Exedyar Chest
- Removed Yang as a Chest drop from Meley Chest
- Removed Yang as a drop from Jotun Chest
- Removed Yang as a drop from Akzadur Chest

- Fixed a bug with teleporting to the RX: Dungeon NPC via Dungeon Timer

Patchnotes 4.0.4

- The itemcount is now displayed at the item tooltip after the itemname in brackets e.g. Enchant Item (943)
- The guild list displays players with their Champion Lv. now
- Improved Yohara Metinstone and Boss hitboxes
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Belt
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Armor Design
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Kyanite
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Padparadscha
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Fruit of the Gods
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Blue Dye
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Soul of the Truth
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Pet Extension Book
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Dragon Wings
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Troll Horn
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Snake Scales
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Serpent Stone
- Slightly increased the drop chance of Yohara: Researcher's Elixir
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Smoky Jadite
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Dark Jadite
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Northwind Glimmer Stone
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Magic Element Ore
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Sewing Pattern
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Red Dragon Horn
- Slightly decreased the drop chance of Red Dye
- Decreased the drop chance of Yohara: Blessing Fragment
- Removed the 600k Yang Coupon from Crystal Drake metinstones

- Fixed Sung Mahi Ruins drop redircetion in the wiki

We are pleased to introduce our new Event Server, Zeya!

It will be the first time that our Zeta server will have a temporary event server. With our permanent EXP event, boosted upgrade chances, and better drops, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the finest of Zeta! We also adjusted the starting set accordingly. More details will be available in the presentation and
at the -previews channel in our discord.

As with all our event servers, you can also expect new features on our Zeya server. We've gained a lot of experience in the past and received many suggestions from our amazing community, which was incredibly helpful and essential for the new features and adjustments. Therefore, some new systems and features will be introduced on our Zeya server, and many of these will be implemented later in our Zeta server as well.

Class adjustments have been made to adjust the balance for warrior and sura so that these classes can be used for late-game dungeons, besides the well-known ninja, which will still be the best.

Our Ramadan and Easter events will debut on Zeya first, 1 week prior to Aeldra and Zeta. Keep an eye on our -preview channel for the latest news

Server Launch
The Zeya launch is set for 31.03.2023, which will last for approximately 2 months. After the first month, we will announce the exact merge date.

For those of you who don't know what Zeya is, here's an explanation:
Zeya is a temporary Event Server version of the current Zeta server, which will last approximately 2 months. After this time, Zeya will be merged with the Main Zeta server.

The goal is to give people who would like to play Zeta but are discouraged from playing on a server that has been up for a while the opportunity to start on a fresh, new server and catch up quickly.

Starting a new server is one of the most exciting things. After 3 successful Sigma launches for our Aeldra server, we want to bring the Event Server experience for our Zeta players and simultaneously ensure a constant flow of new players. We will repeat this event server at certain intervals and constantly improve it based on the experience and feedback we gain with each server.

Zeya will be accessible via the same client as Zeta and Aeldra, and you can also use your existing Zeta and Aeldra accounts on Zeya (Accounts only, no characters). It saves you from creating new accounts and allows us to merge the servers later.

The name "Zeya" is dedicated to one of our former developers who left a significant impression on this project. Some of his incredible features are one reason for Aeldra's success.

A seperated presentation for Zeya will be posted soon
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Old 03/14/2023, 20:43   #748
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Welche Klasse sollte man dann auf dem Event Server Spielen ? Krieger / Ninja ?
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Old 03/14/2023, 21:49   #749

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Originally Posted by Slaxxie View Post
Welche Klasse sollte man dann auf dem Event Server Spielen ? Krieger / Ninja ?
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Old 03/14/2023, 22:03   #750
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Ok danke
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